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Welcome to France Dick!

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I've just been able to connect for the first time today!

St H Market was very very cold, and we didn't get in to the Anacapria, boo swizz ect. Very few pinnies but I did take some pix of parsnips and wellington boots to show doubters. In fact I bought some parsnips, but passed on the boots.

I suppose there isn't an old seafaring term for standing in front of a ship, other than 'Bein' a figger'ead' is there?

I read elsewhere that an old mate has reappeared - or a ringer of some sort. And that in this thread there is gloating. Well, mods, you need to think about that I reckon, because one of the things I do know is that if you don't take action over nuisances other people will, and they will not weep bitter salty tears when the nuisaance is gone. And for what it is worth I think it should have been a family package.

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It's a shame you're not in my little bit of France Dick, you could have come out Saturday night researching amphibians, I reckon you could get into something like that!! It's great fun sloshing around in your wellies (spelling) with a torch on your head, net in hand.

Have a pleasant holiday, Chris

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>>>Well, mods, you need to think about that I reckon, Well, mods, you need to think about that I reckon, because one of the things I do know is that if you don't take action over nuisances other people will, and they will not weep bitter salty tears when the nuisaance is gone. And for what it is worth I think it should have been a family package.
 and they will not weep bitter salty tears when the nuisaance is gone. And for what it is worth I think it should have been a family package.<<<

But actually Dick, you didn't do anything. I hope that >> because one of the things I do know is that if you don't take action over nuisances other people will, <<< is not some type of threat, because that is certainly against the T&C

I am not sorry at the banning which was entirely justified, however IMHO it ill behoves so called educated people to 'take the mickey' in the circumstances, especially when you know, that whatever opinion you may hold, there is another family member reading and contributing to this site. Knowing the nature of the person concerned as you do, didn't it occur to you that it was bound to incite a return ? All you are doing is risking more trouble and making more work for the mods.Thats all right then.


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Actually Gay if you read http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/657745/ShowPost.aspx and put a few comments made together about why Mrs O has had to get a lift to sort her glass's out and the timing of her last posting today it would seem that Mr O is not at home and may not even be in France but rather driving around somewhere in an artic lorry (I think thats the type he drives) working. The two posts were at 13:39 and 14:09 and hers was at 16:42 when she got back so I would rather think it's some sicko winding somebody up here. Of course I could be totally wong but the times and comments don't add up with the 'offence'.
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[quote user="Tresco"]Quillan, are you suggesting that people with driving jobs have no access to the internet?[/quote]

No not at all. I'm just thinking that the times are a bit strange and that I would have expected him, if it was LB, to be 'peddle to the metal' to get back. He only does the work to pay for his 'project' and would rather be doing that than driving so he says and thats why he works through an agency so he can pick and choose when he works. I'm not really saying it is or it isn't him for sure because there is no proof one way or the other so I'm just keeping the options open. I still have my doubts what with the times and all and think it's a bit strange and I have a personal suspicion that it's designed specifically to wind Dick up which I have to admit is a bit sick given all the grief over the last week. Still the posts have been deleted, the user banned so we will see. If anyone thinks they spot a posting who's style (which everyone must admit is somewhat distinctive) they suspect is LB then I hope, as was mentioned before, they hit the old Report button to allert the moderators.

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I quite fancy that, Chris. Since our last visit we seem to have had a couple of sparrowhawks move into a tree across the lane - I heard a distinct 'mewing' tonight, and all the other birds (field sparrows and wrens mostly) went off to roost pretty sharpish. No sign of them now as it is too dark, so just waiting for the bats to come out and entertain us, as the robin has been doing all day.

I think I saw a dead Barn Owl by the side of the road when we were driving down yesterday - do many end up as road kill?

Other Chris - I missed any posts trying to wind me up, so what was said? Was it worth the bother? A ce moment je suis heureuse comme dieu en France...

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On average Dick I see one dead barn owl every two weeks and that's only what I see in a radius of 25k and obviously only on the roads I use. As I work I'm not driving around all day, just there and back, it's more than a little disconcerting, I've hit two myself in the last 10 years and come close I don't know how many times. I'm very aware early in the morning, at dusk and after dark and really watch out for them in the fields at the side of the road. I'm sure others must be having the same experience as me!


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Gay - what I mean is that LB's behaviour was reported many times to the mods and nothing was done. Now I am getting a telling off, in public, much more severe that he/she ever had, for a jokey post.
What are you on? Not credibility pills, surely.

What do you mean, nothing was done ? Why do you think I said that he took up 90% of moderating time ? 

You just don't see everything that is/was done.

He is permanently banned - how do you think that happened?

As I said, after all this time you must have some inkling about his personality - little jibes etc will just be red rag to a bull, it's like actually inviting him back!

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[quote user="Dick Smith"]Gay - what I mean is that LB's behaviour was reported many times to the mods and nothing was done. Now I am getting a telling off, in public, much more severe that he/she ever had, for a jokey post.
What are you on? Not credibility pills, surely.


My take on it is that the 'mods' are just trying to show whose boss.  They have deleted the 'offending one's' post and I think maybe using you as an example to others to, well, keep off the LB subject.

I'm a relative newcomer to the forum and have found the past couple of weeks really good fun.  Since the 'offending one' can no longer offend, the forum has brought me many an evening laughing and joking with some new found, I hope, friends. 

Please let it go and not let 'him' have the satisfation of ruining our summer.


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I have just looked at your Planet Passion and discovered that there are so many Shrews that I never knew you could get! It's a lovely site Mr PP. I had a lovely big Owl in me garden, but he is gone now! I know Mrs Tresco was after one, so if you did rob me owl, please return himby May the 3rd and I shall take no further action.


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Furry Nix, I saw your big owl the other evening.  He was sitting on a hegderow in the moonlight as I careered down a country lane after work, homeward bound.  He gave me a big wink as I passed by !
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I thought it was a woman owl in me garden, but farmer Villeroy insists it was a fella! I wonder how you sex an owl? Where did you see me owl Mrs Pip? Are you near me little house?

Poor Burt! where is he Mrs Animal? are you in touch with him? has he taken up taxidermatology full time? I know he was doing a bit of stuffing for fun with Sage and Thyme (his new Swedish neighbours) but Sage got into a fight with  Thyme over Burt's tree last November.

Do you go looking for little owls every night Mrs Tresco? I would love to do that!

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I don't search for them, I think they seek me out. [:-))]

I think the Little Owls are mocking me, sitting there all Little Owlishly, but I still like them. [:)]

Do you remember the night a long time ago when I had a glass of the red water, and cried out to you for a Little Owl FK? 

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"I'm a relative newcomer to the forum and have found the past couple of weeks really good fun.  Since the 'offending one' can no longer offend, the forum has brought me many an evening laughing and joking with some new found, I hope, friends." 

Hi there Dotty!

I hope i'm one of your friends!  Oh and by the way Dick so glad you're chilling out in France and not stuck in Britain due to strikes.  [:)]

I like the new 'mad' smiley [:-))]

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Hi there gorgeous Tresco!

Just rolled in from rehearsals (been at it every night since Monday that's why i'm not round much at the mo) and there you are flirting with FK again!  Nice one!  Just poured myself a glass of the red water yacky da!![:-))]

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[quote user="FurryKnickers"]

I thought it was a woman owl in me garden, but farmer Villeroy insists it was a fella! I wonder how you sex an owl? Where did you see me owl Mrs Pip? Are you near me little house?

Poor Burt! where is he Mrs Animal? are you in touch with him? has he taken up taxidermatology full time? I know he was doing a bit of stuffing for fun with Sage and Thyme (his new Swedish neighbours) but Sage got into a fight with  Thyme over Burt's tree last November.

Do you go looking for little owls every night Mrs Tresco? I would love to do that!


Blimey, didn't know you could have sex with an owl.  That must be a hoot.[:-))] No I said hoot not woot[:)]

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Well FK I thought it was pignent, but I seem to recall you mentioning that I was a little bit locomotionocol, or word to that effect.

I'm scarred to this very day, but some scars are good.

I do so hope Dicksmith is having a fine old time!

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