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What will happen post covid19


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[quote user="PaulT"]Norman, very interesting articles - let's hope that there is a far reaching enquiry into the UK governments sheer incompetence.....but no doubt it wil be a private enquiry and placed on the same shelf as the Russia enquiry.[/quote]

Can you please tell me when the UK last had a competent government?

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The contrast with Germany could not be more striking:


The virus is still far from defeated, and no one knows what challenges lie ahead for Germany, or the rest of the world. But judging by Merkel’s approach—her rigor in collating information, her honesty in stating what is not yet known, and her composure—she may someday be remembered not as Germany’s greatest scientist, but as its scientist in chief: the political leader who executed, celebrated, and personified evidence-based thinking when it mattered most.


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In contrast, the UK government has a random collection of graduates in Classics, English, Law, History, Economics, and PP&E. A lot of good talkers, but not a scientist in sight.

I wonder how many of them can understand, let alone interpret, scientific advice and evidence presented to them.

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Norman wrote : The contrast with Germany could not be more striking:


Thanks to Norman for that link .. I have just spent almost an hour reading my free limit of (IMO) well-written and well-researched articles from 'the Atlantic'.

The Merkel article was excellent but then I passed on to the related articles concerning the US ..

I knew the underlying situation was bad there but Trump is just as ruthless than I thought. The stock market ..

plus him being re-elected in November .. do dominate his life exclusively.
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Well, my commune has decided to issue face masks, though the French Papers are saying it isnt a good idea as the front line staff might need them. This, of course falls by the wayside if the numbers of cases is falling, as we are told.

As regards UK, the problem seems to be NHS bureaucracy. Regrettably one cant compare with France at that level.
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[quote user="woolybanana"]Well, my commune has decided to issue face masks, though the French Papers are saying it isnt a good idea as the front line staff might need them.................[/quote]

Those used by the public, which are to protect others from their exhalations do not need to be of such a high standard as those used to protect hospital staff from possible heavy airborne nasties.

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[quote user="NormanH"]
"As regards UK, the problem seems to be NHS bureaucracy."

What is the evidence for that?


UK companies trying to supply the NHS with masks etc being either met with walls of silence, ignored, or simply flooded with paperwork. So they send the stuff abroad as other countries seem better to reply to the demand.
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Nomoss, that was hilarious!

I laughed the first time I watched it, was almost in tears the second time - anticipating it made it even funnier!

The friend I sent it to isn’t very skilled with a sewing machine; she says I’m not a good friend as she wet herself laughing so much! I blame you! ?
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The WHO (not Townshend or Daltrey) stated back in Februrary..."WE do not recommend the use of face masks for protection against covid-19". Yeah right!

Since February this household has used face masks and face visors on each and every occasion we have ventured out wherever we are likely to be in the vicinity of the general public. Fortunately I already had a good supply which I bought at the end of last year for other purposes and mrs.c, using her one good eye, has made 6 on her machine from a design she found on the internet. They are washable and for extra protection she designed them so as an extra filter ( a snug type pullover cut up into pieces) is insertsed within the mask.

I was watching a programme earlier on France 24, on middle east matters, and to combat counterfeit masks being used by the population Turkey are providing 5 free masks per week for everyone. A text is sent to your cell phone which authorises the collection of the masks from the pharmacy.

I did read somewhere that France, to free up storage space, both burned and exported to China 'ppe' they figured they wouldn't need. No doubt they hoped that one would be kept under wraps.

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without a doubt the virus affects the whole country, this will make the companies that provide services have to work at home, the problem will be when the economy begins to fall since not all of us can keep our companies in quarantine, so we must resort to internet jobs
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There is an article in Figaro today about the commonsense of a déconfinement régionalisé.  I don't know how it will work in practice but this does sound immensely attractive to me personally.

For example, in the Dordogne, we have had a total of 6 deaths, and only 5 in the Correze so I do find it completely frustrating that we do not get a sensible (maybe even small) relaxation for these départements.

Admittedly, I am just chaffing at the bit to be able to walk and exercise a bit more.  I have yet to meet more than a tiny handful of people in the last 5 weeks during my daily walks.  One of these was my next door neighbour (seen at a distance only once) and we barely exchanged a bonjour.  In normal times, we walk to the gym together twice a week and walk with others in our village a couple of times a month.

Last time I looked, Mulhouse is hundreds of kilometres away and it does irk me to have to follow the same confinement rules.

In our rural heartlands, people's income and choice of activities (professional and social) are necessarily much less than that of those in large, busy towns.  Can't we, just for once, have some small advantage over people who live in Tours?  Yes ALBF, my turn to rag you after the years of insults I have receive from you![:D]

As they say, "Des départements, souvent raillées pour leur manque d'activité, vivent mieux la crise sanitaires qu'ailleurs"[:D]


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Dry as a bone here, not many folk about. Could easily lift the restrictions a bit by, for example, opening the beaches which are huge at low tide, so little chance of contact with other people. Or walking on the hills, delightful this weather except for hay fever, never anyone up there.

Round Tours, though, close it down completely, high risk area, send in the army and food parcels, pasta and mince only, no bog paper, plenty of leaves!
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[quote user="nomoss"]
It's been raining here for the last 6 days, and I've been using my umbrella every day.

I didn't get wet even once.

I'm leaving the umbrella at home today, as it obviously isn't necessary.

I like that analogy.

A shame that the majority, will as usual, suffer through the irresponsible acts and impatience of others.

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Quite frankly Mint, I think that the idea of a deconfinement regionalise is completely unrealistic.

What would terrify any decision maker is the thought of people jumping in to their cars or motorhomes and charging down the motorway to a previously largely unaffected area where restrictions had been lifted. The chances of an ‘explosion’ in infection must be high because as we’ve heard, many people are asymptomatic, yet potentially infectious.

You might say then, “Well ban significant movement from area to area”, but this would be impossible to police if enough people tried it on.

Around here, where happily infection rates have been low, the traders would welcome any form of relaxation and I’m personally entirely supportive of anything which might ‘save their season’. Whether the local populace would be so keen though is another matter.

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