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Cool Twinks, tell them you're clinically psychotic and alcohol can cause you to have strange feelings! You haven't picked the easiest of times to start your month off though...I've met soon to be new hamlet neighbours several times & have been invited for apero, I told them immediately that I don't drink & they say they'll find a special bottle of Chateau Robinet for me!

Ann49, if you get in the crap & need to 'chat' please don't hesitate to PM.

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Not sure if I can go cold turkey, just like that.  Tried it once when I was on the Atkins diet.  Went without for 19 days and then a New Year's Eve party put paid to my good intentions.

Anyway, after Chris's inspirational post, I decided to cut right down.  Not up to going teetotal yet.  I suppose, if I'm really honest, I have been drinking say 35 to 40 units a week and, since I have been in France (April), it's been more like 50 units.  Not serious, I know, but what I didn't like was this HAVING to have a drink EVERYDAY.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I had cut down to 19 units week before last and last week was 18 units.  I have stopped whisky and other spirits completely (thank you, Wooly) and I try not to drink before 6 pm (thank you Gluestick).

I don't really want to go down to nothing as I do believe that drinking is one of the nicest things to do in life (sorry if you don't agree) but, if I can get down to 14 or below EVERY week, I shall be very happy.

Twinks, please keep posting so I know how you are getting on and I do want to keep my end up!

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Day 2 (last night)

I got home from horseriding with my daughter and there was a bottle of pink champagne on the kitchen table looking at me.  My first thought was "Oooh goody!"  Then I remembered and got really angry that my hubby could be so thoughtless as to buy a bottle of my favourite tipple knowing that I'm not drinking for a month. 

Anyway - turns out it was a friend who gave him the bottle for us to taste and if we like it we can order some more (special deal and all that).  I have told my hubby that I don't want our friends to know that I was off the booze otherwise I'll just get loads of questions and jibing, so he accepted the offer and said nothing.

I took the bottle to the party last night for everyone else to drink.  I told people who asked (everyone who knows me!) I was on a course of anti-biotics for an ear infection.  I drank water and a bit of Orangina at the apèro.  I started getting a bit fidgity and even started scratching my face and arms for a few minutes.  Anybody else had that?  I didn't know a lot of the people there and normally a few drinks will relax me enough to flit around and chat with everyone.  I was okay though and as people started to unwind with the help of alcohol - strangely enough so did I.

I drank water with the buffet style meal and that was okay apart from a small pang when someone opened a bottle of Gaillac!  The cheese was served quite late - and again I thought about some nice red wine.

My hubby was an angel and stayed close by most of the evening and served me all of my drinks and food - this was very helpful as I didn't have to see the bottles of you know what[:)]

We left about 1am and I drove home feeling really good.  I had a nice evening and didn't feel miserable of tetchy.  I also realised that I hadn't eaten half as much as I normally would have if I'd had the apèros and the wine. 

This morning I feel great and my OH has a headache[:D]

Tomorrow night I have 12 people coming here for a meal - I think that will be easy though 'cos' I'll be busy serving the courses and I know everyone who's invited.

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Wow, Twinks, that is nothing less than heroic.

Coincidentally, my dear old neighbour brought me a bottle of his homemade pineau yesterday evening.  Now I don't really like pineau as I don't go for sweet drinks at all, but his pineau is to die for (and God knows I've been dropping enough hints to him about how much I like it!)

Anyway, I stuck it in the fridge straightaway and I stayed with one and a half glasses of best Argentine Chardonnay.

Don't think I'm ready for cold turkey yet but will keep dropping the units until consumption is at a level that is acceptable to me.

Keep going, Twinks.  If I know you, you'll do it!!!

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  My wife and I were sitting at a table at the Highway Inn and I kept staring at the drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table ...............My wife asked me  "Do you know her ? "  Yes  " I sighed ...."She's my old girlfriend...I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago. and . I hear she hasnt been sober since  "    My God ...says my wife    "Who would have thought a person could go on celebrating that long ? "   
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Hi, now on my fourth day without a drink , thank you Chris[:D] (7 years without one single alcahol free night [:$]felt really good for the first three days and sleeping well but today I feel so tired, anyone else felt like this?

I have taken to drinking soda water & lime instead of red wine, I find it really helps[:)]

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There are some real inspirational stories here.  I am a take it or leave it person when it comes to alcohol.  Sadly, when I dont drink I find 'friends' trying very hard to get me drunk.  This headache puts me off going out because, as observed by Twinkle, you 'get drunk' with the crowd.  I find I enjoy myself more when I am sober, and I have the freedom of my car, and I feel great the next day.  Win Win Situation.

Keep it up guys.

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[quote user="ann49"]

Hi, now on my fourth day without a drink , thank you Chris[:D] (7 years without one single alcahol free night [:$]felt really good for the first three days and sleeping well but today I feel so tired, anyone else felt like this?


Well done!

I haven't had a drink since Thursday night and to-day I also feel very tired.  I am craving sweet things too - which isn't good for me!  I'm eating satsumas and drinking lots of tea and herbal drinks (sugar free).


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[quote user="ann49"]

Hi, now on my fourth day without a drink , thank you Chris[:D] (7 years without one single alcahol free night [:$]felt really good for the first three days and sleeping well but today I feel so tired, anyone else felt like this?

I have taken to drinking soda water & lime instead of red wine, I find it really helps[:)]


Well done ann! Yep i felt like total c*ap for the first few days. Vitamin B complex (i think) helped.

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[quote user="Frederick"]  My wife and I were sitting at a table at the Highway Inn and I kept staring at the drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table ...............My wife asked me  "Do you know her ? "  Yes  " I sighed ...."She's my old girlfriend...I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago. and . I hear she hasnt been sober since  "    My God ...says my wife    "Who would have thought a person could go on celebrating that long ? "   [/quote]



Desperately wanted a drink round about 2 pm.  I went out to the garden and did a bit of ground clearing.  That got about 2 to 3 hours out of the way.  Then, I swept all the ground floors and did the washing-up left over from lunch.  Then I shifted some logs and it was STILL only 5.30 pm.

It's now gone 6 so I have allowed myself a small glass of my neighbour's pineau and will finish off with a glass of best chardonay with our fish supper.  If the last 2 weeks can be depended upon, that will be my 2 to 3 units today.

My God, this is HARD; especially as I really love the taste and like drinking when I am happy!

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Meg, I had to had to smile to myself today while (just having a look) walking past the beer section today in the super market I noticed a bottled beer called "Celebration Meg" I very nearly brought one to take home and make a photo for you, but then thought if its sat there i will drink it , so didint [blink] 
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[;-)][quote user="sweet 17"]

[quote user="Frederick"]  My wife and I were sitting at a table at the Highway Inn and I kept staring at the drunken lady swigging her drink as she sat alone at a nearby table ...............My wife asked me  "Do you know her ? "  Yes  " I sighed ...."She's my old girlfriend...I understand she took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago. and . I hear she hasnt been sober since  "    My God ...says my wife    "Who would have thought a person could go on celebrating that long ? "   [/quote]



Desperately wanted a drink round about 2 pm.  I went out to the garden and did a bit of ground clearing.  That got about 2 to 3 hours out of the way.  Then, I swept all the ground floors and did the washing-up left over from lunch.  Then I shifted some logs and it was STILL only 5.30 pm.

It's now gone 6 so I have allowed myself a small glass of my neighbour's pineau and will finish off with a glass of best chardonay with our fish supper.  If the last 2 weeks can be depended upon, that will be my 2 to 3 units today.

My God, this is HARD; especially as I really love the taste and like drinking when I am happy!

[/quote]Well done Sweet 17,it's great that you can cut down, I tend to be all or nothing [6]so it's nothing for me.
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Ann, bless you for posting.  I can't do "nothing".  Just have to keep cutting down and THAT'S not easy.  Just too damn tempting to have "just one more".

Meant to be staying with friends for one night this week but have made an excuse and put them off.  It's too early into my regime and I am too vulnerable to be in someone else's house where I will be "out of control", that is, will not be the person pouring the drinks and generally being in charge.  Dare not let someone else pour my drinks at present.  Alas, so easy to say, "yes, please" to yet another top-up.

Keep it up and keep posting.  I do think being up front about it helps enormously.

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One of the sneaky things about alcohol is that after one drink it works on your resolve and determination and weakens it, makes you forget all the negatives. For example, I find the feeling of slight depression  when the effect is wearing off is enough to stop me having another, because I hate feeling depressed. It's a chemical thing. Keep at it everyone, me too.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]

Ann, bless you for posting.  I can't do "nothing".  Just have to keep cutting down and THAT'S not easy.  Just too damn tempting to have "just one more".

Meant to be staying with friends for one night this week but have made an excuse and put them off.  It's too early into my regime and I am too vulnerable to be in someone else's house where I will be "out of control", that is, will not be the person pouring the drinks and generally being in charge.  Dare not let someone else pour my drinks at present.  Alas, so easy to say, "yes, please" to yet another top-up.

Keep it up and keep posting.  I do think being up front about it helps enormously.

[/quote]Hi Sweet17,

When I started seriously drinking 7 years ago it was because I needed the oblivion that came with it[:(],that has not changed but I have a husdand, children and a grandson that depend on me and I was letting them down. I read this post by Chris and realized just how bad I had let thing become, he really opened my eyes. Now it's up to me.

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Great evening!

The same thing that happened on Saturday happened again tonight.  At the beginning when everyone started drinking apèros I felt a bit out of place and jittery and then started to relax as my friends did. 

I was feeling really tired today and had a splitting headache all day long.  When my guests arrived I took 2 soluable Doliprane while they were drinking their apèros then I had a glass of apple juice.  A very good male friend of mine who was at the same party as me on Saturday was sitting next to me and I could feel him quietly watching me. I turned to him and smiled and asked him what was wrong and he just said that he was observing me[:)]  "So you've noticed I'm not drinking then?" I said.  "Yes" he replied.  I told him that I'd been feeling really tired lately and wanted to give myself a break from alcohol for a few weeks.  He's 12 years younger than me I've known him since I arrived in France 18 years ago and he never used to drink before.  This has changed over the last couple of years and he's drinking quite regularly now.  He admitted that he didn't see it coming,  but is now finding it difficult to go through a whole week without having a couple of pastis and a few glasses of wine every night.  I now realise that it's quite a problem for most people in France.  When you're honest with yourself.

Anyway, I've tidied up and my headaches gone and I feel really well now.  It's lovely not to have that haze now and the bad head tomorrow morning. 

I love good wine (and pink champagne[:)]) and I know that I will not give up alcohol forever, but I'm certain that this little break will help me back to appreciating it occasionally like I used to and hopefully not let it take over. 

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it was because I needed the oblivion that came with it

Brave post Ann and familiar, taking the hard path & dealing with the demons that were the reason for needing oblivion isn't easy but a way forward....also, eat properly and drink plenty of water, at least two litres a day.

He's 12 years younger than me I've known him since I arrived in France 18 years ago and he never used to drink before.  This has changed over the last couple of years and he's drinking quite regularly now

I was teetotal for ten years before meeting my soon to be alcohol dependent ex; then discovered the 'joys' of the stuff and learned that it gave me oblivion too, then it nearly killed me & lost me alot and tomorrow I have to go to a tribunal and sit & listen to reams of attestations from folk who matter eff all to me....but no prob, 'cos I chose the hard route and truth isn't a threat anymore....keep going folks!

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Hey I'm so cool they name a beer after me! Ironic that.

Good going Twinks. I have never been in a social situation and not been drinking. (Advantage of not driving). Part of me is kind of looking forward to it? Christmas will be a toughie, going to my parents especially, as they are big drinkers.

And just how good is it waking up without a hangover?! Funny to think about how i got through the day......waiting for beer o'clock to feel better.

Yep oblivion...that's the one.

Day 23!  [:D]

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Such an interesting thread.  It seems that it has made an awful lot of people contemplate their alcohol consumption.   It has been running through my mind and at the weekend I tried to remember the day when I had not had a drink.     Not many, between 1 and 4 glasses of well stacked with ice (yes, I'm a pleb !) wine every night.    And try as I might, I could only pinpoint a few days in August 2005 when I worked from a 23 hour (yes really) to a 19 hour day for two weeks, and didn't have time to drink.   Other than that, being in a very stressful job in UK I pretty much got home, at whatever time, and reached in the fridge.   I guess I have been drinking like this for 4 years now, so well before we came to France.   I don't feel dependent on alcohol, and I don't feel drunk most nights (maybe on the odd 4 glass night, but thats a rare one!)

Anyway, finally had you all in my mind and decided not to have a drink last night.    the thought was horrible, more horrible than I had ever imagined, but for me (and clearly I am lucky) it was only the thought, and after the first orange juice, and the third apple juice I wasn't bothered at all.   I have however decided to definitely stick with at least 2 or 3 nights a week without  drink now as a matter of course.   In effect, get out of the habit a bit, because I am scared that the habit, if I continue it, might one day no longer be a habit and I may not find that, as now, I am not bothered really whether I have a drink or not.

Good luck to you all, and I am just sorry some of you haven't been as lucky as me and not become addicted or dependent.

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[quote user="Meg "]Hey I'm so cool they name a beer after me! Ironic that.

Good going Twinks. I have never been in a social situation and not been drinking. (Advantage of not driving). Part of me is kind of looking forward to it? Christmas will be a toughie, going to my parents especially, as they are big drinkers.

And just how good is it waking up without a hangover?! Funny to think about how i got through the day......waiting for beer o'clock to feel better.

Yep oblivion...that's the one.

Day 23!  [:D]

[/quote]You are doing really well Meg, 23 days WOW I must admit that waking up in the morning and not feeling groggy and [+o(] is a big plus for me[:)] I think I had just got used to feeling bad and although I stopped drinking to see if  I could I have now decided that I don't want to drink again I like this feeling of being alive[8-|]
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[quote user="Chris Head"]

it was because I needed the oblivion that came with it

Brave post Ann and familiar, taking the hard path & dealing with the demons that were the reason for needing oblivion isn't easy but a way forward....also, eat properly and drink plenty of water, at least two litres a day.

He's 12 years younger than me I've known him since I arrived in France 18 years ago and he never used to drink before.  This has changed over the last couple of years and he's drinking quite regularly now

I was teetotal for ten years before meeting my soon to be alcohol dependent ex; then discovered the 'joys' of the stuff and learned that it gave me oblivion too, then it nearly killed me & lost me alot and tomorrow I have to go to a tribunal and sit & listen to reams of attestations from folk who matter eff all to me....but no prob, 'cos I chose the hard route and truth isn't a threat anymore....keep going folks!

[/quote]Chris, I have no idea what it is you have to face tommorrow, but as you say "no prob" just know that I and I'm sure many people on here wish you well and are with you in spirit[6].( oop's perhaps not the best choice of word[:$]) Please also remember that because of [:)] YOU [:)] I for one have stopped drinking and  now have a brighter future.

Hopefully after tommorrow you can continue on to your brighter future.

 Good luck and thank you. Ann

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[quote user="londoneye"]

Such an interesting thread.  It seems that it has made an awful lot of people contemplate their alcohol consumption.   It has been running through my mind and at the weekend I tried to remember the day when I had not had a drink.     Not many, between 1 and 4 glasses of well stacked with ice (yes, I'm a pleb !) wine every night.    And try as I might, I could only pinpoint a few days in August 2005 when I worked from a 23 hour (yes really) to a 19 hour day for two weeks, and didn't have time to drink.   Other than that, being in a very stressful job in UK I pretty much got home, at whatever time, and reached in the fridge.   I guess I have been drinking like this for 4 years now, so well before we came to France.   I don't feel dependent on alcohol, and I don't feel drunk most nights (maybe on the odd 4 glass night, but thats a rare one!)

Anyway, finally had you all in my mind and decided not to have a drink last night.    the thought was horrible, more horrible than I had ever imagined, but for me (and clearly I am lucky) it was only the thought, and after the first orange juice, and the third apple juice I wasn't bothered at all.   I have however decided to definitely stick with at least 2 or 3 nights a week without  drink now as a matter of course.   In effect, get out of the habit a bit, because I am scared that the habit, if I continue it, might one day no longer be a habit and I may not find that, as now, I am not bothered really whether I have a drink or not.

Good luck to you all, and I am just sorry some of you haven't been as lucky as me and not become addicted or dependent.

[/quote]Hi Londoneye, nice post and so true that Chris has made so many take stock after his brave story, he is a real inspiration not only to those who drink to much but to those who could be on the slippery slope.


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Had a pain in my toe last week, on Sunday I limped round to the local hospital's minor injuries unit. Inside an hour, a nurse told me that I have gout. Going out past a mural depicting Douglas Bader I reflect that it could be worse.

Thought gout was only for colonels late of the Indian Army. Anyway whilst madame is enjoying a glass of Chateaux Neuf de Pape I am trying to down the 6th pint of water today.

The nurse sent me to my doctor, who said that when he worked in the north of England he dealt with people with heart attacks but here in Barnes they have gout. His cure: Take some Neurofen, drink water and resist the siren call of the waters of oblivion.
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