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The nursing home sounds good, Norman, but yes, watch out for those extra-nasty mozzies - maybe they'll have some Dettol or something you can use lavishly, they surely can't like those medical-type smells!

The ordinary mozzies are bad enough if they get at me, then there's wasps, whose stings I'm allergic to. Here's something to maybe make you chuckle a bit - last weekend I was stung by a wasp, managed to get to the bedroom and grab my epipen, although we now get some called 'Jext' in UK, so it was a new one to me. I swiped at my thigh and pressed the plunger - which went into my thumb! In my almost passing out state I'd had it the wrong way round! My husband arrived a few minutes later, phoned SAMU, who said to go immedately to the docteur de garde in Rue du Docteur Garde - a good thing I was in a thinking mode at that point so I could understand that. All was well after all the attention - my icy thumb eventually had blood back in it and the big navy blue area at the end is a distant memory. I shan't be making that mistake again in a hurry!

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Which might well be a mirror image of Norman, so be careful you are not swatting yourself. I would recommend carrying round a foto of a nasty mossie; when it appears, get it to sit still while you compare it with the foto, then, if it seems a bad one, lay the tennis racquet killer over it and listen to it grill.
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[quote user="Loiseau"]Oh well, enjoy the rest, Norman. At least those pesky moustiques should be easy to spot; stripey and with big teeth and claws I imagine!


Oh, Angela, even I remember from elementary classroom lessons that mosquitoes don't have teeth or claws!  They have a thing called a probocis, duh![geek]

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Pedicure - surely, even in France you dont get your pedes done on the health service? Disgusting I call it. Just goes to prove that in the south they have no morals!

Glad you are enjoying it. I'll think of you when I tuck into fresh lobster this evening!
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Am now able to rollator down to the sea front (in 30°) and have a little ice-cream.

It's a hard régime post-operatoire in France..



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Well I am almost jealous Norman, seaside, sun and ice cream, I had to make do with compotes and a 10 foot square room with no outlook at Bordeaux. Glad to see  you are able to get out and about, I am guessing your recuperation must be going to plan. Hope you can manage more than just ice cream at the moment, but it is a slow process this post-op recovery lark. I had my first alcohol for 3 months last week, just to see if I still like it of course.[;-)]
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Hello Norman, my complications, well, I had a CT scan 2 weeks ago and saw my surgeon again at Bordeaux last week. The inflammation on my pancreas has reduced to 50% of what it was, the surgeon didn't seem to be concerned and said I can eat and drink normally again.

The CT scan included my first 3 month check-up which thankfully turned out to be clear, no secondary spread, really good news.

Unfortunately on the pooping front things are still really bad, probably going between 15-20 times a day still, it is really dragging me down at the moment. The surgeon told me it will take at least 6 months for any improvement, and in my case it could be nearer 12 months after what my body had been through. Something to look forward to.

So really good news that CT scan was clear, better news on the pancreas, but pooping wise still horrendous.

Hope you are getting stronger each day now, and will be able to return home sometime soon in the future. Hope you enjoyed your ice cream!
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The complications are a damn nuisance, but when you think that your cancer is clear you must be delighted.

It took my system a long time to settle down but it was a bit different as I had the stoma for 6 months so in a way that problem was diverted.

I also had the good news on Monday that I don't need chemotherapy as the surgeon is confident that the tumour he cut out of my liver was well 'differenncié'   i.e. contained ..

Looks as if we are both on the way back up :)

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Really glad to hear both your good news. You have really cheered  me up with your news. I had a bit of health scare myself recently but fortunately I have been given the all clear earlier this week and it is really nice to hear that other people have also had good news
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It sounds as though all 3 of you are lucky, so good to hear this good news. We celebrated a year since my cancer op by going out for a lovely meal last week. Our toast each time we have a drink since last year has been '' better health'; I'll think of the 3 of you in our toast at lunch tomorrow. We're all very lucky.
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[quote user="gardengirl "]It sounds as though all 3 of you are lucky, so good to hear this good news. We celebrated a year since my cancer op by going out for a lovely meal last week. Our toast each time we have a drink since last year has been '' better health'; I'll think of the 3 of you in our toast at lunch tomorrow. We're all very lucky.[/quote]I will raise my glass to "Good health and happiness" for all my friends both real and in cyberspace.
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That's great news Norman, so pleased for you, you really do deserve a break after all you have been through. Yes I guess we are both on the way back up, to be cancer free is all that we can ask for at this moment in time, will just have to see what the future brings.

Rabbie thanks for your good wishes, glad to of been of assistance in cheering you up!

gardengirl glad to hear you have been clear for a year now, long may it continue. Quite happy to join in with the toast, here's to 'better health', cheers. Yes we are all very lucky.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello Norman, just popping in to see how you are progressing. Whilst I am sure it sounds nice to be recuperating by the sea, and to have nice weather at the moment, if your room is not air conditioned I am guessing things could be a little uncomfortable heat wise at the moment.

Have you been given any indication when you are likely to be able to go home? Or are you already at home, I hope so.

Wishing you all the best for your continued recovery.
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