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What a Nice Lady


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[quote user="Loiseau"]Look folks, there was never any PROMISE made that the £350 million a week would go to the NHS.

The actual words on the battle bus were: "Let's fund our NHS instead."

No commitment, no promises...


And Boris et al were very careful to use words like "would", "could", "might" etc and say things like the money saved could be put into the NHS "for example".

Really, people SHOULD (there you are, another of those words!) read and listen more carefully; no good crying over spilt milk;

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To give up hope is dreadful. It was a good thing for Europe the Brits didn’t do that in the darkest days of Dunkirk, of the battle of Britain, but heeded the words of Churchill :

“Never give in. Never. Never. Never. Never.”

I looked up a couple of quotations :

It always seems impossible until it's done (Mandela)

You're not obligated to win. You're obligated to keep trying to do the best you can every day (Marian White Edelman)

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. (John Quincy Adams)

You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. (Ghandi)

To touch the soul of another human being is to walk on holy ground. (Steven Covey)

Our greatest glory consists not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall. (Oliver Goldsmith/Confucius/Ralph Waldo Emerson)

A Ballade of Suicide

The gallows in my garden, people say,

Is new and neat and adequately tall;

I tie the noose on in a knowing way

As one that knots his necktie for a ball;

But just as all the neighbours on the wall

Are drawing a long breath to shout "Hurray!"

The strangest whim has seized me... After all

I think I will not hang myself to-day.

To-morrow is the time I get my pay

My uncle's sword is hanging in the hall

I see a little cloud all pink and grey

Perhaps the rector's mother will NOT call

I fancy that I heard from Mr. Gall

That mushrooms could be cooked another way

I never read the works of Juvenal

I think I will not hang myself to-day.

The world will have another washing-day;

The decadents decay; the pedants pall;

And H.G. Wells has found that children play,

And Bernard Shaw discovered that they squall;

Rationalists are growing rational

And through thick woods one finds a stream astray,

So secret that the very sky seems small

I think I will not hang myself to-day.


Prince, I can hear the trumpet of Germinal,

The tumbrils toiling up the terrible way;

Even to-day your royal head may fall

I think I will not hang myself to-day. (GKC)

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Idun wrote

So basically the out voters are morons.........


Well your choice of words Idun not mine.

I do think that a lot (and I cannot define lot) were seriously misled by some of the politicians statements and written commentary.

Several people that I know did think that the savings would be going to the NHS. Others did believe that immigration would drop dramatically.

They were seriously misled by those in whom we should be able to place our trust, but who have demonstrated that they are as trustworthy as a hungry lion.

And yes people are easily misled.

That is how scams work.

That is why you see advertisements - buy this book and attend this course and you could be rich - and pay out good money.

That is why people looking for a house in France or Spain often give the impression that they left their brains tied up in Dover when making the purchase decisions.

The list is nearly endless.

And sadly when the weasel said, "I think we have had enough of experts," people believed that the experts had to be wrong. And Dog help us if he makes it to the final Tory leader selection because I think there are a lot of Conservatives who would be misled to believe he could make a good leader for the country.
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[quote user="mint"][quote user="Loiseau"]Look folks, there was never any PROMISE made that the £350 million a week would go to the NHS.

The actual words on the battle bus were: "Let's fund our NHS instead."

No commitment, no promises...


And Boris et al were very careful to use words like "would", "could", "might" etc and say things like the money saved could be put into the NHS "for example".

Really, people SHOULD (there you are, another of those words!) read and listen more carefully; no good crying over spilt milk;

[/quote]If I said to Mrs Rabbie "Lets not spend £50 per month on our gym subscription, lets spend it on going out to lunch once a month" she would take that to mean I thought we should cancel the gym and go out for lunch instead each month. So I am not surprised if people less sophisticated than Loiseau and Mint thought that was what Boris et al were going to spend the money on the NHS. There is certainly enough evidence on social media to give credence to that view. This does not mean that they were morons or stupid. Just people who thought we should spend more on our NHS.

Idun, I respect your sincere and  frequently expressed view we should leave the EU. Indeed I thought you actually made a better case for Brexit than the Leave campaign. However my own view is that since no coherent plan for how we should handle the exit has been unveiled then to vote for Brexit was voting for an unknown. In my business experience the success of any negotiations depends 80% on preparation and 20% on execution. This means that we need someone in control who has a clear idea of what needs to be agreed. Although I  differ from her political views I feel the only candidate for the Tory leadership with the necessary qualities and experience is Mrs May and I wish her well.

We need a Prime Minister who can unite the country and heal the divisions that this referendum has opened up.

Finally, lets remember the Great in Great Britain does not refer to our power/status but is a translation of Grande Bretagne as opposed to Bretagne(Brittany). Nostalgic looking back to a golden past will not help us to survive in today's world.

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Grecian said "Well, there are MP's who have more of a conscience than Ms!ay and some who have contributed to this thread.

1. I hope you're not resorting to personal insults to make your point. This is absolutely nothing to do with "having a conscience" and everything to do with people (Ms May being a case in point) saying things which are misinterpreted and spun.

2. So you're suggesting BORIS has a conscience? And who said "A week is a long time in politics"?
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[quote user="lindal1000"]Do people that voted leave still believe that 'Britain will be great again' or is that one beginning to wear off as well?[/quote]

Surely, the GREAT is rather more geographical than meaning something is actually great, apart from size. I was told in Brittany that they were La Petite Bretagne and the UK was La Grande Bretagne. And that makes perfect sense to me.

Just how is it that it is never or rarely mentioned on here how the french are so often tres fier and also too often chauvanistic and the minute anyone from the other side of the channel shows a little pride in anything they are shot down and it is unacceptable. Feels like double standards and I don't get it.

And being from the NE of England,  I am proud of my heritage.

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Well I never invented the 'lets make Britain great again'. I never really understood what people were asking for and it what way they fell it had become less great, and no one seemed to be able to explain. As I can only assume it is a psychological concept rather than anything specific I just wondered if people do feel it has made Britain great.

One good thing to come from this is after seeing the events unfolding in the UK the rest of Europe seems to have become much less eurosceptic. http://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/brexit-triggers-surge-in-support-for-eu-in-eurosceptic-nations-a3288071.html
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Grecian, I agree with your first para, but not your "guess", No way. Mrs May is a wily woman and to give her complete trust is against my basic instincts.

Reading comments, sometimes the impression is many haven’t a clue what is happening. “We didn’t understand”, “We didn’t know” and “Nobody told us”. Whose fault ? Nevertheless, some voted anyway. Like sticking a pin in a paper to find the Derby winner.

Here’s another quotation (not from a glossary either). It’s in because it is apposite, as were the others :

“We don’t know what we’re doing,” as Chesterton would say, “because we don’t know what we’re undoing.” Some have so separated themselves from their own patrimony that they now move, quite cheerfully, in complete obscurity, heedless of where they are headed. Not having a sense of where they were, it hardly matters where they end up. Like poor little Alice lost in Wonderland, they may learn too late that, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will take you there.”

The way the EU is going is to ever closer political union. Undisputable fact. The days of brandishing the false banner of “Free Trade Union” are gone down the EU drain. They insist on a “one-size-fits-all” integration and that has been their objective for years, now it’s out in the open. Read what Tusk said a few days before the Referendum was held and know the future for Remaining.

An example - In France, the Départements have been melded into new “Regions”. Were the French consulted ? Did they give their approval ? It’s the EU system. Almost exactly the same thing in effect and principle - regional centres or some such, was tried in the UK, master-minded (if “master” is the right word) by the repugnant buffoon Prescott, now ennobled. I think it foundered without trace, but can’t remember exactly.

BTW, “UK” stands for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. It’s purely geographical, nothing to do with race colour or creed or politics.

The French were mentioned. As a Nation (or “state”, the EU preferred term, as it’s avowedly against the concept of an independent Nation) they do very well out of the EU. President Hollande is petrified “Brexit” will mean the loss of the CAP ( France’s cash cow, as well as for the lady in Windsor, ½M€ ) and a further blow therefore to his forlorn hopes of “leading” France for another few years. The nightmare of rich burghers of Strasbourg is cancellation of the express gravy train which takes the EP, files and all, down to the Rhine every four weeks, at horrendous expense, then back to Brussels after four days, year after expensive year. MEPS voted to cancel this blatantly wasteful French privilege, but the EU vetoed their vote. An example of “EU independence” which ought never to be dismissed or forgotten.

To acknowledge the heroes of the past, as at Thiepval and many other venues plus every November 11, is anything but wallowing in nostalgia, it’s to acknowledge a real debt to our forbears, acting with responsibility to the future world outside our own personal bubble of protection and interest.

I could be persuaded to adopt a more benign view of the Brussels hegemony if some serious concern for REAL human rights and realistic corrective action, such as feeding the millions currently starving as malnutrition grips the poor people of Malawi. Why not ? Who could complain ?

What about the eight years of inaction over the long-suffering Asia Bibi ? Condemned to death for “blasphemy” after drinking water from a well by using a cup which was not Haram ? She has no human rights as she is a Christian in Pakistan. Where are the true liberals ?

That is what the battle is about, not sending foreigners “home”, that is not possible. Neither is it about funding the already broke NHS, nor putative pensions reductions or whatever. Surely people made plan B and plan C for the future years ago already ? Yes, of course these points are important, but to me, the cardinal importance is the threat to the future for the (grown-up) small children and grandchildren and those unborn in the UK a few years hence, when it will be impossible to change weighty matters, short of armed insurrection.

I recall the failure of the EU trying to widen its net to bring the Ukraine (never my idea of a European country) “into the EU fold”, led by a ban-the-bomber, who didn’t understand Putin is a clever and dangerous man, determined to get the best for his country. How did that then go Cathy ?
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Nothing to do with Brexit but a personal bête noire:


To acknowledge the heroes of the past, as at Thiepval and many other venues plus every November 11, is anything but wallowing in nostalgia, it’s to acknowledge a real debt to our forbears, acting with responsibility to the future world outside our own personal bubble of protection and interest


10 thousand there last week, the lucky ones who won the lottery for tickets, in a free for all there would have been 10 times that number, only 500 French were allowed which is a disgrace as they had fought for é long bloody years before the Commonwealth forces came along.


You can remove 4 zéros from the above figure on the 11th of November as I will probably be the only one there once again just as I am one of the few at the village defilée and laying of gerbes on both the French and British cemetaries that doesnt have to be bribed with alcohol or sweets to attend.


I have never really understood the celebrating of the start of a  battle but not the end of the war.


I am the only British person in my village, pretty much the only foreigner but there are villages with large UK ghettos ,99% are there to profit from the WW1 tourisme yet the Maires of these communes tell me that none of them ever attend the 11 Novembre cérémonies despite it being a public Holiday.


I appreciate that armistice Sunday is celebrated at the major war memorials in the UK like the Cenotaph but its commemorated at every French commune yet how few British attend?

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Well it seems that the Nice Lady is going to be PM later today (12/7/2016)

On a serious note, I have just enrolled for classes in Luxembourgish and if I pass the test, I will apply for Luxembourgish citizenship, having already passed all the other criteria.

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Idun wrote:

'That does not mean that the vast majority believe what they say'

This was in relation to the statements by the Leavers.

What is the source of your statement or is this just your unfounded view?

As for Leadsome pulling out - if you cannot handle an interview with a newspaper what hope of effectively handling complex negotiations such as Brexit.
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