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Article 50 Petition


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If anyone is interested and qualified to give input. It's almost certainly a waste of time given the lunatics currently running the asylum but....


The numbers signing have been increasing at a rapid rate even given the fact the website has kept crashing.

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Another anti democratic post! 

Is that what you do when your party loses an election, vote to have the result voided.

We obviously do not have the same beliefs.

I sincerely hope that the EU tells TM to get lost about the extension and if they leave it until June then who knows.

I would have accepted any result, because that is how it works, but heyho, I do believe in democracy!!!!!

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What is little understood and still less stated is that the size of the majority does matter. Under the British Constitution, such as it is, winners by a small majority HAVE TO consider the wishes of the losers. This has not happened in this case because the campaign was set up and run by people who had deeply entrenched negative views who failed to consider the bigger picture, or were not capable of doing so.

Thus, the idea of just crashing out is not what the people wanted though they did indicate a more distant relationship with the EU was desirable.

TM has been thrown to the lions and the bullies time and again and is quite right to say that the current chaos is down to MPs who, after all, are the ones who have caused the chaos.

(By the way, I do,not like or support her generally).
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Idun, on the basis that minds do not change, why are there General Elections in the UK every 5 years. On your basis once you have voted that is it. Gained knowledge cannot change your mind you just stick with it.

There is now a great deal of information on leave or remain that was not available 3 years ago and the lies have been proven.

If Leavers are so sure that the majority in the UK want to leave then I tohught they would welcome the opportunity to have their view reinforced...or are they worried leaving will not be a bed of roses?
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WELL, I voted for us not to go into the EEC in the first place, and even if I had, would I have wanted the federalist europe that happened later.........., I was certainly NEVER asked.

I don't think any of you understand how much I LOATHE, ABHOR AND HATE THE EU!

I see it's workings, not the narrow bits that affect me, but the big picture and I have no time whatsoever for any of the enriched on our backs, Eurocrats.

There is an inference that we who voted no, are lots of very negative things, but I think we do see the big picture very very clearly and those that vote to remain, DO NOT!

AND that is how I see it.

When we moved to France we had lots of hoops to jump through, endless paperasse and bureaucracy and it was OK, we were allowed to stay and live our lives etc. We knew lots of people who had moved pre EEC membership and they too managed, why is it suddenly so bad for people who are currently established there.

And if the unknown is so frightening, because things will change, wasn't the move in the first place a bit of a leap in the dark?? Certainly was for us.

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I know that we disagree about the EU. In my case it is not for the little personal advantages since I have most of that side sorted out and like you I lived here at a period when it was more complicated.

My support for a Federal Europe is as internalised as your dislike.

But  this thread is simply about presenting a Petition (which as Derek says has little or no chance of success) to express how we feel.

Surely that is part of democracy, especially since people such as myself have been denied any other channel?

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Without wishing to ruffle Idun, I still feel the first vote was one off the back of a pack of lies, denying another vote saying it upsets democracy seem to favour lies being allowed whereas punishing lies with another vote would in some way teach liars to curb their habits. What would brexiters fear from a second vote loosing? Now we have all the facts we should be allowed a new vote on the subject. I for one would be bound by the result either way but would feel the issue had at least been properly examined which you can't say of the first vote.
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[quote user="Théière"]the first vote was one off the back of a pack of lies[/quote]Absolutely.  I couldn't agree more.

Three of the more egregious of these (delivered at great cost to every household in the country) were :

The EU referendum is a once in a generation decision.

This is your decision.

The Government will implement what you decide.

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Yes, the petition crashed as so many wanted to sign it!

It only stood at something over 200,000 when I signed it yesterday.

The BBC said, "A call to revoke Article 50 generates the fastest ever rate signatures on Parliament's website."!

The petition might be a forlorn hope, but the more that sign it the clearer it will be how strong the feeling is in the country - and largely without publicity until today.

- without all the lies, cheating and crooked financial dealings that have been proven to have taken place with the referendum - nor influence from malign forces.

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I am sorry to say this but I cannot see how this petition has any validity.

17.4 registered voters got off their bottoms and went to a polling station to cast their vote. How can a click petition which can be signed by anyone compare ?

As far as I am concerned the best I can think of for this whole sorry mess is that I will be dead before it appears on the history curriculum so there is no chance at all that I will have to teach it.
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[quote user="Hoddy"]I am sorry to say this but I cannot see how this petition has any validity.

17.4 registered voters got off their bottoms and went to a polling station to cast their vote. How can a click petition which can be signed by anyone compare ?

As far as I am concerned the best I can think of for this whole sorry mess is that I will be dead before it appears on the history curriculum so there is no chance at all that I will have to teach it.[/quote]

The petition has validity in that if enough people sign it, Parliament will consider it for debate.

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Call me cynical - I just copied this from Twitter -

I’ve just signed the #RevokeArt50Now petition 10 times. Started off using different email addresses but then noticed you can sign it multiple times using the same email address.

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Call me cynical - I just copied this from Twitter -

I’ve just signed the #RevokeArt50Now petition 10 times. Started off

using different email addresses but then noticed you can sign it

multiple times using the same email address.

That will level up all the cheating and lying that the Leave campaign used then.

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