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Winston Churchill


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Richard51 wrote,

EBN Why ask me - judge yourself.

Well as you started the thread, I assumed you knew how to spot a racist, I merely requested your considered opinion.

NB you have not included JC.

I guess from the suggestions given, the most likely is Jeremy Corbyn. The reason he is not in either of my 'lists' is because I know little about him.

I am amused how life long Labour voters, always say they dislike Blair, but it was they who voted for him three times, I could see though him, and have always despised him for taking us to war in Iraq, and that was before his WMD lies were known about.

If however it was Jesus Christ, then I think his a 'top bloke' who has some great property in his portfolio.

NB I do wear reading glasses.

Do they have much tape holding them together?
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[quote user="ebaynut"]

I am amused how life long Labour voters, always say they dislike Blair, but it was they who voted for him three times,

I believe there must have been more than just life long labour voters to get the majority vote he did

If however it was Jesus Christ, then I think his a 'top bloke' who has some great property in his portfolio. [/quote]

Yes because he was a Carpenter and not an accountant!

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I was completely taken in by Tony Blair and new labour, I remember being proud and exhilarated to see every one of the corrupt crowd lose their seats one by one and to see what I thought was a normal family standing on the steps of number 10 for the first ever time.


You live and learn............................

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As well as realising that if Tango finally gets his, the USA could be saddled with Mike "flat Earth" Pence, I'm somewhat concerned at the sudden groundswell of UK opinion that Theresa May should step down when coupled with the view that there's a jolly good replacement in the wings in the person of William Reese-Mogg.

Let's just elect a potato.

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Patf wrote,

I'm a lifelong Labour voter but I never voted for Blair. I abstained.

When he was first elected in the 1990s

Please excuse me for being pedantic, but if you did not vote for Blair, then you are not a life long labour voter.

I do feel for labour voters, I don't agree with their views on the world, but boy did Blair mislead them and use his position to make a large chunk for himself from it.

BTW Betty, its Jacob Rees-Mogg who is set (hopefully) to take the leadership of the Conservative party, Lord William Rees-Mogg, his father, died several years ago. Jacob is a fine English gentleman, and would steer this country on the right path.
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I just had to google 'Jacob Rees-Mogg'.

LOL ebaynut.....

So you want someone who is opposed to abortion....EVEN in rape cases ? And, and, and....does not believe in climate change.

That was enough for me. The bloke is a nutter.

Can't the UK just find a Macron type character to become PM. You know, someone normal. Someone likeable. Someone with a brain.

Why does the UK always end with oddballs running the country ?
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I read a few quitling sights and occasionally comment. It's been interesting to see who is in and out of favour with them and who they have in mind as their new Messiah who will lead them to the brexit promised land. For quite a while it was Farage and UKIP, but although Farage from time to time talks of reappearing they seem to have lost hope in him. Similarly UKIP are finished to all but a hard core, being unable to find anyone to lead them. They were happy with TM for a while but their support waxes and wanes depending on the latest headline in the Express. The beginning of the week they were accusing her of being a traitor but yesterday they had mellowed a bit. Such is their fickle nature. Boris was a favourite for a while but even they can't take him seriously, and no one really knows what he believes anyway. Smoggy has been arrived at because there is literally no one else they can pin their hopes on. Their adoration won't last though as, apart from being decidedly weird (the man who takes his former nanny with him on the campaign trail), his fundamental flaw for the DUP who are keeping the government in power, is that he is a Roman Catholic. Personally I'm not convinced he really wants the job either. In fact none of the quitling Messiahs seem that keen on the role. Bizarrely, the only one who probably does want the job and out of the EU is Corbyn... and therein lies the brexiters dilemma.
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After see Darkest Hour last night I was intrigued to learn that Churchill was almost persuaded to negotiate for peace just before Dunkirk but changed his mind, thank god he did.

I read a piece in the New Statesman written by one of the leaders of the cafe protest and it seems they were protesting in general about Britain's colonial past and used Churchill's own words to highlight that he should be reviled not revered. To balance that there was an article in The Guardian about the cafe itself and it turns out that it is actually part of a charity that supports the local diverse community and offers help to start-up busnesses.

The great ironies of this protest were that it targetted a business that only acknowledged not celebrated Churchill as a great leader and if it weren't for the likes of Churchill the protesters probably wouldn't have the freedom to protest in the first place.
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"if it weren't for the likes of Churchill the protesters probably wouldn't have the freedom to protest in the first place."

Exactly - he was the ideal leader for those years, when emotions were running so high. So was never forgotten. But his gifts were not so suitable for other times.

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I just had to google 'Jacob Rees-Mogg'.

LOL ebaynut.....

So you want someone who is opposed to abortion....EVEN in rape cases ? And, and, and....does not believe in climate change.

That was enough for me. The bloke is a nutter.

One cannot agree fully with all of anyone's views. But as he says, those are his views, he will not lie about them to advance his career, and realises they are not the views of the many, and a not popular with voters.

Contrast that with say Tim Farron, who when hounded by the press for his views on gay marriage, finally had to admit he was against it and not long after gave up leading the Lib-Dems.

Or Mrs May, who has promised immigration in the tens of thousands for the last eight years or more. Liars all.

Climate change is a fact of life, if its man made or not, is another matter. But if it is, it could just be down to the millions of people who take needless plane journeys as they cant work near home for some reason who are causes it, but as they are 'highly educated' it cant be them that are causing it, can it??

Jacob also believes we should build more houses in the UK. I don't, when we don't have a housing shortage, it is beyond me.

But I am only supporting him as leader of the Conservatives, by the next election it will be a completely different landscape, and we now need someone in charge who see's all the benefits of Brexit, and deliver what the majority of the UK who voted want.

Can't the UK just find a Macron type character to become PM. You know, someone normal. Someone likeable. Someone with a brain.

Did he not marry his mums friend, if not, his wife is old enough to be his mum, and that's normal?? Yuk!!!

Why does the UK always end with oddballs running the country

Hollande, ?? Sarkozey ??
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[quote user="Patf"]"if it weren't for the likes of Churchill the protesters probably wouldn't have the freedom to protest in the first place."

Exactly - he was the ideal leader for those years, when emotions were running so high. So was never forgotten. But his gifts were not so suitable for other times.



The thing about this type subject is the person with the axe to grind only goes back as far as suits their campaign.

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[quote user="alittlebitfrench"]My dad was trained as a master carpenter in London but afterwards spend 27 years in the Met.

He met WC a few times whilst on petrol at Westminster Abbey.

Dad said he was a complete tossér.

I trust my dad.[/quote]

Maybe, maybe not, he did at least have the foresight to see Heir Hitler for he was and stop Chamberlain inviting Hitler over to take a look at our forces.

So easy to sit in judgement afterwards. He did the job.

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I think that the US and USSR had more to do with defeating Hitler than the glorified Winston Churchill - the racist caused suffering and death for millions of people during his lifetime.

I would go as far as to say that he was similar to Hitler in many ways.

We never learn.
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Would you care to elaborate Richard. Must have missed the extermination camps organised by Churchill-and all the other things he did that "caused suffering and death for millions"-and as I like history I'm always willing to learn new things.
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