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ALBF: Then we agree to disagree. My belief is that it was only about leaving or remaining in the E.U.

I wonder, should you be correct and it was just 'change' what then did people think would be different? I can't imagine that was the reason other than the 'change' meant being no longer 'ruled' by the E.U.! I didn't vote either. but had I been able I would have voted to leave.

I think the U.K. will succeed and that's not just simply because I wanted out. I genuinely feel it will because it has to; there isn't a plan B! Two things we very much do agree on! The mindset of Brits hence Brexit and our mutual distaste for Macron.

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I do think the UK will succeed (because of the mindset of the Brttish)....which is why my OH was very quick to get my kids UK passports when Brexit kicked in.

I don't take any notice of the naysayers living in France bashing Brexit. They are only pîssed because it makes their lives a tad (just a tad...nothing more serious than a tad) more difficult.

Do you know what, I am fed up of people saying 'I'm moving to France because of Brexit'.

What does that mean FFS ?

You move to France because you want to live in France. You don't move to France because of Brexit.

France is in serious economic trouble.
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I’ve been watching this thread with interest over the last week or so.

Just for my further education, I’d really like to hear about three (or more) advantages of Brexit.

Not generalised statements such as “We’re going to take back control”, but specifics.

These need to be advantages that the UK is currently benefiting from or will very shortly do so.

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You sound like BritinBretagne Gurdian. He likes the advantages debate.

My thoughts would be..

'Does there have to be advantages' ?

Or if you want one, what about 'happiness'. The feeling of freedom and liberation. A lot of people are happier now they no longer belong to the 'EU'.

If that is true then that could improve peoples health. They may live longer. Less stress on the NHS etc etc.

What I am saying is, advantages don't have to be economic. I would rather be less well off and happy than rich and miserable.

Personally speaking, I have more affection for the UK since Brexit thanI did before. I have more a sense of belonging, which makes me happier. In fact, so does everyone I have met.
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I never understood why Brit folks living in France give a **** about Brexit anyway.

Oooh yes sorry...their pensions.

In terms of FOM, most Brits living in France have never been beyond their swimming pool in their garden never mind anywhere else in France or Europe. So I don't see how that changes much. LOL.
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Now, now ALBF play nice.You've probably forgotten the reason I joined this thread in the first place. This forum is populated by people from many different backgrounds and in many different circumstances. It's not fair to lump everybody together like that. For example, I very much doubt I will live long enough to receive a letter from the DWP. Brexit is a political act that will have far reaching consequences for decades to come. It's only natural that people will want to talk about it. Not just on French forums but all across social media. It's a seismic event.

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ALBF you're right I did say it so, perhaps I should go first. As you've probably gathered I've a bit of an interest in politics. Not just geopolitics but the local, little, stuff. In a previous life I was a parish councilor. Shortly after Brexit we had a local election in our commune. The week before the vote our village handyman was sent to the house to hand deliver a letter from the Mayor who was very sorry to say that, despite voting for sixteen years we no longer had the right. I live in a country within the EU but no longer have the right to vote for my MEP. Brexit did that, nothing else.

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And can I also say ALBF that you and I are amongst the fortunate ones. You, I assume, have taken French nationality through your wife. If not it must be comforting to know that you can do so at anytime just as you say your wife ensured your children had british passports. I was resident in France before the signing of the withdrawal and therefore covered by it's protections. Our situations are less changed than the average UK citizen or in fact most Europeans.

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I have not taken French nationality and will never take French nationality. Largely because I am not French but also because there are far more deserving cases than me that really need French nationality to live and work. I am not talking about Brits or other European nationalities.

So I am not adding another pile of paperwork into a system that does not need another pile of paperwork.

In terms of your last points....I would never move to France. Even before Brexit. OK I moved to France but that is beacuse I was relocated for work. I just have not left yet.

Don't get me wrong, I love France. But I would not turn my life upside down to move to France personally.

So what I am saying.

I have no bias towards France UK or Brexit.

I am impertial.
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I think that the Nissan plant would have been built (or extended, whatever) even if Brexit had not alrady happened.  The plant was already there, and seemed sensible, I should think.  There is just a possibility that the red tape will be less, but if they want to export to Europe (which is why they based themselves there once upon a time if my memory serves me correctly) I suspect it won't be easier, but in fact, harder!  No advantage there, then.

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"if they want to export to Europe"

The battery plant will increase the UK component content (at least of EVs), replacing battery imports, so Nissan will be able to export tariff-free under the ROIs of the TCA. (Brexit related)

Also, there should be a substantial increase in their sales of EVs in the UK, so it makes double sense. (not Brexit related)
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Norway deal: There is no masking the fact the new terms are a step backwards on those enjoyed when the UK was a member of the EU’s single market says Norway’s trade and industry minister.

Australia deal: Chlorine and hormones from halfway around the world, needless to say much better deal for Australia.

Vaccines: hahaha

Ken won, get over it.
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Rock wrote:

"Australia deal: Chlorine and hormones from halfway around the world, needless to say much better deal for Australia.

Vaccines: hahaha"

Rock do you really believe that there are no Chlorine or Hormones in most meat production in the EU? As for Vaccines, I don't understand the hahaha, please explain what is funny about something that is saving lives?
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Hi Nick

Both chlorine washed chicken and hormone treatment in beef for the table is banned in the EU. As someone pointed out vegetables / salad ready packed is treated with chlorine, but your can wash salad, you must never wash meat.

It is said that there is no harmful effect of chlorine in our diet yet ingesting it remains one of the most common forms of suicide. I seem to remember the same was said about smoking tobacco.

Vaccines - when touted as only possible as a result of brexit that is complete and utter rubbish. The UK was always fully able to go it's own way as are the other 27 states.

By the way the UK are again racing ahead with covid infections despite the rhetoric, just behind Brazil, India and Columbia with 10 times as many as France which was help up as particularly slow. I would agree, no reason to be complacent but definetly no reason to gloat.
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