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What a Great week this has been in the world


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Lindal wrote,


One positive thing this week is that people

seem to have rediscovered the power of protest and regained an interest in

politics. That has got to be a good thing. Role on the women's march





Yes, I enjoy these protests enormously also,

especially when the tear gas goes off and the police wade in.

Protest is one thing, rioting and looting is



Here is a short clip of one of the young

‘ladies’ speech  in

front of young children at the protest in DC, what an example she is don't you


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Well Ebaynut I don't think we can take Mark Dice's rubbish very seriously. The Californian who is a conspiracy theorist who claim 9/11 was carried out by the CIA and makes films about the illuminati and their control over the whole world. Since he never made it in Hollywood he has constantly claimed his failure there is down to the illuminati who have it in for him personally. He is best mates with David Ike, the man who claims the queen is an alien lizard in disguise. But if he floats your boat then carry on. One born every minute I guess.
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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]This really is a pointless thread.

Trump will turn us all into radioactive dust by the end of the year.[/quote]

One would like to think that like with Putin there are some people in senior positions, possibly in the military, of each country that will only go along with him to a point and would stop him pressing the button. Perhaps they have already given him a dummy button. In truth if he keeps his word it's China and how they react who should be our biggest worry. Hopefully we are to far north and east and will miss the fallout on that one providing May keeps our nose out. Hopefully where I am I will just watch the missiles fly over and disappear into the distance.
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Hoddy wrote,


I can't see why you object to what this young

woman is saying Ebaynut. Do you really think it's right that sanitary products

are taxed as luxury items while viagra is not ?


Thanks for taking the time to view it. I am in

full agreement with her regarding the taxing of sanitary products.  However you

can hardly blame Mr T for this, he has only been in power for three days now.

Why did she not protest in the last eight years when BO was in power? And who

knows, with Ivanka joining her father in government to fight for woman's issues,

maybe it will be changed. I would sign a petition in support of removing this


However her language in front of a crowd which

included many young people was appalling and shows the true mental state of some

of these protesters.
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REALLY ebay nut, you think that bringing up that Trump has anything to say about any lady holding sanitary objects holds any merit, or enough to highlight on here is beyond words.

I remember well, don't you?.......... during his campaign, footage was shown, with his good ol'mate Billy Bush, what was it, DJ Trump crowing that he likes to grab women's genetalia, and yet he says these women who are against 'him' are disgusting. 

Strangely when one lady came forward after that footage, to complain of being groped by him, he said she was too plain.  My only comment is that she was young then, and as many of us often are when young....... attractive!  And maybe he should look at his own family for beauty, Eric and Lara hardly beauty pageant material........ and neither is Tiffany, in spite of the amount she spends on her 'look'. Now looks don't count that much to me, but they obviously to 'him'!

Fox news had so many reporters saying that during the demo, there were children there  and that many of the post boards were inappropriate....... not one mention of 'that' previous footage ..........  shame on them....... shame on them for so much.

Trump, is Trump, his new cabinet is at best bizarre. Whether it will all work, no idea. I do wonder if as happened during McCarthyism, that he will make excuses and start rounding people up for anti american activities, ie anti Trump activities. After all there are so many more agencies these days who are  capable of digging and digging, maybe not as good as the russians though[:-))]

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It seems that Obamacare is gonna be the first victim of this political thug; is there any criminal law that could make him responsible for the people who depend on the care and who will start dying when they cant get it any more or are they just collateral damage?




You seem surprised he is doing this, pay attention, he did mention it in the campaign once or twice.  Or is it you are amazed that a politician is keeping to his pledges??


Is there are law to stop him ? , No, he can pretty much do as he wants now



I could never work out why so many people villified Margaret Thatcher( including many that voted for her) for simply doing what she said she would do if elected, granted most politicians fail but why be outraged or even surprised  when one succeeds.


Mr Trump has already made some decisive moves, perhaps even preciptuous and the criticism is already being levelled at him, I have a feeling in my bones that this is one leader that is going to deliver a lot of what he promised which will make him incredibly unpopular, I think that deep down many people think this and are very scared hence the reactions.
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Well Mr Banana there are currently 47M Americans who have no health insurance because they are too poor, they don't even qualify for the state benefit of Medicare.

If Obamacare goes it will add another 24M to that list.


It might be even more give the date of the article I quoted.

Some of them will certainly die due to lack of healthcare. How can America claim to be a world super power and leader of the west when it allows this to happen. Arms (guns etc.) before healthcare is Trump's cry.
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It seems funny, but I am a member of a computer based forum with a lot of our trans atlantic cousins on it and there is NO mention of the inauguration of Donald Duck? No one word that I have seen [:-))]

Perhaps they are just keeping their heads down to see which the merde, if any, flies? I am very tempted to ask the question of why? My reluctance to do so is because there are a load of very genned up folk on there and I don't really want to get banned for starting a riot [8-)]

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Idun wrote,

I remember well, don't you?..........

during his campaign, footage was shown, with his good ol'mate Billy Bush, what

was it, DJ Trump crowing that he likes to grab women's genetalia, and yet he

says these women who are against 'him' are disgusting. 

Strangely when

one lady came forward after that footage, to complain of being groped by him, he

said she was too plain.  My only comment is that she was young then, and as many

of us often are when young....... attractive!  And maybe he should look at his

own family for beauty, Eric and Lara hardly beauty pageant material........ and

neither is Tiffany, in spite of the amount she spends on her 'look'. Now looks

don't count that much to me, but they obviously to 'him


The only thing I thought

about the whole ‘access Hollywood’ tapes was,  How dare anyone record a private

conversation and sell it to the DNC like this. (I suspect the Bush family was

indeed behind it). Mr T is right, its just locker talk, it may surprise you to

know, that straight men do talk like that when they are together.  Especially

those of his and my generation. I don't know if younger men talk about women so

much in this way, but expect so, but those that don't are

probably more interested in each others Anal passages



Remember this was a private

conversation, not a policy speech, Clinton and the whole Washington elite looked

so smug when this tape was released, but he turned it around, that's what

winners do.
Now he has drained the swamp in

DC, as he said he would.  If women are so offended by this kind of talk, who the

hell brought over 125,000,000 copies of Shades of Grey, not many men that is for



As to women coming forward to claim he groped them, well many of them have

already had their stories proved as fake, and he was right, she was too plain. 

Look how they all went after good old Jim Davidson a few years back when the

Savile enquiry was in full swing, many women accused him of all sorts of things,

and he walked away without charge. Do you honestly think if he had been guilty,

he would not have been charged, just lying tarts trying to grab a few pounds and

bring a good man down. What is it they say, ‘Hell has no fury’


As for Eric Trump, this nice young man may not be what you call beauty

pageant material, but still a good looking man,  look what he set up aged just

twenty one, when most people that age are out on the pi55, shame the press

outside Fox news never want to mention it, and how he has been made to give it

up while his father is the top man.

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Isn't he wonderful. He was a director in daddy's foundation also I believe.

Ok, so it did have a few legal problems and it cant be closed until other investigations are completed but I'm sure things will be ok: because Trump doesn't lie - just gives alternative truths.
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OK, so some men, because it simply cannot be ALL men, are gros degueulas, disgusting to the nth degree........ and you think that that is OK, well, I now understand 'you' so much better!

I do not believe, will never believe, that that film was made covertly, I believe that it was obvious that the camera was filming and one could assume that the sound was on too. He just did not care what he said, just trying to show off like a 14 year old, THE MAN WAS ALMOST 60, with grown up children including a grown up daughter.

And that people buy books and read, has got what exactly to do with anyone else! Whether I read, Fifty Shades, or Lady Chatterley, or The Story of O,  has nothing to do with anyone else at all. I have read that women do tend, if so inclined, to read erotic books, I would have said literature, but 50 Shades is hardly that, where as men seem to prefer visual images. That is OK, it is simply comme ca. AND NO ONE ELSE'S BUSINESS!!!!

But someone who thinks that what Trump said is OK, in what you are insisting is normal locker room talk.......which was not at all in any way in that context, his conversation,  one sided, with a young man, hanging on the words of an old man saying horrible things, just as they were to meet an actress who was young enough to be his daughter and he was preparing himself to kiss her............

And Eric, beau, no, ordinary yes (so many of us are!), but it isn't me who judges people on their looks, your hero does.

Incidentally, I acknowledge that there are some disgusting women on this planet..... before you mention it......... however, what women get up to, as a general rule, pales into insignificance, in comparison to those men who are no good and rotten tot he core, as I said, gros degueulas and worse than that!


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I gather that you are anti-Trump then, Idun.

Without denigrating your forcefully put point I would like to point out that there are a lot more issues that can be brought up.

I read somewhere that one of his appointees to health is a member of a group against "social medicine" and any government intervention in health services. Now that really is sick.

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I don't like Trump either and to a large degree I agree with Idun. I think Trump's locker talk is on a par with these blokes who sit watching porn on public transport and claim not to understand why that makes women uncomfortable.

I do agree that the lack of social medicine in the USA is shameful though.
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We are all different and long mayit stay that way, but I'm glad that the Duck is VERY much in the minority. I'm also glad that you are not the same generation as me Nut, because 'if' you were then you too would be a minority.

We got up to all sorts in my 12 years in the R.A.F. but we didn't have to go around spouting the rubbish about women like he has. He seems to go for 'pretty'. That's skin deep and just about sums him up in my mind!

I just hope that we don't have to regret our trans Atlantic cousins second chice?

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Loads of points that can be brought up. I could literally go on for days.

And away from the sordid side of things, the Japanese are now worried that as the US pulls out of trade deals, it will leave a vacuum that powerful mainland China will fill.

Rum old world we live in, that is for sure.

All we need is Marine winning the presidentialle, and the world will truly be upside down.........

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Idun wrote,


OK, so some men, because it simply cannot be

ALL men, are gros degueulas, disgusting to the nth degree........ and you think

that that is OK, well, I now understand 'you' so much better!


Please don't try to misrepresent what

I said. I never said I thought it was OK what he said, I wrote,

‘it may

surprise you to know, that straight men do talk like that when they are

together.  Especially those of his and my


I do not believe, will never believe,

that that film was made covertly, I believe that it was obvious that the camera

was filming and one could assume that the sound was on too. He just did not care

what he said, just trying to show off like a 14 year old, THE MAN WAS ALMOST 60,

with grown up children including a grown up daughter.


If you honestly believe he knew he was being

recorded he would have said those things, it merely confirms that you don't have

a clue on the subject.

And that people buy books and

read, has got what exactly to do with anyone else! Whether I read, Fifty Shades,

or Lady Chatterley, or The Story of O,  has nothing to do with anyone else at

all. I have read that women do tend, if so inclined, to read erotic books, I

would have said literature, but 50 Shades is hardly that, where as men seem to

prefer visual images. That is OK, it is simply comme ca. AND NO ONE ELSE'S



And neither is a private conversation between Mr

T and Mr Bush.  However I find it strange that women don't mind reading about

these things, but complain when they hear Mr T say these things.

But someone who thinks that what Trump said is OK,

in what you are insisting is normal locker room talk.......which was not at all

in any way in that context, his conversation,  one sided, with a young man,

hanging on the words of an old man saying horrible things, just as they were to

meet an actress who was young enough to be his daughter and he was preparing

himself to kiss her............


Well, she was pretty

hot!!!!!!! [;-)]

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Richard 51 wrote,


I read somewhere that one of his appointees to

health is a member of a group against "social medicine" and any government

intervention in health services. Now that really is sick.


I read ‘somewhere’ that a London bus was found

on the moon. Perhaps I should believe every unsubstantiated report I read.   If

its bad about Mr T, hell just lets spread it, throw enough muck and some will

stick.  Buzzfeed anyone?????

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Ah dear, not me who has not understood this bloke....... he does not care, would certainly not have cared in 2005, when the film was made........ part of his bravado.

He believes that he can say anything and is impervious...... and so far, because like all good would-be dictators, he has roused a certain portion of the population who back him, (as we all  know he did not win the popular vote), and they chose to ignore all that is louche about him for the time being......... how it will be when he lets them down......... to be seen.

And look at the man, in front of what the CIA consider their memorial, he started to go on about the size of his crowd.............. dear me.......... he rants about everything pertaining to him....... haven't you watched him, listened to him.

It isn't me that hasn't understood this man.

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Hoddy wrote,


I don't like Trump either and to a large

degree I agree with Idun. I think Trump's locker talk is on a par with these

blokes who sit watching porn on public transport and claim not to understand why

that makes women uncomfortable.



Now I haven't used public transport for many

years, I was unaware that you could get porn on there these days, do you have

any recommendations as to which offers the best service????


Seriously though, How can you compare a

PRIVATE conversation, which was illegally recorded, with

some sickos who would do such a thing. I am now more than pleased I

never have to use public transport if these are the types you claim

use it.


I assume this has happened in your presence,

did no-one protest or punch the culprit. If he was watching it in private at

home, I have no problem, but in a public place is clearly wrong,

did everyone on the bus/train really just let them get away with

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There was absolutely nothing illegal or illicit about his conversation being recorded on the bus because he was miked up indeed it was gross stupidity on his behalf. Anyone who has a mike on them would now this and if they forget then it's tough luck, should have kept their mouth shut. I seem to remember a certain British PM (amongst others) being caught this way.

The thing is however there have been a few people in high office round the world who are or have been sexual predators (for that is what Trump is). I was thinking about Clinton, DSK and what about "how could I have known the 16 year old naked girl sitting on my lap at the party was a prostitute" Berlusconi.

Equally if not more important it shows the persons character and even without this I think Trumps language in his Tweets shows him to be the type of animal he really is.

It would seem his current executive orders so far are going to cost the US tax payer $6tn over the next ten years. If you only have the same money going round the system otherwise services and peoples wages will suffer. You need to export (to get new money into the system to replace what you have spent) so tearing up proposed trade deals is not the brightest thing to do. Even worse he probably won't be president in 10 years time and with all his money what does he care. Be interesting to see exactly how he intends to get the money from the Mexicans to pay for his wall, that should be quite hilarious.
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