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What are you, ladies?


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Wools, it's the new spelling innit?  It's the brave new world.  Plus, you'd appreciate this, having taught English....fish is spelt ghoti.  The reason is that gh is the f sound from enouGH, o is the i sound from wOmen and ti is the sh sound from naTIon.

I spent a glorious summer once with a group of English teachers in a summer camp in a private university.  It was money for a nice holiday and we spent the evenings thinking up stuff to confuse the students but make learning fun for them at the same time.

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No idea why you just mentioned women Wooly. I know two blokes who have converted.....but who knows if they have gone through a complete conversion? None of asks, we just wonder..

I don't care who people fancy. Sick of the fuss about it all.
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[quote user="idun"]No idea why you just mentioned women Wooly. I know two blokes who have converted.....but who knows if they have gone through a complete conversion? None of asks, we just wonder..

I don't care who people fancy. Sick of the fuss about it all.[/quote]

Sick of the fuss about it all.......never a truer word, id!

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[quote user="You can call me Betty or Queenie if you prefer"]Bandwagons all have the same initials:

Gender Fluid

Gluten Free......[/quote]

My wife's sister, 58, had Celiac disease and was on a gluten free diet. She died 5 weeks ago.

It was by no means prescribed as a cure for her condition but contributed towards eleviating some of her suffering.

I suspect my wife and her late sister's family might disagree with your glib bandwagon theory. .

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[quote user="Mac"]Often seems to me that in order not to " offend " a minority - the PC brigade are quite happy to " offend " the majority.[/quote]

Oh, so true, these days.  Funny world indeed.

As for spelling phonetically - get lost, proper spelling is not THAT difficult to learn, I managed it before I went to school at the grand old age of 4, or so. 

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Cajal, I have a close friend with celiac disease. I'm not in any way shape or form making light of it. Celiac disease is thankfully relatively rare, but that doesn't make it any less serious.

I AM totally sick and tired of everyone and his dog jumping on the gluten -free bandwagon. In fact, if you would like to direct your righteous indignation at anyone I'd direct it at all those who have absolutely no medical need to remove gluten from their diets, but do so because it's fashionable. Which is what I was doing.

Not glib at all...as I'm sure you probably realised.

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Woooo slow down tiger (Betty)

I suffer terribly from an 'unknown' allergy.

I will wake up at 4am tomorrow (as always) with flue. I will take my pills and I am better again.

Anyway, if I eat a lot gluten (which I do) or drink red wine (which I don't) I will suffer more.

Tonight we had a Balti and a lot of baguette.

I will suffer tonight/tomorrow.

I am believe it or not starting to cough up plemh as I write this.

I am not so sure it is 'gluten' that is causing everyone problems but the shît they put on the crops.

Anyway, Gluten for is not good. But I eat it.
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A what IS hilarious is that the forum's own Bruno Tognioli gave me a rubbish score for mentioning quackery the other week as if I approved of it, and now I'm getting stick for mentioning quackery as if I disapprove of it.

You can't please any of the people any of the time.

Luckily, I don't really care.
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I would give you ladies a clap for your wit but I might offend a blind person.

Some friends and I used to waste lots of time sending SMS messages to out landline because when you answered the phone they were read out by a robotic voice. The game was to produce the best phonetic performance from the machine.
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