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Balloon museum?

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I wouldn't put anything past these despicable French people[:D]

Come on Keith. More information for those of us whose French googling skills lead us down some shocking garden paths, and other very dodgy places.  

Like, where in France?

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It's a pleasure duck!

I get the feeling that you are in your little owl mood again? did you get one yet? When you do get one, you could start your own Owl museum in France! I wonder how many little owls does it take to start a museum?

I don't know what a pleasure duck is either!


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[quote user="Tresco"]

Why thank you Mr Nix. The Beckoning Cats! [:D] Who could resist.

Now, I am in the dubious position of the last 5 posts all being by me, if I press...


I managed to get the entire first page of 'actives' last posted by myself yesterday.  But only for about 5 secs.

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To see if the upper atmosphere would sustain

life, on September 19, 1783, Joseph (1740-1810) and Etienne

(1745-1799) Montgolfier sent aloft a rooster, a sheep and

a duck in a balloon they designed. Released at Versailles before

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the hot-air balloon soared

to about 1,700 feet before landing safely two miles away with

all aboard still alive. One of the first to reach the cage

was Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier, who would

become the first man to fly, and later to die, in a balloon.

More balloon facts:

History of balloons

No, I've got nothing to do at the minute!

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So there is a duck connection then!

Maybe your man means some other kind of balloon anyway? could you clarify what kind of balloons you mean Mr Dogland?

There is a condom museum in France, could that be what you are meaning? They are illegal in kildare, and you face a  jail term if you are found in possession of any. Poor Pat O'Hare was caught with one back in 1987, he got 2 years after being caught in an undercover operation by the Garda,  He was buying up all the Marigold gloves in Kildare, and was cutting the fingers off and using them as condoms, a practice that still goes on today. Shop keepers are now obliged to inform the authorities of any excessive purchases of Marigold gloves in Kildare.


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There's a giant prehistoric duck in a museum somewhere in Australia.  3 metres tall and 500kilos.

[img]http://amol.org.au/discovernet/images/alcoota/dromornis_2.gif[/img] [img]http://amol.org.au/discovernet/images/alcoota/dromskel.jpg[/img]

Personally, I don't see what it has in common with a duck.  I doubt if it wore Marigolds, but maybe it did as it is extinct.

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That looks more like me cousin Shauna than a duck! what a quare looking yoke it is. How did they seduce it was a duck?

Did you know that there is a Sausage Museum in Berlin? They have the biggest sausage I ever saw in the whole wild world! I am writing a song about an Irish sausage that falls in love with a woman from Sligo. It goes.....You are the only one, the only one that I want to eat me, With your sweet sugar lips wrapped around me, I shall be in paradise when you eat me......

It is a bit sad because the sausage dies in the end.


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That was so sad, Mrs Animal!

It is the first time I have come across a suicidal sausage, but the moment of tenderness where the 2 sausages are having jiggery pokery has inspired me to continue writing love songs about the misunderstood life of the sausage. Why should it not be accepted in todays society that a sausage and a woman from Sligo can have a meaningful relationship? Here is the next line of me song, which is entitled 'When a Sausage Loves A woman'

......I loved every moment we touched, I loved every touch of your gentle hand, I shall always remember that final moment you took me, you took me untill I was no more.......


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