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Recording neighbours rows


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If you heard your neighbours having a row through the party walls or doing anything else, would you record them?

Should your neighbours have the right to react, either legally or physically with a blooody good thumping?

Would you sell the recording to the newspaper of your choice?

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In 2018 in the UK 139 women were murdered by a man they knew well. If I had new neighbours and I heard them having a row, which included pots being smashed, I would ring the police.

I would not make a recording of it or share it with the press.
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It's a sad indictment of the current state of policing in the UK that the police are becoming increasingly reliant on the general public to do their work for them.

I had occasion this week to call the police as, due to some road works taking place close by, people are (quite legitimately) using our road as a cut through to avoid the queues. I don't have a problem...except that a good few of them are using our road (which is a well-marked one-way street) in the wrong direction.

I was told by the police that they can't take preventative measures, but if I provide photographic evidence of someone driving the wrong way, they can prosecute for dangerous driving. So nothing is being done. An accident is almost certain to happen soon, and the road works are to continue for six weeks...

Calling the police to a domestic dispute would almost certainly have a similar outcome insofar as, with no evidence of danger to the parties involved, they'd take their sweet time to respond, and recording the incident might be thought expedient if subsequent events proved an offence was being committed or someone had been injured (or worse).

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What an idea, recording neighbours.........honestly,  if someone does that they are quite disgusting.

And doesn't everyone have big rows from time to time......... isn't that quite normal????? I would think so, hope so.

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I think it was a chap called Boris Johnson that was all in favour of cameras...

"I think they will reduce all sorts of confusion and incivility generally

because we’re going into a world now where we’re all instantly taking

film or recording what I say and that’s fine, that’s the way it is, it

has a very sanitising effect, It means that you don’t behave

ungracefully if you can avoid it – sunlight is the best disinfectant."

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What else had these neighbours recorded, one wonders?

I once lived in a terrace where the walls were meanly thin. What came through would have made Xaviera Hollander blush, then rush round asking for tips! Or Norman!

The recording was clearly malicious and designed to cause damage whereas calling the police could be seen as an act of kindness.

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That last sentence, Wooly, I'm going to call BS on. For a number of reasons, but not least among them the statement made by Hoddy. Also, it seems Teflon Boris is fast managing the feat thus far accomplished only by Trump. That is, to be able to behave appallingly towards women as well as in many other areas, yet to be hailed as some sort of messiah by his party faithful despite it all. As I said before, I wouldn't let him run a bath, let alone the country, and whatever their motives (clearly not money or self-preservation, given they've actually received death threats, FGS) I am quite pleased his neighbours did record what happened.
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I am definitely not a fan of Boris, Betty, but more interested in the general issues.

To use a hackneyed phrase ‘if everyone did this’ the police would be overwhelmed to such an extent that they would not be able to investigate whether such and such a word was racist, sexist, anti LGBGTGBBERS which includes left handers!
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Actually, I'm Faaaaaaaar more interested in him giving a proper account of his "on again, (allegedly) off again, on again" relationship with the odious Steve Bannon, but the chances of eliciting a straight and truthful answer from him about anything make slim look obese.
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While I can understand that you may feel the need to record a huge argument in case the Police need evidence-particulatly if you've knocked on the door and got no response and called the police-once it's evident that no crime has been committed and no one is hurt why would you keep that recording and take it to a newspaper if not to shit-stir? And would you think this behaviour was acceptable if the person recorded was someone you supported-rather than someone you obviously dislike? After all-you can't pick and choose when something is acceptable. It either is or it isn't.

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Mac wrote:

"After all-you can't pick and choose when something is acceptable. It either is or it isn't"

And therein lies an interesting point, which Boris appears not to have grasped in so very many aspects of his life and career. Taking lessons, perhaps, from his new BFF, Tramp.

There's just the possibility (and I'm just throwing out another possible aspect to this) that the police were encouraged to "walk away", given the identity of those involved.

The morality of this situation is something I completely understand. It still couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke.
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[quote user=" YCCMB"]That last sentence, Wooly, I'm going to call BS on. For a number of reasons, but not least among them the statement made by Hoddy. Also, it seems Teflon Boris is fast managing the feat thus far accomplished only by Trump. That is, to be able to behave appallingly towards women as well as in many other areas, yet to be hailed as some sort of messiah by his party faithful despite it all. As I said before, I wouldn't let him run a bath, let alone the country, and whatever their motives (clearly not money or self-preservation, given they've actually received death threats, FGS) I am quite pleased his neighbours did record what happened.[/quote]

Betty, here is someone who has elaborated into a well-written article what you have said here so succinctly[:)]


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....with, perhaps, a tad more socialist zeal than I could be bothered to bring to my own rather lightweight righteous indignation, mint. But yes, I'd call him to account. I'm not losing sight of the Guardian's agenda here, nor am I pleased that some - shall we say - over enthusiastic left - wing zealots have taken it upon themselves to now drive Bojo's current squeeze out of her own home ( so much for any notion of protecting her : Its OK to protect her from him, but as for making her feel safe in her own home, apparently not).

He can't have his "cult of personality" cake and eat it, and it's only fair that his party faithful get the full picture before deciding. Will it make a difference? I suspect not. Is Jeremy Hunt the lesser of two evils? I also suspect not. Is there a credible alternative? No.
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