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Is the US totally sick?


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I always find it strange how much the americans cling to their amendments to the constitution.  Surely an amendment is just that, amending what was written, and NOT written in stone.

And I would think that those that wrote the constitution never intended the right to bear arms to mean other than people to arm themselves against the 'english'. 

I think that they should change it to the 'right to bare arms'. That would be much better![Www]

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I have looked at Charles Vacca's Facebook Page. I did feel a little like a voyeur.

The man was obsessed with guns and the Second Amendment. (He also seemed to like Top Gear. Enough said.)

I wonder if he had time to consider the irony of the manner of his death?

What is also unfortunate is that due to the USA's constitution, which almost by design makes the country ungovernable, no president is ever likely to get any Congress to rescind the Second Amendment.

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What is the old expression? Something like what you sow you reap? To let a 9 year old child handle a weapon purely designed to kill people is pure madness. It's pure madness for anyone outside the armed forces, but a 9 year old?

The parents need a bleedin good thumping and now their little girl will have to carry that throughout her life and she is the only person that I have any feeling of regret for!

Untill our trans Atlantic cousins grow up it will not end there.

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Jonzjob wrote:

'and now their little girl will have to carry that throughout her life and she is the only person that I have any feeling of regret for!'

I wonder. Whilst not all Americans have guns and there are areas where guns are not a problem other areas seem to be awash with guns and shootings - perhaps she will carry it as a badge of honour and do not mess with me.

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Jonzjob wrote:

'and now their little girl will have to carry that throughout her life and she is the only person that I have any feeling of regret for!'

I'm sure that she will told some tripe like: "Jesus loved him so much that he wanted him in Heaven. You have just helped him on his way."

There has now been another accidental killing. A TV crew member making a real life programme about policing was shot in a restaurant by a police officer. The supposed perpetrator was also shot dead. He had been carrying something that sounded like a technologically advanced peashooter.

Life is cheap in the USA.

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