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Whats odd about a second vote?


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The UK has another vote every 5 years under the fixed term parliament act. People change their minds and at times the government changes.

Could people have changed their minds about Brexit in the same way.

How is it democratic to have general elections which perhaps are not as important in the long term as Brexit?
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The word ‘democracy’ is much abused, I fear. One hears this a lot recently, especially from the mouths who ‘won’ the referendum.

So, why not have another referendum? What the chances are, I dunno, but I wish the barstewards would get on with it because my pension keeps going down.

What is clear is that the vote would really be about old and past Britain and a Britain for the future.

And the ego of Fagage, UK’s LePen!
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The results of a general election can, indeed, be changed every five years. It could be argued that, knowing that, people are a bit more cavalier about how they vote. It could equally be argued that people who voted in the referendum did, at the very least, realise they were voting to change the course of the UK's future for good, and voted with that in mind, even if they didn't know what, exactly, they were voting for.

As has been asked by many people of late: what would happen if there were to be a second vote and it was inconclusive? If it was 48/52 again, but with a majority remain vote? How could such a result be any more valid than the previous one?

I wished wholeheartedly to stay in the EU. However,I find myself asking, seriously, why so many people seem hellbent on dragging out this nightmare for as long as is humanly possible without, in fairness having the remotest real idea of what a better, more equitable solution would look like.
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I'm not a Brexiter far from it, as it could affect me in a bad way if it's not sorted out realistically, but they, the government of the day said: it was one vote deal. General elections are every five years because that is the ruling of parliament.
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When 4 eminent politicians lie so convincingly that it skews a vote and the remainers failed to actually put together any kind of document on what would actually happen then it's hardly surprising people are peeved.

The number of old voters who have died since the referendum and the number of younger voters who are now eligible to vote could seriously alter the outcome of a 2nd referendum.

I would personally accept the result of a second referendum either direction based on a factual document of the most likely outcome of leaving or remaining.

The Tresemme plan on the other hand was specifically designed by Barnier that only a complete idiot would vote for it, enter Tresemme!

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It's like parrotting "I must carry out the Will of the People" excuses her from thinking, questioning, listening, reacting, evolving her position, doing everything that an intelligent leader should do. The name "Maybot" is proving so apt - like a robot that's been programmed to carry out certain actions, and it keeps carrying them out regardless of everything.

Reminds me of that scene at the end of Stepford Wives when the programming goes haywire and the brainwashed woman-robots randomly repeat formulas and go through motions that are nothing to do with the situation (I might be getting the details confused, it's a long time since I saw it but something along those lines). I imagine TM in a room all by herself, spinning round in circles and gurning and endlessly repeating "It's the Will of the People, I have been Very Clear, No Deal is better than a Bad Deal, It's the Will of the People, I have been Very Clear...."
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Well, seeing as Plan A, the referendum, was designed to tie the UK to the EU forever its not going very well is it? Plan B is Mrs May's horrendous deal which she is sticking to like a limpet, and is so awful, in the hope presumably that staying in will seem like a god-sent to everyone. The voting public, who are permanently fed a diet of how stupid they are, have seen the ruse coming and are none too pleased, to put it mildly. Now we await Plan C, named  Plan B because Plan A never happened of course.

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After last night's "who's got the best deal?" competition, I think the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant has summed it up pretty well:

"The MPs are unable to agree about much and were making more noise than the proponents and opponents of Brexit who were protesting outside. The Scots do not want a Brexit at all, Labour wants to keep one leg in the EU, the Brexiteers want to go into battle against the EU like Don Quixote, and the Northern Irish unionists want to drag as much money out of London as possible."
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[quote user="Alan Zoff"]After last night's "who's got the best deal?" competition, I think the Dutch newspaper De Volkskrant has summed it up pretty well:

"The MPs are unable to agree about much and were making more noise than the proponents and opponents of Brexit who were protesting outside. The Scots do not want a Brexit at all, Labour wants to keep one leg in the EU, the Brexiteers want to go into battle against the EU like Don Quixote, and the Northern Irish unionists want to drag as much money out of London as possible."[/quote]

Lord only knows why they picked March 29th for Brexit day, April 1st would have been more appropriate.[:-))]

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