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I've never seen Star Wars


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Things I havnt done but fully intend to do.

Fly a glider.

Freefall parachute, have done so with an instructor but would like to be qualified and jump solo

Ditto parapente although hopefully without a massive accident this time.

Kayak the length of the Somme river/canal - hopefully next year.

Cycle (most of) the length of France, possibly next year as the Tour de France goes through Eymet.


Have an intimate relationship with a woman of dark skin.

Sell up almost everything and travel the world by yacht.


Things I have done and dont really care if I dont do again.

Be a racing driver.

Bungee jumping.

Climb beyond 5800 metres altitude.


Roller skating.

Working for a company or customers [:D]

The one thing that I never want to do is use the phrase bucket list, I hate it for some reason, drat! I just have used it!

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 People may say what they have done, but there are frankly things I have done I would far rather forget. [:-))]

I suppose that the only big things I would really love to do would be if I won the grande cagnotte on the lotto...... call it dreaming and nothing wrong with that as long as it doesn't cloud everyday life.

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Unless I missed it, it would appear that there is one thing (by it being omitted from their lists) that people are doing, MMORPG/gaming so much we take it for granted.

If there are enough of us with the DLC for BF4 we should form a squad and kick some b**t on China Rising!

FPS yes, but mmorpg no, neither Minecraft.
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Betty I took the word ""normal"" from your original post.

I have no agenda, if I am going to be cyber stalked by a friend of felines, I feel I have the right to reply.

Chancer, my point exactly. Playing computer games must be so far off the horizon of all the posters that the very thought of mmorpg (massive mulitplayer on line role playing games), FPS (first person shooter) DLC (downloadable content). BF4 (Battle Field 4) as normal activities had not occurred. These games cost multi millions to develop and have a massive following - but evidently not here.

Minecraft is a very peaceful building game, that is free and also has a huge following (including our two teenage sons which is why I know a little bit about this alternative world).

All tongue in cheek of course, no criticism implied or implicated.
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Gotcha and point taken!

Yes what seems "normal" to many presumably retired on this and other forums often seems completely alien to me, like pro-actively wanting to pay CGT the sale of the family homes in the UK when it is not deducted automatically and going to great efforts to do so, paying taxes in France on an inheritance or pension lump sum recieved to name but two.

Equally your posting has made me realise how totally out of touch I am with what the young view as normal despite kidding myself that I am.

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I don't play games on my mobile phone. OK I have a couple of applications I use like weather and the diary but basically I use it to make phone calls.

I do admit to having a Wii with one of those board things. I only have two games disks and they only time it comes out is at Christmas.

I don't have a Twitter or Facebook account either, I don't see any point. If I want to be social I go visit or invite people visit me. The only 'social media' account I have is with Photobucket but that is only so I can share a photo with this forum.

I see now that with Apple and Android phones/tablets there is software that comes preloaded that allows you to post to all social media and send SMS messages simultaneously. All I can say is that if you feel the need to do this then you must have a very sad boring life. I have wondered that perhaps in the future we may all lose the ability to speak as it will, by the use of social networking, become extinct. We shall just end up staying in our shed, barrel or whatever, never go out and spend all our time bashing away on our keyboards.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Things I havnt done but fully intend to do.

Fly a glider.

Freefall parachute, have done so with an instructor but would like to be qualified and jump solo

Ditto parapente although hopefully without a massive accident this time.

Kayak the length of the Somme river/canal - hopefully next year.

Cycle (most of) the length of France, possibly next year as the Tour de France goes through Eymet.


Have an intimate relationship with a woman of dark skin.

Sell up almost everything and travel the world by yacht.

Are you Action Man or Son of Action Man, Chancer?


Things I have done and dont really care if I dont do again.

Be a racing driver.

Bungee jumping.

Climb beyond 5800 metres altitude.


Roller skating.

Working for a company or customers [:D]

The one thing that I never want to do is use the phrase bucket list, I hate it for some reason, drat! I just have used it!

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Found it!

I am neither, just a late developer.

When all my rugged pals (who also got all the girls) were into this sort of stuff I couldnt do any of it as I when I tried I was tetanised by fear.

21 years old, booked a ski holiday with my friends, peer pressure and all that, went to a dry ski slope for a try out, have you ever tried going downhill on ski's with every muscle completely rigid? Well I have and its a sure fire recipe for disaster, I made some lame excuses and cancelled the holiday, same story for roller and ice skating.

Heres the weird thing, when I did a bungy jump I also didnt have the courage to leap into the unknown, they pushed me! But when I did the tandem skydive I can honestly say that never in my life have I ever felt so relaxed and at peace than when plummeting downards at terminal velocity, I can analyse it all I want and only come up with that I had no fear of self, it was all out of my hands and down to the instructor. No exaggeration I was 100 times more relaxed than I had ever been.

When I did papapente (paragliding I think) in the Andes we had a massive accident/crash on take off and I was badly injured, he did manage to get us airborn but I was in severe pain, then the adrenaline and endorphines kicked in and I had a similar sort euphoria, I have never taken drugs but it must be similar, I was so far gone that I wanted to unclip the harness and fly with the birds, that scared the instructor more than what injuries I might have sustained.

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