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Bad manners and rudeness in the extreme


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Switched on tv yesterday and saw an old man sat in a chair, the lady next to him spoke to him, in spite of knowing she was there, he neither acknowledged her presence, or responded, and continued to look very vacant.

And THAT old bloke is the President of the USA, continuing his rudeness to Chancellor Merkel.

At some point, even though he may not like those he is obliged to meet, maybe a modicum of decency would not be too much to expect. 

I cannot help wondering how the German people feel about this, affronted....... I do believe that they should be!!!!

In fact he could not even apologise about GCHQ, when he heard fake news from his favourite news channel....... not that I don't belived that GCHQ were not listening, (certainly not for Obama) I just do not think that anyone has ever asked them to do other than they normally do............. they are the listeners!!!![Www]

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Not making excuses for the man but if the same thing had happened with another president/PM/Dictator would you have come to the same conclusion?


I'm sure he regularly does blank people who he disagrees with, doesn't like, feels are beneath him etc etc but in this case it may well have been that he was waiting to hear the translation in his earpiece.


Men in general are completely flummoxed when faced with another language, he certainly doesn't act like a politician but then he aint one! IHe is so far removed from what we are used to seeing that am not going to judge him by how he compares to politicians.


I have worked for some real opinionated, bigoted, egotistical, ar5eholes completely lacking in empathy, however they were all incredibly successfull, in a sort of way I preferred their honesty compared to the really dangerous ones who knew how to cynically seduce and win over people.




By the way my first reaction on seeing a short clip was the same as you Idun

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I know that he hadn't used his ear piece when the Japanese PM visited, but maybe Angela actually spoke to him in English????

And yet the great negociator just sat there like a vieux con in an old folks home, not quite knowing what was going on!! At least that was what it looked like to me!!!

What would i have thought about someone else acting like that,.....bad manners and rude, i reckon!!!
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[quote user="Chancer"]Men in general are completely flummoxed when faced with another language,[/quote]You mean female speak [:D]

BTW Angela Merkel speaks excellent English, Trump is an ignorant buffoon in about 10 miles over his head.


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That's doing two and a half year olds a disservice, perhaps he was contemplating grabbing her by the pu55y instead ?

I think his bizarre and immature behaviour since taking office speaks as many if not more volumes about the warped and misguided values of those who continue to support him despite it - strike that worship him - as the aberration of his election did.

When you witness the quasi religious adoration poured on him when he speaks to the faithful it's hard to avoid drawing parallels with
cults, previous fascist regimes, and yes even North Korea !

What puzzles me though is that while you can partially understand his appeal to the proportion of the electorate who voted for him - and lets call a spade a spade here and acknowledge that to many in the civilised world outside of the US
when it comes to in matters of politics and global issues beyond their own borders the average American is reckoned to be somewhat naive and unsophisticated and has done little to dispel that by enabling this farce - it's far harder to comprehend the support he has from what on the surface at least would appear to be the rational and reasonably intelligent people comprising his cabinet and I'm wondering if he's headed for a putsch or at least a muzzling and being turned into a mere puppet leader.

After all is said and done in politics being in power is absolutely everything and for better or for worse achieving it and holding on to it transcend all and if his behaviour threatens that then they will have no option but to act in whatever way it takes to prevent it.

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Sadly not only the bible belt, but desperate mining communities, many lost their jobs, and some mines have reopened but with modernisation, few are being employed, although some employment will surely be welcome in these areas.

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