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Complete France Forum

oh, what a massive surprise


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Well done Hoddy, splendid chap, lurking until the right moment. Guess you would be an excellent moderator if we could find some chums to keep you in lollipops.

However, may I suggest that we really could do with some fresh blood - Norman has emptied the veins of every virgin in the Midi and Chancer tells me that they have booze in their veins round his area, so, guys and gals, go forth and multiply, get hold of some of the many Brits who are not members of the forum and be nice to them, get them to join (Norman, put your false teeth in and do not start to slaver if they have daughters).

Thus will we flourish.

Oh, and some of you that don't post very much, get entering up and blathering and you never know, it might change your life, or at least make your life lighter, wealthier (oh yeah!) and longer. There is a deep fount of knowledge on this forum to be drunken from and added to, and we also have out very own Norman (use along, long spoon and metal gloves if feeding).
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[quote user="Quillan"] .........................No support from Archant at all for the members which is really disgraceful, let alone no support for the moderators of which it appears I am the only one left ....................


Well, as we can see, Hoddy is still around, how about Russethouse, Clair and Cat?

It doesn't seem long since I saw posts from them, and maybe they just look in without posting, which might be better than having someone who leaps on anyone who makes a remark which doesn't agree with their personal views.

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By and large the mods have used a very light touch recently, compared to the days when battle royal broke out, which is much better really. Who remembers the days of Dick and Mickey, the latter really having a go at Quillan, whilst the former rose like an old trout to the bait again and again, with both nostrils flaming.

Recently there have been flare ups but they have largely burnt themselves out with a mimimum of mod, though of course there might have been some behind the scenes action we don't know about.

My only problem is that new posters are sometimes given a rough ride which is a bit unnecessary, chaps, even if they do seem a bit pratesque largely because inexperienced on the forum and about France. So, go easy until they have been settled in, then we will let Norman the attack dog loose on them.
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Well five minutes late but I thought I would give people a little extra time to decide if they want to help moderate and run the forum but sadly only one person put their name forward. As Hoddy popped in for the first time in a month or two I thought it only polite to pass the persons details on to her and let her decide. Quite frankly for all the prostrating by many over the years and all this rubbish about supporting the forum I would have expected a lot more than just one. Seems people are quite happy to take but not to give, sad really.


I shall no longer be a member, I told Hoddy she can 'ban' me if she wants, it's up to her but I won't be posting anymore as I can read what I want without being a member.


I do hope the forum continues (really) and after 13 odd years as a member I have seen a lot of people come and go and gained a lot of very useful information from it. I think somebody was referring to Miki when they said Micky or whatever and whilst it was a unanimous decision by all the moderators to ban him I do owe him a lot of gratitude for the help he gave me in setting up my business for which I will be forever grateful.


As to those that have contacted me over the last 24 hours, thanks.


Goodbye and good luck.



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.......... I am trying to cook a family meal so .........

Briefly I don't think that it is within the remit of the present moderators to decide who should join them.

In my opinion that should be Forum Admin.

The chances of of them replying tonight are pretty slim I should have thought. It might be an idea for people to take a long hard think.

In the meantime, may I remind everyone again to report any post which they find offensive. If that had been done early on Saturday most of this unpleasantness could have been avoided.

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[quote user="Quillan"]

Well five minutes late but I thought I would give people a little extra time to decide if they want to help moderate and run the forum but sadly only one person put their name forward. As Hoddy popped in for the first time in a month or two I thought it only polite to pass the persons details on to her and let her decide. Quite frankly for all the prostrating by many over the years and all this rubbish about supporting the forum I would have expected a lot more than just one. Seems people are quite happy to take but not to give, sad really



Pity you won't be posting any more as I am truly puzzled as to what exactly you mean to say?

And no need for a put-down parting shot, Q.  Go by all means but do it graciously and with a modicum of dignity, don't you think?

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This forum is so 'lumpy on my PC nothing happens quickly and its clear that I have missed notifications, although I have been away in Cornwall.

However since 'something' is going on I am going to try and catch up.

My personal situation has changed in so far as my mother died (she was 94 and frankly ready to go ) and my OH has retired. We have had a busy year but things should calm down over the next couple of weeks. Furthermore with the chancellor having a pop at buy to let landlords and annuity rules changing I can foresee that buying n France may once again be popular and in turn the forum be busier again......

I'll be back [;-)]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Is it really Xmas; I wonder how the people in refugee camps plus Calais feel about that? Probably all have trees and new tents and turkey.....[/quote]

My views on that would probably see me banned ! Enough to say I'm happy to give money to refugees but you will never see me donating to the Calais camps...

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 I too can foresee more people posting in the future and an increase in purchases in France............ as the £ remains stronger than it has been in a long time and as you said the chancellor may make it look like the grass is greener.

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[quote user="mint"][quote user="Quillan"] ............. Quite frankly for all the prostrating by many over the years ................... [/quote]

Pity you won't be posting any more as I am truly puzzled as to what exactly you mean to say?


I think the poor guy meant "posturing"

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NM, I knew exactly what he meant[:D]  I was just being sarcastic and provocative[:$]

The only time I have seen someone prostrating themselves was when I saw a childhood friend being received into a convent in Surrey and there was this religious ceremony in the presence of the bishop where all the postulants (or novices or whatever the accurate term is) had to lie face down on the floor whilst blessings were called on them and prayers said over them.

So I knew he could hardly have meant that.............ha, ha, ha, ha![6]

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As the guy is no longer seen as a figure of authority maybe he should be cut some slack like the rest of us for typos, I also knew exactly what he meant and thought that it wasnt the right word but could not recall the correct one in English until you posted.


I have lost so much English vocabulary that I now read French books and force myself to translate them to English in my head requiring several consultations of the EN/FR dictionary per page, at first it was the other way round, I did not know the vocabulary and could not follow the sense, I needed the dictionary to find the words in English and was following the story in my head en English, now I follow the story in French, I can read a French book as fast as an English one when thinking in French but to translate it to English is a real struggle and takes lots of time, a book will last a several weeks rather than a few days.


So I dont think he is a "poor chap" at all.

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Is beyond the bounds to grant Q our thanks and best wishes for the years of unpaid work, we all have disagreements and various points of view but I just don't like playground type mentality towards some when they decide to pack it in.

Those taking the mick should step up to the plate and then we could all judge them after many years at it. It's not good, it's certainly not clever.

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He and I had the odd disagreement but by and large he was fair and straight. I do think he will be missed here though and am sorry he has gone.

The manner of his going still confuses me, particularly the finality. Perhaps comments were made which I did not notice that may have gone too far for him.

I suspect he has been spring cleaning his life so that he gets more out of his eventual retirement from being mein host and overseeing a sometimes thankless forum.
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Q has other things going on his life right now - of course he will be missed.

The forum has been quiet of late and not needed much in the way of moderation, as Pat F says Q has been largelyd oing it himself, but all he had to do was say and the other mods could 'attend'

In addition the new forum software has changed our notification system, so I didn't see the latest fracas until yesterday ...of course as Hoddy says there is a report button....

Lets wish Q well and get back to business as normal, or actually 'more business' . [:)]

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Is it really Xmas; I wonder how the people in refugee camps plus Calais feel about that? Probably all have trees and new tents and turkey.....[/quote]

Definitely no Turkey! They left that behind them mate [:-))]

And as far as trypos and bad spelling I am one of the luckie wons who have never make a mastike [8-)]

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I'll throw my centime's worth here...

I am a lapsed moderator.

Once upon a time, two laptops ago, the forum was one of my permanent tabs.

I have a quick look now and then but cannot find the will to get involved in the same old discussions all over again...

There's also the software/layout problem... I find it frustrating, awkward and difficult to post, edit or moderate without using a different browser, and most of the time, the aggro is not worth the hassle.

I have written this several times before: the forum software is probably the last thing on the to-do list with the people who can do something about it.

There. This is a centime's worth :)

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