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Initial thoughts on the latest UK political scene, anyone?


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After all my scathing remarks about Cameron in the last 6 years, I do have ONE positive thing to say:  he has very good-looking children[:)]

Have never thought much of May when she was at the Home Office but now do think she might make a good go of things post Brexit.

Also never liked Hammond and found him to look like he was forever snearing at someone or something.  But I have lately warmed to him as he is most capable of explaining complex issues and forming well-thought out arguments and positions.  Could be a good chancellor.

No comments on Boris as Foreign Secretary as the internet is already full of reactions, more negative than positive.

Have yet to form my opinion about David Davies as Brexit negotiator.

Look forward to hearing what others think on here as I do not know more than one or two Brits near me and they only seem concerned about whether they should return to the UK or not.

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Well, Mint, I thought that out of the crew who put themselves forward, Mrs May was the one who stood out. I'd heard several times in the past that she always knew her brief well, unlike some other ministers who weren't necessarily up to date in meetings etc. Plus she lasted far longer at the Home Office than many others before her; yes, not everything has gone well there. She's also a very good constituency MP.

But I do wonder why on earth she's appointed Doris as Foreign Secretary, unless it's so that if negotiations don't go well, the 'Leave' ministers will carry the can that they opened, whereas Gove has just lost his post and he was one of the main 'Leave' lot.

I also wonder about the sudden change in direction I've just been hearing about with the sacking of Mr Osborne.

As it's said - we live in interesting times.............

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The BBC commented that the blonde bombshell had travelled extensively when Mayor of London drumming up support for London so is well known around the world and with those contacts could build up trade.

As for Johnson and Fox I am sure that any trouble and they will be standing facing opposite corners of the room.

As Clarke commented about May 'she is a bloody difficult woman'.
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I don't often "talk politics" as I am not a political animal as such, but I've been following the outcome of Brexit with much more attention than usual.

Firstly, I thought Theresa May the only suitable candidate of all those offering (as with buying houses, and job applications, you can only apply / choose from those available), and was rather delighted when Leadsom, somewhat stabbed herself in her own foot, and backed out.  I was not surprised by Theresa May's speech yesterday (was it only yesterday) she struck me as someone with her head screwed on the right way. 

Secondly, I used to quite like Boris, especially as I lived in London throughout the Livingston years, and was impressed by his books (I do mean that and not his looks) and by his ability when we won the Olympics, for example.  I did downgrade him when he opted for Brexit, a turncoat not being my favourite beastie, but then Gove took back-stabbing to new heights and I was left gobsmacked when Boris stood down. 

I have never underestimated Boris's intelligence, even when he opted for Brexit, and I think his appointment to FS is just brilliant .... use his skills, his mind, his ability to charm if he so wishes, for he is not the buffoon people believe, it is a smoke screen ... keep your enemies close by and too busy to plan rebellion, and give him what he wished for to sort out.

Thirdly, I am delighted that Gove has had his comuppance ... for an intelligent man he played his cards not at all well. 

As one of my friends in the UK said - we live in interesting and fast moving times ....

All in all a good day's work for our new PM and it's not all over yet!


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[quote user="NormanH"]It is scandalous to find Johnson and Fox in the Cabinet, given their history.


Think about it Norman, it's a Brilliant manoeuvre on her part, put your enemies where you can see them, and now make it work sunshine, or you're finished forever. Only a woman could be that clever.
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Absolutely agree Nick.

I think this has the makings of a very interesting government that has the skills to perhaps make a success out of Brexit. And if it does fail then those who said how easy it was going to be will be those in the firing line.

Brilliant strategy from TM (note same initials as MT who was also clever with her strategies).
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[quote user="NickP"]

 Think about it Norman, it's a Brilliant manoeuvre on her part, put your enemies where you can see them, and now make it work sunshine, or you're finished forever. Only a woman could be that clever.[/quote]

+ 1, Nick.  It's a bit like, well this is what you wanted, so go and sort it out.

If your dog, say, messes in the house, you rub its nose in it until it learns?

Which of those two, Boris and Fox, would be the first to resign having failed to deliver their briefs?

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I think Boris built up many contacts with other nations during his time as Mayor. He's also said to speak several languages, including russian and french. He was also one of the main advocates for Brexit, so if he was sincere, he's got that motivation.

Like others, glad that Osborne and Gove have gone, and TM's start is promising. She doesn't show her hand all at once.

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LOL, Pat, when you said about her not showing her hand all at once, I have a quick mental picture of her, shaded visor holding back her hair, pack of cards in her hands shuffling them like a pro (in 2 piles and clacking them together to separate them) and looking expressionless as she deals them out!

The scene is in some Monte Carlo casino and she's just got there from Brussels!

How you have made me conjure up the most unlikely picture[:D]

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I must say that I thought David Cameron's last PMQ’s was very good, even Mr

Corbyn showed another side to himself. Cameron really is a good speaker, like

Blair (who I blame for the worlds problems) but being educated at Eton, one

would expect nothing less.


I know you don't like Boris Mint, and if you watched Andrew Neil on the

‘This Week’ show last night, I apologise for telling it again, but he did make

me laugh when he quipped


 ‘ When Teresa May pencilled in FO next to Boris Johnsons name, she did not

mean Foreign Office’  [:D]  [:D]

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Yes, that did make me laugh................though it took me several minutes to work out the meaning![:-))]

Do you think she could persuade him to have his hair cut and to buy bigger suits with trousers that cover his ankles?

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Read this Guardian article and see what Corbyn is really up to; in case you dont know, it is a takeover of the party by stealth by an extemist, Trotskyite clique who are not democratic, who are totally committed to undermining democracy for the sake of their vicious, class war ends.


(please make active, someone)
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Mint, I could find a lot of fault with Cameron ( I also thought his last PMQ was excellent ) but he did two worthwhile things in my opinion, firstly legalising same sex marriage and secondly making it much easier to adopt children without them having to be in care for years. This will significantly alter thousands of lives. IMHO.

Boris : I think is an extremely bright chap, quite bright enough to master control of his trouser zip which he seems to have failed at so far, let's hope he has learn't his lesson. ;-)

As for TM making him Foreign Secretary I think it's a very adept move ...if he is great Mrs May will get plaudits for making a brilliant appointment, if he's not he will be dispensed with, and not only with his ministerial career but probably his political ambitions in tatters.....either way TM wins....

Garden Girl........between Mrs May and George Clooney Sonning is getting to be a very starry place !!!
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Mint wrote,

Do you think she could persuade him to have

his hair cut and to buy bigger suits with trousers that cover his



I doubt Mrs May could,  but perhaps David

Cameron's mother can give some advice, it seems to have worked for Mr

Corbyn,  David said he looked ‘absolutely splendid’ in parliament on Wednesday,

after following it.

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Gardengirl wrote ''But I do wonder why on earth she's appointed Doris as Foreign Secretary, ''

I have been away for a few days and without internet / news. I thought Boris Johnson was (going to be ? ) Foreign secretary. He has obviously been supplanted by someone called Doris, Doris Who ?
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