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Idiots on AI

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Double Standards?

Now this is interesting! This morning an email arrived in my inbox from a certain forum site, which states as follows:

Featured Advertiser From...........( A certain Site)

- · Sky-TV.fr · - <http:.....................
Receive English TV and Radio in your home - including all BBC and ITV Channels. Sky television without subscription installed throughout Brittany. Full after sales service. Satellite installer since 1987. Best prices

Since we know that to receive Sky in France is an offence and since the certain site regularly deletes posts telling members how do do it, seems as if all provided that it creates advertising revenue for them, then suddenly it's quite OK!


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had a look Will, its a hoot isn't it  Apart from one thread demanding

"Name Tags" (I thought we just wanted to know if it is Mme Tag or M.

Tag),  there is this gem, it has been a little edited to protect the


" I am posting this for a neighbour. He

arrived in France last night [25.03] from the UK, ( on horseback?) put

his horse in the barn,  then checked him at 0100. This morning he was

gone.  ................................ Please keep a look out for a

horse you don't know

Pointing and laughing at someone elses misfortune does`nt, at least to my mind, seem much like a hoot.


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I hope so Gay [:D]. Although I don't personally like his pickles, there's a lot I could do with 120lb of raw Virgin (hope that doesn't breach the code of conduct).

Seriously, the various AI forums do seem to be an embodiment of the worst aspects of co-called 'expat communities' that many people away from home are attracted to but without wanting to feel snobbish - though I'm sure that's exactly how it comes across - I just want to run a mile from. And we have a fair few of them in Normandy, believe me. I suppose I am fortunate in being able to spend time at our maison secondiare in England as well as in France. Not to mention the chance to regularly visit Waitrose, Tesco, Sainsburys etc.

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[quote user="Will "]

...there's a lot I could do with 120lb of raw Virgin (hope that doesn't breach the code of conduct). 



I'm sure it doesn't breach this forum's code of conduct... of course, that code of coduct laid down for you by Mrs Will may be less... forgiving [:D] [:D]

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[quote user="Will "]

Dick - you can do it in 'edit your details' at the top of the page.

Miki - stopped moderating, hopefully still conquering. [;)]

By the way, I understand that the horse has been found.


Well I think we should all offer our thanks to Will for his previous

time in helping to moderate L.F, which is not an easy thing to do,

especially in more recent days !!

We may not have always agreed Will but we did agree more, than not and

I for one, offer you my thanks in what is often, a thankless

task.  I can't understand anyone who thinks that moderators are

not required on a forum as big and so varied as L.F. I wouldn't want

the job myself but pay homage to those that do. Well, there you go, my

thoughts on mods and, Will  in particular at this moment.

Remind me of the horse Will,  please ?

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[quote user="catalpa"][quote user="Will "]

...there's a lot I could do with 120lb of raw Virgin (hope that doesn't breach the code of conduct). 


I'm sure it doesn't breach this forum's code of conduct... of course, that code of coduct laid down for you by Mrs Will may be less... forgiving [:D] [:D]


LOL Catalpa, she probably isn't too hot on the 'emboyment' thing either. Then again.....


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Thaks for the kind words, didn't realise there was a mutual admiration society here, as well as at TF. If I was a Chelsea supporter then maybe we could agree 100%.

The lost horse first appeared here in Ron Avery's quote from AI at the bottom of page 5 of this topic, was quaoted again by Norman on p6. It made its first appearance on the AngloInfo Normandy forum and popped up at Total France, so it got around a bit before finally being rounded up.

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"Pointing and laughing at someone elses misfortune does`nt, at least to my mind, seem much like a hoot."

Wow........ Well I am SOOOOOOooooo sorry, Just when did did you have the sense of humour by- pass, or you just saddle sore from the ride from the UK[:)] 

 Don't you just love those lurking posters who only criticise and add nothing.

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