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Does he know who he is dealing with ?


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I'm not for Brexit, but when I read these type of comments....I feel very aggressive to the point that I would vote Brexit so that we can teach these tossérs a lesson.

Go say that in a UK pub mate.

We are being ruled by muppets.

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I think something is lost in translation here.  I would guess that M Barnier doesn't mean "teach" as in I'll bloody well show you. 

I have read many times from different sources that he is the ultimate diplomat and negotiator so I think that he means teach as in "inform".  He is right, of course, the British public were never fully informed of what Brexit means other than that it means er.........Brexit.

And Gove is famous for saying that we have no need of experts or their input.  Talk about burying your head in the sand and exposing your tender nether regions .............[6]

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I think that if he were being really undiplomatic he might have written this article:


(I love the line about Mrs May"Perhaps word hasn’t reached her yet, but the idea that the Conservatives would fight another election with her at the helm is about as realistic as the notion that the England football team could win the next World Cup."

or said things like this chap (don't watch if offended by four-letter words)

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Why do they have to posture or behave like this ? Can't they find a couple of human beings to sort this out ?

Both sides are an embarrassment to humanity. They are just like a bunch of silly school kids. Do they realise how ridiculous they look. They should have their heads bagged together, kick up the arse and told to get on with it.

It makes me so angry.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

These words?


Brexit serait « un processus éducatif » pour les Britanniques.


Whats wrong with that?


Anything new and unprecedented is a learning process for everyone concerned.


Chancer, thank you for that post.  I just KNEW that it was impossible that M Barnier would use the word "teach" in that sense.

I hadn't heard the original speech so it's good to know what he did say.  When will tabloid writers understand that "translation" doesn't mean put in an English word where there is one or more (as in this case) French word or words.

I know, Chance, that you and I like to have the French original instead of a translation because, being interested in the French language, we'd rather work things out for ourselves.

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Because we are better than that.

Playing games, brinkmanship, I am better than you. Private educated school kids scoring points against each other.

3rd world war can kick off any moment. We have a massive threat from terrorism and global warming, Russia is being Russia and these petulant kids are arguing the toss of such trivial things.

These people need to get a life.
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I was reading a serious UK article the other day which argued that there was an urgent need for the UK Government to start an education process for the population.

Expectations needed to be lowered. Leaving is going to be costly, The EU has absolutely no interest in improving the outcome for the UK, or smoothing the process, indeed their priority is exactly the opposite.
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[quote user="Chancer"]

[quote user="lindal1000"] The day after the referendum the most searched for term on Google was 'what is the EU".

I rest my case........................................................................................ On fake news.



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I know, Chance, that you and I like to have the French original instead of a translation because, being interested in the French language, we'd rather work things out for ourselves.

I have to put my hands up and say that I dont know for sure what I quoted was his actual words, I copied and pasted it from another forum.


It sounded plausible to me whereas all the outrage did not.

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[quote user="lindal1000"]  The day after the referendum the most searched for term on Google was 'what is the EU".




But the HP says :-

"What is the EU?" is the second top UK question on the EU since the were officially announced

It does NOT say that it was "the most searched for term on Google" the day after the referendum

I think Chancer is right. You, Lindal, are starting to do just what the "fake press" does[:D]

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And some of those unbelievable things labelled as project fear have been seen to be actually coming true.

The EU is not giving the UK an easy ride to a relationship where nothing has changed except that the UK has control, of its own laws and immigration.

Key foreign workers are leaving and not being replaced; putting pressure on staffing levels in schools, the NHS and research centres.

the pound has dropped in value - by roughly 25%.

Investment in UK industries and business is slowing down (while at the same time it is picking up in the doomed EU).

I could go one but it is pointless since there is a portion of the population who will not hear.
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