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This struck me as a debate point


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Actually I think it will just be interpreted according to political persuasion but this is a bit of an independent (newspaper) report on Maggie Mays discussions with Polish friends who are in poo with the rest of the EU:

""But a difference of opinion emerged with the Polish Prime Minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, over what should happen to the one million Poles living in the UK after Brexit.

Ms May said she wanted them to stay, hailing a provisional deal with the EU – but Mr Morawiecki said he wanted them to return to Poland and its growing economy.""

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What's the debate? If they want to go they will, still I suppose the Independent; a Russian owned propaganda rag would try to find a problem in anything a British Pm would say. If they do leave there will be plenty of spare housing in Ealing.

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[quote user="NickP"]What's the debate? If they want to go they will, still I suppose the Independent; a Russian owned propaganda rag would try to find a problem in anything a British Pm would say. If they do leave there will be plenty of spare housing in Ealing.[/quote]

What good would spare houses in Ealing be without Polish plumbers, eh, eh?

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Richard51 wrote,

As suspected - pathetic response

Considering the last two threads you started on this forum no-one bothered to answer, (except you yourself), I would have imagined that you would be highly delighted someone had responded.

I feel Richard51, you are the type of person who could start an argument in an empty room, and still come off second best :-)
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Now come on Richard, stop getting your news from a Russian owned newspaper, you know that you will get a far more balanced view from a right leaning newspaper, shall we say one that is owned by an Australian for instance. [:D]

I really hope that a large percentage of the Poles living in the UK do return home to Poland, and then we can see what an awful mess Brexit will have made of the UK. May is gushing in public how valued the EU citizens are to the UK, and then the next day a deportation notice could land on their mat, instructing the person to leave the UK within x amount of days. Don't forget as home secretary it was her that sanctioned the 'foreigners go home' vans that proudly drove around Britain. Only today it has been reported that there has been a large spike in hate related crimes against Poles in Aberdeen, so can you blame any Polish person wanting to leave Britain? I certainly could not.

mint, why stop at Polish plumbers, just imagine if Polish dentists start leaving en mass, I hope the British public will be happy paying for private dental treatment. The list is endless, and if the Poles and any other EU citizens do start to leave the UK in large numbers the UK will have a very large problem indeed. Glad to see you are back posting again mint, I was getting a little concerned, hope things are as good as they can be at the moment with yourself.

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[quote user="Grecian"]No

mint, why stop at Polish plumbers, just imagine if Polish dentists start leaving en mass, I hope the British public will be happy paying for private dental treatment. The list is endless, and if the Poles and any other EU citizens do start to leave the UK in large numbers the UK will have a very large problem indeed. Glad to see you are back posting again mint, I was getting a little concerned, hope things are as good as they can be at the moment with yourself.


Hi, Grecian.  I was doing a quick one-liner reply to Drayton Boy's post and didn't realise that there was a shed load of posts appearing in between his post and mine!

Grecian, look out for the thread on smoothie drinks that Teapot started.  I have been thinking of you and am going to write on there to tell you about those[:)]

You are right, of course, about EU people working in the UK on all levels.  From seasonal agricultural workers to top-level scientists, medical specialists and entrepreneurs, and to ask the valid question of what does happen if they do start to leave to return to their own countries.

Actually, I have read somewhere that EU net migration to the UK for the last quarter was down to 9000 which apparently was the lowest for yonks.  Actually, there is no further need for the government to worry their little brains about EU workers.  I can see a scenario when they wouldn't want to come.

After all, many of the European economies are picking up and even Eastern Europeans would not be interested in earning minimum wages made even less by being paid in pound sterling.  Every time they want to pay a visit home, they'd have to queue up with their burgundy passports, have to live in unsatisfactory housing because of the lack of affordable houses to buy or rent, risk having essential medical procedures postponed because of the NHS crisis that there is no end of hand-wringing about, settle for under-performing schools for their children and what seems like a litany of woes in the land that is about to proud again.  No, I haven't made all these things up!  It's on the news everyday and there's no avoiding it[:-))]

I also have taken a bit of license in generalising the situation and been a little tongue-in-cheek!

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A situation summed up nicely by one of my former students who, despite 30 years as a specialist cardiac nurse in her native Poland, couldn't get her qualifications recognised here and has spent the last 10+ years working as a care worker, visiting and caring for the elderly in their own homes for just over minimum wage.

The day after Brexit, she posted on Facebook: "Who will wipe the old people's bottoms now?"

Good question. It won't be any of the lazy sods who'd rather sit on their fat backsides watching Jeremy Kyle and delighting in the fact that next time they take their tattoos for a fortnight in Benidorm they'll have a blue passport....
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