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Calling Cendrillon


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Cendrillon, your email has been compromised.

I am alerting you to this and those of us on the Forum who do exchange emails with you.

I have had the usual spiel in an email, supposedly from you, saying that you and your family are trapped in an hotel in Turkey, blah, blah, blah and that you need to pay your bill before you are allowed to leave.

Because I have had a similar email supposedly from another Forum member, I now think it best to tell people here on the open Forum.

There, you dishonest blackguard, as David Niven might say in one of his famous war roles, look out if you are reading this message![:D][:P]

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Mint, I had two emails from 'Cendrillon' this morning! Almost word for word the same as one I had recently from a friend who lives in Paris too. I emailed the real Cendrillon this morning. I really could do something nasty to this sort of individual if they could be caught, involving pointed-toed shoes and some round things that men have and we don't!  [:D]

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Thanks both of you. I am quietly tearing my hair out over this matter. umpteen phone calls and emails but have not received yours GG

Pleased to report that I am safe and well and not in need of assistance though if anyone has cash to spare do let me know !

Not sure what I can do about the hacking, I think I have emailed yahoo but no response from them. Worst of all I have lost all my addresses in my yahoo contacts so please when you have time (any of you who have usual email contact with me) email me your address so that I can be in touch again.

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A slight digression but as I read this thread a scene in the Nags Head came in to mind whereby all bar one of the people were saying that only an idiot would send money and Trigger of the view 'that we should send some money to help.
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'I really can't see who in their right mind would send funds for an email request such as this'

Very very few but it is very easy with stolen email addresses to merge personalised data in to emails and send out thousands so they ony need a small fraction of 1% to respond and they are doing very nicely. Perhaps, the very elderly are most likely to respond.
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[quote user="PaulT"]'I really can't see who in their right mind would send funds for an email request such as this'

Very very few but it is very easy with stolen email addresses to merge personalised data in to emails and send out thousands so they ony need a small fraction of 1% to respond and they are doing very nicely. Perhaps, the very elderly are most likely to respond.[/quote]

Paul, how right you are!

The first email I had just didn't sound right to me but only because I knew the person and it was uncharacteric.  However, like you say, they knew personal details and referred to a matter which only close friends of the person would have known.

As to the very elderly, I suppose I would have to include OH.  But that would be unfair; he's just a soft touch due to his generous, kind and caring nature[:D]  He was all for me ringing somebody to check out that no money was needed..............rolls eyes.

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[quote user="mint"]

to include OH ... he's just a soft touch due to his generous, kind and caring nature[:D]  He was all for me ringing somebody to check out that no money was needed.


It was when a dear, older and very generous friend, who with his OH has a holiday home near us, rang us to ask how he could urgently get money to a friend of his (+ wife) in Spain as they were in terrible trouble having been robbed of their wallets and their passports. Apparently they needed money urgently for blah blah.

When I heard this friend had sent his appeal by email I said it might be a scam but friend Bill wouldn't believe it. In the end Bill contacted a third party for verification of whereabouts of troubled friend to find that this contact had rec'd the very same email so it was then that Bill began to accept what had really happened. When contacted the troubled friend was found to be safe and sound at home in the UK and somewhat aghast to discover how his name had been used.


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