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Use of bold text in posts


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There seems to be a trend towards using bold text in posts at the moment, something I find uncomfortable and dominating; I wonder if we could agree not to use it except to emphasize very small bits of text, such as words of phrases?

What does anyone think? Mods?
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This morning I copied something from another site and it took me half an hour to get it to a decent size. In fact sometimes I do not manage. So it is not always the poster playing silly beggars, but not being able to edit properly on here........... not that we ever have any problems on here[Www]

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You lucky lot you.

I have no possibility to post in bold/italics or to underline. I also have no button to change the size of the text.

But I do agree wools, the overuse of such formats does detract rather than add - so perhaps no bad thing that they are denied me.
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The availability of Editing toolbars seems to be dependent on which Browser and Operating system is being used. Past experience suggests to me that there will not be any major update of the forum software and given what happened to another forum when they updated perhaps we should be grateful for that.

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...however, I do wish that those little homilies that some people like to set up to appear automatically at the end of their posts had either a single line abode them, or appeared in italics or something. It often seems to be a follow-on from the post, and can be a bit mystifying to see how it connects to the body of the post.


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