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what a complete and utter bar steward


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According to this:


Bozo and Tonto only had one speech prepared and that was to accept defeat.

Political games by two sleazeballs without any regard to the implications.

I am at a loss as to what a general election would do? We have an elected Government and it was the Conservatives who offered the referendum.
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[quote user="PaulT"]But Rabbie what do you believe when one politician is saying another one is lying :)[/quote]Personally I try to check with an independent source if there is confusion about an issue and make my own judgment about which is correct

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[quote user="PaulT"]I am at a loss as to what a general election would do? We have an elected Government and it was the Conservatives who offered the referendum.[/quote]

Paul, you might like to consider this article arguing for a general election:


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But Clegg says:

'Second, the new prime minister should immediately publish a white paper setting out a full plan. Third, they must then seek a democratic mandate for their plan in an early election'

So the election is won by a party that is not the Conservatives so is it considered that the plan is rejected? The LibDems will campaign on a pro EU stance along with most Conservatives. As for Labour who knows.

Could another way be, and this is watching pigs fly, is that all parties agree that the majority of UK citizens wish to leave the EU so a cross parties group is set up to agree the way forward and to take it forward........

or is there the hope that some how, be it legal or other exiting does not happen.
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Considering all the hoohah and lies told at the refrendum (on both sides), and the whole country in political disarray, now is not the time to have a general election.

With contempt being the uppermost feeling towards politicians, the turnout is likely to be low and whoever wins will be considered to not have a proper mandate.

Not easy now to go around calling our country GREAT Britain, is it?

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It seems that to make a valid application under Article 50 this has to approved by the UK parliament where the majority of MPs are Remainers. As the referendum was only advisory it could be sensible for them to get a proper individual mandate.

Also when Brown took over from Blair there were many complaints from the Conservatives that there should be an election. The same arguments would apply here.
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Surely, to get a 'proper individual mandate' an election would have to be run on a single item. Each MP having their own manifesto that merely states if they are for Remain or Leave and nothing else. At present it seems the Conservatives would be Remain, LibDems Remain and Labour who knows.

If the manifesto was not just about the single item then how would an MP know if their electors had elected them on their stance on the EU, taxation, health, education, defence etc.
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Just thought with the keenness by some of reality TV and viewers voting there could be a Saturday night show in which the Government asks, say, should income tax start at £15,000 - dial xxxxxx for yes, yyyyy for no.
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The urge to have a little gloat is irristible!

So, where are they now, all those who were so keen on Brexit?  Where are your Borises, your Farages, your Goves, your Leadsoms?

That's right, all gone and left their followers well and truly in the lurge!

Stir up all the smelly brown stuff, leave divisions and disarray and then b@@@@@ off!

Even sheep need a shepherd, don't you think?

Now someone else will have to do something with all the bazar they have left behind.

Honestly, you wouldn't rent a gite to these sorts, would you?

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Gloating mint?

Just the very idea that those of us who hate the EU have been left in some sort of rudderless state irks me.

I certainly did not want Farage negociating anything on my behalf. And Boris, well, I would have preferred it if had stayed, but he didn't and so things continue and he could be in the new cabinet, and I think should be.

Nothing Boris or Farage said influenced me when I voted, in any way, shape or form.

May is the best of the rest........ pity.......... still nothing I can do about that either and so shall reserve judgement on her.

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Ah, id, you should not take my post personally.

I was annoyed when Boris left because I felt that he should have stayed and put himself forward, seeing that vast numbers (present company excepted) flocked to his bandwagon.  It was the least he could do.

And to leave so suddenly......to my mind nothing that weasel Gove had said should have influenced Boris's candidacy!

As for Leadsom, I guess once the tabloids started digging into her cv, what she said she'd done and what she actually did, she would have been shown to have been overstating her own achievements.  Then when they started prodding into her financial affairs and she published what she said was her tax declaration but was in fact a computation prepared, I presume, by an accountant, she'd rather stand down than stand up to the scrutiny.

And, yes, I do think some of those Brexit supporters should stay and help with the negotiations.  After all, they worked so hard to persuade people and bring it about.

You were always clear about why you supported Brexit and I really do not argue with people like you because we all have different opinions and so on.  I can respect someone with sincerely held beliefs.

What I detest are the mealy-mouthed ones who say one thing and then do something else.

I was not a fan of May's and I thought she was an ineffectual Home Secretary but now that she is the only one willing to do the work of negotiating Brexit and uniting people behind her, I no longer have any quarrel with that.

Like everyone else, I don't know how things will pan out.  I don't want to stay angry about things over which I have no control but I do hope that we manage to extricate ourselves out of the EU with minimum damage to our economy, our security and our international standing.

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There might still be some out there who would like to read this article which makes some serious points with a lightness of touch:


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Ah Johnson the buffoon. Or is he? Yes, there have been the gaffes but from what I have read he is known around the World from promoting London.

The reason that I saw for his appointment was to foster trade and better to have someone know who does have charisma (hopefully the president of Turkey is too involved with other matters).

The cry was that Brexitters should be involved well, they certainly are (leave Leadsome out of this, I do not think she could negotiate the purchase of a 99 from Mr Whippy).

I am sure that he has been told by mummy May that he will have his legs slapped if he fouls up and as a charm offensive is called for his charisma will shine through.
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