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US religious response to Covid virus.


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Last night on CNN they were interviewing parishioners who attended services at something like the Solid Rock church in Ohio?

Apparently they have the blood of christ and would not get the virus.

As was pointed out to them, they could contaminate other non parishioners, to which they said that such people could contaminate them. They believe that they are immune from this and are not social distancing and hugging etc etc.

Such are people. Wasn't it a church in South Korea that had a very very bad contamination rate.

I do not care about them. This is the Darwin Awards stuff isn't it.

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Yet Lourdes has closed for the first time in its history; and the virus was brought into the worst-hit part of France by a convoy of 'evangelicals"

"Le Haut-Rhin, département où se situe l’un des principaux foyers de

propagation du virus dans le pays – issu d’un rassemblement évangélique,

qui a réuni 2 500 personnes à Mulhouse fin février"

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I find it very hard to understand how people can be this stupid.  What will they say when members of their 'flock' get the virus and die?  It will be the non members of the parish that caused it?  But, I thought they said they were immune?

Similar headlines today regarding Muslim Friday prayers.  The 'flock' refused to distance and insisted on attending as normal....

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[quote user="PaulT"]Of course they have to carry on with their services.....how else would these preachers get their millions.[/quote]

Yep.  Maybe he'll foot the bill for the coffins.  Right,....  didn't think so.

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PaulT wrote : Of course they have to carry on with their services.....how else would these preachers get their millions.

So true ..

It's the last sentence in the Grauniad article .. says it all ..

While Trump’s spiritual adviser Paula White-Cain has now recommended social distancing to her audience, she and Kenneth Copeland both encouraged their listeners to keep the donations rolling into their churches.
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OK - here's the cynical, aetheist take on these idiots.

Fine - their 'religion' makes them immune.

But if it doesn't then surely they'll just go on to the Promised Land where only believers in their cult will be allowed !!!!!!!!!!

Remember Dave Allen joke;  Hell is for the drinkers and fornicaters - in Heaven they just sing hymns and play harps.

He knew where he'd want to be - with those having fun in Hell !!!!

Oh dear.   This 'imprisonment' is getting to me - or maybe the sunshine - or the increased consumption of wine !!

Sorry if I've offended anyone.

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[:D]You have reminded me about a board I was on years and years ago and there was a lady on that board who announced the following:

She was some sect in america and was marrying 'again' and she  and her new husband had paid their church for an upgrade in heaven, not only for themselves but for certain family members too, so that they would all be together. They didn't want to be with the hoi polloi, but have a special place.

Their marriage didn't last long and I have often wondered about it, because IF she and her church were right about this, she could end up for eternity with him (and she said very bad things about him later) and his awful family. She had nothing good to say about them either.

I don't believe in any of this, but none of us 'know' do we, as no one has come back to tell us what the score is post-life[Www]

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"I find it very hard to understand how people can be this stupid. What will they say when members of their 'flock' get the virus and die? "

The answer is as simple as the people who are conned in the first place. Only those who have not prayed enough/don't believe enough/have not contributed enough will die.

Kenneth Copeland is one of the original members of President Donald Trump's evangelical advisory committee. His ministry owns three private jets because "he would be surrounded by demonic forces on commercial planes" and argues that God wants Christians to be wealthy.

The faith healers and health-and-wealth preachers who dominate religious television are shameless frauds. The same mentality that gives them such massive support also put the current MAGA leader in charge, and he will probably be there after 2020 too.

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[quote user="Lehaut"] The same mentality that gives them such massive support also put the current MAGA leader in charge, and he will probably be there after 2020 too.[/quote]

Agree 1000%.  Though I hope you are wrong about 2020.

It was what tipped us over the edge.  We couldn't stand living there any longer.  Even now, I hope I never have to return.

I'd live in Saudi again before I live in the USA.  And I hated Saudi.

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[quote user="Lori"]

I'd live in Saudi again before I live in the USA.  And I hated Saudi.


WOW! I can't believe the US is that bad.

The word hate is too mild for what I feel for Saudi.

While waiting for an internal flight at Riyadh airport I saw an emaciated blonde man in chains being half-dragged to departure in Riyadh airport.

I left shortly after that, and was due to return a week later, but decided to stay home.

They stole the money they took out of my salary for their health insurance scheme.

If the World ever needs an enema, that will be the place to insert the tube.

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Understand.  You are not likely to get many positive stories out of me regarding Saudi.  Two and a half years there was far too long for me.  Husband continued working there for another 6 years, but he is fluent in Arabic and knew the system, etc.

Yet, we had friends who absolutely loved living there.  We found them quite odd, but to each his own.

Try living in the U.S. during our current regime and heaven forbid without any health insurance.  Of course, many people enjoy the 'rhetoric' and anger festering there.  We didn't.  These are my own experiences.  I understand that others might find my feelings hard to fathom.  I can't change who I am.

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