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Deriliction of Duty over Brexit?


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Somebody needs the balls to stand up and put a stop to the farce.

I don't care how the vote went this is not democracy and I'm certain it's not what a good proportion of the leavers thought they were voting for either.

I'm a remainer so obviously I was disappointed with the referendum result but I'd have accepted it with far better grace had the campaign had been truthful and fair which it palpably was not.

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Oh Pinocchio, you are making me blush now:


At least it has wiped the constant smirk off his face.

Hammond has just stated that the government has no ultimate Brexit goal, obviously just making it up as they go along. What an absolute shambles, we have the tory far right nut jobs trying to jump off the cliff-edge, Davis and Johnson just treating the whole Brexit situation as one big joke. Theresa really doesn't know what to do next, claiming the Brexit negotiations are progressing, still I guess another billion will do it for Arlene.

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On the day that Christine Keeler died, we remember that John Profumo resigned after lying to Parliament. Davies has consistently lied,in Parliament, on television etc. Mrs May has also stated in Parliament that she has seen the Impact assessments. re we now more accepting of our politicians lying?
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[quote user="AnOther"]Davis and May resign, vote of no confidence in government, government falls and election called, Corby pledges to cancel Brexit, wins by landslide.

Never thought I'd say it but in that scenario I'd vote Labour.[/quote]

Ano, that would be an ideal scenario.  Alas, the Labour side is just as duplicitous and cowardly as the Tories.  They do not have the guts to stand on a no Brexit platform, too worried about losing their seats as many Brexiters are in Labour seats.

Who is there principled and brave enough to just come out and say Brexit is a bad idea and I am not going along with it?

Tim Whatisname who had to resign as Libdem leader and Nick Clegg who is no longer in parliament.

We'll have Brexit, soft, hard, clear, muddy, whatever because no politician dare "thwart the will of the people" or whatever they call it.  All this is thanks to Cameron, of course, who has since run off to buy a holiday home in Cornwall and is probably writing his memoirs

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[quote user="mint"]
We'll have Brexit, soft, hard, clear, muddy, whatever because no politician dare "thwart the will of the people" or whatever they call it. 


I think the word that you are looking for is democracy.


You are right about Call me Dave.

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In a democracy the country is not held to ransom by a dozen or so people holding the prime minister to ransom. - or if they are then democracy is not the best system.

The will of the people varies depending on what they are told. Think of numerous countries including america which is pretty much directed by Fox news.

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