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Logged Out of the Forum

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Still happening top me randomly but I've learned to live with it [blink]

I always know instantly because I've set threads to read newest to oldest and if I've been logged out it reverts to the default of oldest first.

Also I use a password/login manager (Roboform) so logging back in is only a mouse click away.



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[quote user="Cat"]

I think it might be just you PZPP, as I'm still getting logged out [:(]  [/quote]

No I have only been logged out once and that was my fault 'cos I cleared all cookies.

And I can spend a lot of time on here some days ...


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Logged out twice in the last 10 minutes, it still happens every time I use the forum

[quote user="Cat"]

IBut I'd like to say a big thank you to anyone who is trying to fix it [kiss]



So that will be a big thank you to no-one then Cat?

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