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I thought that I would say a goodbye.


I realise that I haven't posted much recently. My trust had gone and everytime I had posted it seemed to coincide with something that made me realise that my lack of trust was justified.


Sadly there have been a few 'iffy' posts on here recently with regards to information offered in reply to questions. Not every one knows everything, (I know I don't) so the best bit of advice I can give anyone is check up for yourselves on anything at all that is on your mind, or you have a problem with.


Good luck!

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I have to agree TU, that during my enforced rest, I noticed quite a few

"iffy" replies and I worry just how many have acted on the answers

given. I too learn a lot from the French, especially on how they can

tell quite outrageous porkies, rather than admit not knowing the

answer. It is that point, that I am sure TU would agre, is to check,

not once with the  fonctionaires, in particular but to check it

all again and again if neccessary.

It is the folks, that quite understandably, relay the first answer

given as facts to other members, that it all gets pretty cloudy. We

won't mention the man in the bar said experts here !

If we lose you TU, we lose one of the extremely rare voices of, been there and....understood it !

TU I know, is unhappy of how moderating has gone since the turmoil a

while back. She believes in forthright talking, as she knows only too

well, that is how debate and discussions are carried out here in real

life. She brings true reality to this forum and, like it or not (and TU

and I some years ago now, took a while to see things almost spot on, we

often came from opposite ends of a debate but in the end, we realised

that we both had been through, more or less, the whole spectrum of life

here and just worded or put things over differently !!) she will let you know excatly how she has seen, or had to do things.

So TU, many of us would certainly not want you to go, so can I ask you

from them, could you please explain a little more, so we can 

discuss it and perhaps see a way that,  could make you change your

mind ?

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TU - Don't go !!  You have offered me so much good advice and I'm

sure I am not the only one.  I can relate to what you are saying,

but I try to take it with a grain of salt and  just quit reading a

thread that seems "wild."   I know you must do the

same.  It would be a shame to lose your valuable knowledge.

Maybe take a week off, but don't leave us forever.

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I'm very, very sorry to see that TU has finally decided to call it a day.

Those of you who don't 'know' TU well, will know she is knowledgable about France, but may not realise what a warm, generous, and funny woman she is aside from the factual information she has given on the forum.

If I know TU like I think I do, she means it. I just wanted to say how sorry I am that she is leaving.[:(]


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Like the others, I can only say - please reconsider.  The forum should be a place of debate with reasoned opinions, not everyone agreeing or else slagging each other off.  You are one of the voices of reason - please stay.


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Hi Dick - yes, I saw Miki's post after I posted.  Apparently, he

was typing at the same time I was.   I thought perhaps it was not

just the bit of "odd" advice given here or there for TU's

decision.  I must say that I noticed that when I first started

reading the forum.  Since I am American, alot of the "general

rules" offered here do not apply to me.  Often the advice given

was totally wrong or should I say inappropriate if you are not an EU

citizen..  But, like TU says, I did my homework and learned what I

needed to do.  I never did go back to any particular thread to say

- oops, excuse me, but what you said is not correct for everyone. 

Just thought that would cause a lot of ill will.  I have seen

people to that though.

I do hope TU will reconsider.  If for no other reason, than to

offer a candid, knowledgable opinion that will remind any poster to "do

their homework" before taking any advice from a forum.

Do stay TU, you are loved.

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[quote user="Lori"]I do hope TU will reconsider.  If for no other reason, than to offer a candid, knowledgable opinion that will remind any poster to "do their homework" before taking any advice from a forum.[/quote]

Totally agree! I may not post too often, but I visit a lot. You will be really missed! [:'(] So do stay, even if you only occasionally post. The forum won't be the same without you! 

If you really choose not to, then cheerio![:(]

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I confess that I am a bit lost. Have the norms of moderation changed ?


As far as I could see there was just a bit of enforcement about 'going for the ball not the player', which I find to be a good rule generally.

I didn't know that robust tackles were ruled out.

(But I do find the constant chatter about 'anothr place' tiresome).


From what I can recall Teamedup contributes openly, honestly and with good intentions. More pelase Teamedup.



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Sorry folks, but I am going to be tad controversial here.

Some time ago I put a post asking about tax incentives for installing renewable energy, I got some very helpful advice and info from other forum members.

But TU's post will stay with me until I go to my grave. My aviator is a picture of my very nice pool, which is there for my gite business.

TU's post was to slag me off for having a luxury pool and asking about tax breaks.

Whilst I accept that she may have helped a lot of people out over time, the one time she replied to my post asking for advice was nothing more than vitriolic and offensive.

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There always has to be one, trying to concentrate on the allegedly less favourable side of things.

I quite understand and sympahise with TU's reasons, and heartily concur with all that Miki said. There's no point in me repeating it, I just agree 100%.

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[quote] But TU's post will stay with me until I go to my grave [/quote]

Well that's a pretty weird grudge to stay with one for life. I have

long forgotten 99% of folks who have rumbled with me, including

the  basket who done my ankle to finish my togger days.If you knew

France and its people like her and seen so many struggle for an

existence, then I am sure you might just have seen it from her angle,

not from your poolside. Get

over it.............

[quote] My aviator is a picture of my very nice pool, which is there for my gite business.[/quote]

Nice pool, nothing like a free bit of advertising eh, if not for now,

for later ! Just an observation here but in your lovely pool, the

skimmers look like they have been placed a little low ?

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[quote user="JJ"]

Sorry folks, but I am going to be tad controversial here. [/quote]

Not to mention a bit economical with the truth.

[quote user="JJ"] Some time ago I put a post asking about tax incentives for installing renewable energy, I got some very helpful advice and info from other forum members.

But TU's post will stay with me until I go to my grave. My aviator is a picture of my very nice pool, which is there for my gite business.

TU's post was to slag me off for having a luxury pool and asking about tax breaks.

Whilst I accept that she may have helped a lot of people out over time, the one time she replied to my post asking for advice was nothing more than vitriolic and offensive.


This is the complete text of the message you refer to.

"JJ If that is your swimming pool I hope that you are rather kidding about the 'grant' thing.  Some of us have to pay for our own stuff and cannot afford luxory swimming pools. And many french people can't even afford to buy anywhere, this is just the sort of thing that really really winds me up......... and I feel pretty sure that it would wind many french people up too". (TU)

 Your description of her reply ais 'vitriolic and offensive' is a huge exaggeration.

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