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It's Sunday morning in Rural France...........


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So you drift outside to check on the animals, coffee in hand, and all you can hear is the silence, all you can smell is woodsmoke from recently-lit fires, notice the deer in the bottom of the field..............................wonderful.

Then it starts........................

Woof, woof, Toot toot, Bang, bang, Woof, woof, Bang bang............................

Don't you just love this time of year.................[:D][:D]


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[quote user="Belle"]I will do you a swop BG, step out onto our terrace and all you will hear is 200 Pintard at the bottom of our garden, we get that for 18 weeks of the year.[/quote]

Will they all be gone by Christmas though............[:$]

The Chasse are around till the 14th March............[:@]

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yes they will be gone by christmas, ( if not I will take a handful of pills), but I will still swop with you, unless you can better this, the farmer lets them out of their shed at 7.30, they then squawk NONE STOP not even for a minute, until 6.0clock when he puts them away.
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Val 2,

I know how you feel, we have two dogs, although not fox or deer colour, the russell terrier gets very frightened by it all.

Last week, they were out every day in some shape or form.

Whilst I respect their right to hunt, and at least they do eat what they hunt (9 Sanglier in our commune last werk alone) it does make walking the dogs a bit fraught.

They were even all out on 11th Nov, armistace day, you think they might have rested their guns on that day.

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[quote user="JJ"]

They were even all out on 11th Nov, armistace day, you think they might have rested their guns on that day.  [/quote]

I did find it hard on 11 November, when the hunters did give us 1/2 hour respite - from just before 11 til about 20 past, as I would have hoped they could have managed to desist for the entire day, but apparently not. But this is my adopted country and things are seen differently here and it is up to me to adapt.


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I hateTownies  who buy  a property in the country, and then moan about a way of life that has been going on for generations

Live with it or go home

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[quote user="NormanH"]I hateTownies who buy  a property in the country, and then moan about a way of life that has been going on for generations

Live with it or go home[/quote]

If your comment is aimed at me then I am sorry to disappoint you but I live on the edge of town. I used to live in the country when I lived in the UK but have met more hatred of hunters here than I ever came across in the UK.

Sue [;-)]


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[quote user="NormanH"]I hateTownies  who buy  a property in the country, and then moan about a way of life that has been going on for generations
Live with it or go home


Your twisted mind's working overtime again Noman. Read, slowly, the thread again ( I'll help you with the big words) and point out where anyone has specifically moaned about about the chasse.

Sad really.....................................

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[quote user="Val_2"]Yes every thursday and sunday its bang,bang,bang round here too. I have to be careful where I go walking on these two days as my dog is fox red in colour and about the same size.[/quote]

You could always get a high-vis jacket and collar for the dog, not forgetting a sturdy bell too [;-)]

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[quote user="NormanH"]I hateTownies  who buy  a property in the country, and then moan about a way of life that has been going on for generations
Live with it or go home

Post edited by the moderators. Please do not post messages which are insulting, abusive, racist, sexist, or derogatory in any way to others, whether they are individuals or companies, users of the Forum or not. This includes material sent via personal e-mails through this forum.[/quote]


I am not a townie, born and bred in a small  Bucks village with less inhabitants back then than in the small commune I have had my home here for almost 20years. I would also never interfere with the local chasse with whom we as a non-french born family have a good relation with the members.

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I may be wrong on this but was it not our dear Winston Churchill who said something along the lines of  that "The French will P*** anywhere and shoot anything" It's certainly true around here where we are and no, I'm not having a go, it's just how it is.

Pity they did not get the fox that took out three of our chicks two days ago.



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We have the Chasse in the woods around our house and occasionally across the field at the bottom of our garden. OH was in the garden with our dog when the Chasse saw a rabbit running across our garden, they turned and raised their guns but thought better of it. I have never seen OH moves so fast running into the house as he was convinced they were going to start shooting into our garden for the rabbit.
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I don't mind the 'hunt' but now it is 7 days a week, they start just across the river from us with howling dogs a 6.30am and the worst is they are lazy bugg@rs and don't venture far, so while we are taking coffee outside, all you can hear his the sounds of shots ringing out in the valley. You see them here standing by the roadside, rifle in hand waiting for the boar to come to them. I've found over the last few years hunters having less and less regard for other members of the community. So much so, that a lot of residents who never bothered one way or another have become anti-hunt, even if not voiced out loud.

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