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[quote user="Meg and Mog"]I naffed it up a bit too.

But there's a huge difference between failure and quitting. People make mistakes, people bugger up. Its called being human. It's the keeping on at it, no matter how far you get pushed, admitting when you went wrong, and never quitting that counts.


How right you are M&M and I hope you are all doing well. A couple of months after 'going public' on the forum about my late partner I met a new man and life looks pretty ok.  Don't lose courage everyone! Jen

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Did anyone listen to the You and Yours programme on Alchol on Radio 4 today? One point was that in UK the price of alcohol is down to a third of what it was in the 60s, relative to income I suppose.

Though this is a different situation to that here in France, where alcohol is even cheaper, though incomes are lower.

Good to hear from you again, Chris. Hoping your spells on the waggon get longer and longer. Pat.

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[quote user="Gemonimo"]

How right you are M&M and I hope you are all doing well. A couple of months after 'going public' on the forum about my late partner I met a new man and life looks pretty ok.  Don't lose courage everyone! Jen


Good for you Jen. I wish you heaps of happiness! Just goes to show, never give up, things do get better.

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