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Logged Out of the Forum

Pierre ZFP

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Just got Logged Out again, third time today.

Yes the 'remember me' box is checked and I've changed nothing except the signature line on my profile a couple of days ago.

I think I'm not the only one this is happening to (Cooperlola also?)

Seems to happen when I do a Ctrl+Refresh

Is it just me?

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This is getting really annoying now.

It's cramping my style of comming up with quick, witty replies.

Well, the quick bit anyway, not sure if there's any hope for the wit.

Not having a pop at the tech guys, they have enough on there plate but I think I'll withdraw for a while until things settle down a bit.

Bye all, enjoy the sun!

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Were you just logged out again a few minutes ago then Pierre?  I notice it's about the same time as yesterday, which might have some relevance for tracking down the problem, even though it does occur at other times of the day as well.


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Yes indeed.  It seems to happen under 2 circumstances.

1) when trying to post a reply.

2) when doing a ctrl+F5 to refresh a page.

Unfortunately it doesn't happen every time an so is not easily reproduceable.

I know from long and bitter experiance that this kind of problem is the hardest to solve so the best of luck to the teckkies !

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Would you believe that when I when back to the 'Active Forums' page the FPN/LF banner was just a box with a red cross.  Swear it wasn't before, but I'm not logged out this time.  Very curious.

EDIT: and now its back again in its full glory - still logged in though [:D]

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Randomly bumped again for the 3rd time today, seems to happen after about 10 minutes and when changing pages.

Its really frustrating and has been happening for a very long time randomly but is more and more frequent now, almost every time I enter te forum.

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