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Churchill or Chamberlain?


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Nice piece Alan

Now Nick, so glad you were so involved with the Labour Party.

The OP posted a link to an article asking whether Prime Minister Boris Johnson was more similar to Prime Minister Winston Churchill or Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.

With your knowledge of the Labour Party as I cannot remember when Neil Kinnock was Prime Minister nor can I find the dates on the Internet perhaps you can inform us.
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Well Boris, being incapable of letting go of his security blanket, has backed Cummings.  Unbelievable?  You'd think so but why be surprised?  Anyone staying alert (isn't that the latest slogan?) could have foretold this.

Just relieved that I hadn't been following Boris' lockdown rules[:D] I must say I'd be more inclined to obey rules that apply right across the board to everybody, WITHOUT exception.

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Oh, Alan, I just can't laugh at this affair because I am so cross for dear friends who have followed all the rules and this would feel like a slap in the face to many people.

There are 2 particular friends that are in my mind this evening and they are both in their 80s with several undelying health problems between them.  They have conscientiously self-isolated since the beginning after instructions that they must do this for 3 months.  TBH, I don't know how either can continue much longer although they are putting a very brave face on it.

They recently had news of the birth of their first great grandson and have yet to see him in the flesh.  I just feel so very sad for all the people who have had to struggle with so much during these dreadful months.

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I can empathise, Mint. We are in the same position with a grandson who arrived on 20th May. At least mother and son are well, which is more than can be said for possibly thousands who have suffered because Dickhead and Dom had other priorities.
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Paul, Neil Kinnock as PM, I don't think so cocker. So what my involvement with the Labour party has to do with Neil Kinnock maybe you can explain it to me. My comment was about Stephen Kinnock who has broken the lockdown rule but you seem oblivious to that fact or are just ignoring it. Although I sure you knew exactly what I meant, it just didn't fit in with your remain thinking.
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The C of E hasn't been called the Tory party at prayer for nothing but just look at this quote:

Philip Mounstephen, the

bishop of Truro, said: “In this country, government and the rule of law

depend largely and rightly on the principle of consent. But that

depends in turn on the consistency, integrity & impartiality of govt

and the application of the law. That is now hugely strained. A moment

of real and serious concern.”

I don't know who in this forum is "concerned" and who thinks "well, so what".  As I have explained I feel anger and pain at one and the same time.  But, not on account of myself.  What the UK government does or doesn't do affect me only marginally but there are so many stories out there about people who have made the most heroic and selfless efforts in their bid to protect others and we hear this about a PM protecting his aide in the most obnoxious manner.

On the BBC news this morning, one of the presenters read out an email from 2 parents who both had the virus and who had 3 small children, 2 of whom were disabled.  Their family were 65 miles away and they elected to stay put and muddle through because they didn't want to infect others.  Their selflessness compared to the attitude of Cummings and of Johnson is stark indeed.

So, what's happened to proportionality and fairness?  Surely those who were instrumental in making the rules should follow them themselves?  Yes, others have broken the rules but the rule-makers certainly are proportionally more culpable when they break the rules that they impose on everyone else?

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Norman, thank you so much for that link.  I am deeply troubled and it was good to see that bastions of church and state have spoken out.

I have rung the friends I mentioned in an earlier post.  They are just so ill and frail but they are brave and shoulder their burdens with complete resignation because they see that as the right thing to do.

It's so utterly wrong to talk about right and left in political terms.  This is about right and wrong.

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I rather think that there are not that many that have got away with doing stuff they should not during this period, whether they be in charge, rich or poor or in between.

It is that relatively small percentage of what I consider ignoramuses and fools, and that little percentage have always existed. It would be like suggesting that there was no crime and no one behaving badly during WW11.

These people just are the proof that 'we' the rest, have decency and concern for others as well as ourselves.

I am not going to get upset about it. Politicans all too often make cockups, they always have and always will. For the most part, I simply accept that.

And that is because I am quite capable of being 'incapable' and making lousy decisions sometimes, it happens.

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