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Not "Happy Easter"


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My family never said Happy Easter and I can never remember it being used as a child. To the extent that I feel uncomfortable when it is used these days.

My reply so far has been "Happy Spring Break" which seems acceptable, though"Happy Fertility Festival" does raise some eyebrows.

Do you say Happy Easter or something else or just, like the sadly missed Norman just mumble and growl?
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Hein, never heard of Happy Easter, what would that be about?  Not really based on a happy day anyway is it, a bloke amongst thousands being put to death on a cross, hardly 'gay' in the old and good sense of the word.

Happy Fertility Festival........hmmmm, was it ever that?[blink]

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I feel a bit sheepish now and more than a bit apologetic but, the fact is, I am having a very happy day!

The sun is shining and I am "très bien dans mes baskets"!

In the last couple of days alone, I have met up with some folk from this very forum and we have "passé un bon moment".  The kitchen installer has asked about my intentions and I have plucked up courage to ask why he is charging me the astronomical sum he is asking.

Only yesterday, I have found a new walking group and I am thrilled that I shall be able to nordic walk twice a week and I shall be spending time with some like-minded spirits.

My garden is full of cowslips and violets and my dog and my husband seem well content after our Easter lunch.

I have had some wine at said lunch and eaten chocolate till I have to stop.  What is not to like?


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"Happy Easter" makes me uncomfortable too. The last few days, I have been wished it at the end of shop transactions and even a restaurant meal.

But when I passed my local parish church last night, the notice about the collection of paschal vigils and special services ended with "HAPPY EASTER!" In caps and with an exclamation mark.

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[quote user="idun"]Hein, never heard of Happy Easter, what would that be about?  Not really based on a happy day anyway is it, a bloke amongst thousands being put to death on a cross, hardly 'gay' in the old and good sense of the word.


It is a celebration of the Resurrection.

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Only for Christians, NM, but it is really the highjacked festival of Estre which was a fertility and equinox festival whose symbol was the rabbit (and all that is implied by that admirable animal).

It is not mentioned at all in the Bible.

Another heathen takeover of our ancient cultures!
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Done is a battle on the dragon black,

Our champion Christ confoundit has his force;

The yetis of hell are broken with a crack,

The sign triumphal raisit is of the cross,

The devillis trymmillis with hiddous voce,

The saulis are borrowit and to the bliss can go,

Christ with his bloud our ransonis dois indoce:

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro.

Dungan is the deidly dragon Lucifer,

The cruewall serpent with the mortal stang;

The auld kene tiger, with his teith on char,

Whilk in a wait has lyen for us so lang,

Thinking to grip us in his clawis strang;

The merciful Lord wald nocht that it were so,

He made him for to failye of that fang.

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro.

He for our saik that sufferit to be slane,

And lyk a lamb in sacrifice was dicht,

Is lyk a lion risen up agane,

And as a gyane raxit him on hicht;

Sprungen is Aurora radious and bricht,

On loft is gone the glorious Apollo,

The blissful day departit fro the nicht:

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro.

The grit victour again is rissen on hicht,

That for our querrell to the deth was woundit;

The sun that wox all pale now shynis bricht,

And, derkness clearit, our faith is now refoundit;

The knell of mercy fra the heaven is soundit,

The Christin are deliverit of their wo,

The Jowis and their errour are confoundit:

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro.

The fo is chasit, the battle is done ceis,

The presone broken, the jevellouris fleit and flemit;

The weir is gon, confermit is the peis,

The fetteris lowsit and the dungeon temit,

The ransoun made, the prisoneris redeemit;

The field is won, owrecomen is the fo,

Dispuilit of the treasure that he yemit:

Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro.

William Dunbar
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Good Friday, 1613. Riding Westward

Let mans Soule be a Spheare, and then, in this,

The intelligence that moves, devotion is,

And as the other Spheares, by being growne

Subject to forraigne motion, lose their owne,

And being by others hurried every day,

Scarce in a yeare their naturall forme obey:

Pleasure or businesse, so, our Soules admit

For their first mover, and are whirld by it.

Hence is't, that I am carryed towards the West

This day, when my Soules forme bends toward the East.

There I should see a Sunne, by rising set,

And by that setting endlesse day beget;

But that Christ on this Crosse, did rise and fall,

Sinne had eternally benighted all.

Yet dare I'almost be glad, I do not see

That spectacle of too much weight for mee.

Who sees Gods face, that is selfe life, must dye;

What a death were it then to see God dye?

It made his owne Lieutenant Nature shrinke,

It made his footstoole crack, and the Sunne winke.

Could I behold those hands which span the Poles,

And tune all spheares at once peirc'd with those holes?

Could I behold that endlesse height which is

Zenith to us, and our Antipodes,

Humbled below us? or that blood which is

The seat of all our Soules, if not of his,

Made durt of dust, or that flesh which was worne

By God, for his apparell, rag'd, and torne?

If on these things I durst not looke, durst I

Upon his miserable mother cast mine eye,

Who was Gods partner here, and furnish'd thus

Halfe of that Sacrifice, which ransom'd us?

Though these things, as I ride, be from mine eye,

They'are present yet unto my memory,

For that looks towards them; and thou look'st towards mee,

O Saviour, as thou hang'st upon the tree;

I turne my backe to thee, but to receive

Corrections, till thy mercies bid thee leave.

O thinke mee worth thine anger, punish mee,

Burne off my rusts, and my deformity,

Restore thine Image, so much, by thy grace,

That thou may'st know mee, and I'll turne my face.
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Woolybanana wrote:

Only for Christians, NM, but it is really the highjacked festival of Estre which was a fertility and equinox festival whose symbol was the rabbit (and all that is implied by that admirable animal).

It is not mentioned at all in the Bible.

Another heathen takeover of our ancient cultures



Any references for that?

I was always taught that Easter was Easter because of the Jewish Passover and was closely linked to the crucifixion, and which is dependent upon the phases of the moon - hence Easter is not a fixed date.

And yes Idun as has been stated, Easter is not about death or execution, but is a celebration of resurrection and is therefore a Happy event for Christians - and I am not.
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OK, if that is what people believe. I thought that the resurrection was later, actually, the following week, but as a child it did not make sense and still doesn't.

I did think that most christian festivals came from olde festivals that predated, ie  christmas has variable dates even within those groupings that believe in Jesus.

And frankly saying that, I do remember that we were told that Jesus was in Jerusalem for the passover, so why doesn't easter follow that, shouldn't it??? surely that is something that could be followed???? Doesn't bother me really what people decide to do.  I like the idea of a fertility festival, our ancestors were obviously very sensible people, and I'm far more interested in 'life' than an imaginary afterlife.

Interesting program on this week about the great flood and the boat that was built........ all babylonian well before the bible, in fact other bible stories that were well known to the jewish people living there were also mentioned, ie a babe put into a basket and into the river! Anyway, on this program, they built a copy of the boat, original plans said it was round, and that is what they built and it floated, well just about![Www]

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Our family wasn't hugely religious, but it was always an occasion for wishing people 'Happy Easter' and I'm quite happy to wish it to people still. However, I've never given or sent Easter cards but always received one from my SIL, who also wasn't particularly religious, and I always thought it a bit odd. This is the first Easter since she died, and I really missed that card from her.

Re: Easter being a sad or happy occasion, the bible says

'on the third day he rose again' - therefore, a joyful day for Christians.
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[quote user="grumpyaudeman"]Hi

Easter is from Eastre , from Eostre whose sacred animal was a Hare. Rabbits have nothing to do with this festival

As for one poor soul, it was not happy Easter but who said hang on to those buns I will be back on Monday[/quote]

Been reading your Gardian?

Very upsetting as I have always liked stories of jews nailed to anything especially when they invent the greatest sales pitch of Christianity. They pinch facts from all over the ancient world and stich them together and people study and get degrees and doctorates about a bloody story book.

Back to enjoy my chocolate egg.

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[quote user="Théière"][quote user="grumpyaudeman"]Hi

Easter is from Eastre , from Eostre whose sacred animal was a Hare. Rabbits have nothing to do with this festival

As for one poor soul, it was not happy Easter but who said hang on to those buns I will be back on Monday[/quote]

Been reading your Gardian?

Very upsetting as I have always liked stories of jews nailed to anything especially when they invent the greatest sales pitch of Christianity. They pinch facts from all over the ancient world and stich them together and people study and get degrees and doctorates about a bloody story book.

Back to enjoy my chocolate egg.


I'm right in there with you TP [8-|] I notice that France and Italy don't celebrate Good Friday. I can understand Italy as it were they what nailed him up there and I suppose that France just followed?

A slight diversion for a mo.. Something that has always fascinated me? The old days of JC, if a woman committed adultry she was stoned to death. Now Mary tells Jo that she is pregnant, but not with his child. With it so far. Then she goes on to say that it's OK because she is bearing the son of god and, apparently, Jo must have said oh well, if that is the case then it's OK.

On a lighter and much more pleasing note


Happy Easter to all of you!!

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

I'm right in there with you TP [8-|] I notice that France and Italy don't celebrate Good Friday. I can understand Italy as it were they what nailed him up there and I suppose that France just followed?

A slight diversion for a mo.. Something that has always fascinated me? The old days of JC, if a woman committed adultry she was stoned to death. Now Mary tells Jo that she is pregnant, but not with his child. With it so far. Then she goes on to say that it's OK because she is bearing the son of god and, apparently, Jo must have said oh well, if that is the case then it's OK.

On a lighter and much more pleasing note


Happy Easter to all of you!!


Er..............ITALIANS nailed him up???  I thought it was the Jews, with Roman involvement, under Pontius Pilate?

BTW, don't they still stone people in parts of the Middle East, and for being all sorts of things besides an adulterer?

Beheadings, burnings, etc, still prevalent.  Islam being roughly 500 years younger than Christianity, they are just doing stuff that Christians did 500 years earlier.  They have some catching up to do but they will eventually become "civilised"?

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Oh? I was under the impression that it were they Roman sowgers what nailed 'im up after he were shopped by the jews?

We are often have a couple of Jehovahs Witnesses stop at our gate and I go and have a chat with them. The first time I laid down the rules that if they tried to convert me then I would try to convert them. We have had some very interesting chats. One day one asked me what I thought of the bible? I told him that I thought that it was one of the best story books ever written and that if there was a 'history' written today about an event that happened 300 years or so back with no written history, just purely Chinese whispers, then how accurate do they think that it would be? Even if the same was done about WW1 just using word of mouth then we would have a completely different story to the acutallity. Add to that the 'pick&mix done by the catholic church and who the hell knows what happened?

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Since Good Friday (vendredi saint) is not a JF here in France I will never understand, even though the secular is divided from the religious in this catholic state ... though Easter IS a happy occasion, as the resurection of Jesus from the cross is the basis of the Christian faith, rather than Christmas, which is just the beginning of the story.

Waiting to be "neggied" by those non-religious devotees of this forum.

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I have no idea what neggied means.

Non religious, not even sure what that means either to be honest, in fact there is so much that I don't understand in this life.

I know people without a religion who believe there  is some sort of diety, higher power, are they non religious?? I have plenty of friends who believe, christians and jews, I take it that they are religious.

I simply don't believe a word of any of it and certainly not in a higher power, so am I a disbeliever, rather than non religious.

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Id, I think that by "neggied" Judith means that someone will say negative things to her.

I don't think I am religious in the sense that I don't go to mosque, temple or church.  I do believe, however, that there MUST be some Higher Authority.

When I go for a walk and see all nature's things about me, when I think of the universe and our earth in orbit (so small and so insignificant) indeed when I go for a blood test, say, and realise the complexities of the human body, I am forced to conclude that there is a design somewhere.

Not sure that I believe in life after death as I have never met anyone who has died and returned to tell me all about it.  If there were life afterwards, I am attracted to the buddhist view on re-incarnation.  At least, I think that is the fairest view of all, be méchant here and you'll come back to a wretched life but be kind to others and you might come back as...............I'm not sure, a cat in a good home?


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As far as I am awaire I have never neggied anyone what ever it means, nor possied either come to think of it?

Mint, it's really easy lass. The spirit, not the kind you chuck down yer neque, is a form of energy. As we all know, energy can't be destroyed, changed yes, but never destroyed. So when you pop-yer-clogs your spirit reformed to pure energy and will re-emerge as something different. Energy isn't alive or dead it just is. Therefore there can't be life after death, but your spirit will return. Maybe as a tree or anything.

Nature is such a wonderful thing init [:D]

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