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Where do you want to be laid to rest?


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[quote user="Weedon"]

As I am probably a lot nearer the age of falling off my perch than a fair number of you, I have given a bit of thought to what music I would like played as my (hopefully) very expensive coffin goes gliding away through the curtains. And this is it. Wish I could be there to see the reaction.


Lovely choice of song!

I can't stop changing mine! "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" used to be one of them!

Another one I love for those of you who speak French is this one by Serge Rianni 'Le Temps Qui Reste'

NormanH will know it if he hasn't foutu le camp de ce fil!


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[quote user="TWINKLE"][quote user="Weedon"]

As I am probably a lot nearer the age of falling off my perch than a fair number of you, I have given a bit of thought to what music I would like played as my (hopefully) very expensive coffin goes gliding away through the curtains. And this is it. Wish I could be there to see the reaction.


Lovely choice of song!

I can't stop changing mine! "Ding Dong The Witch is Dead" used to be one of them!

Another one I love for those of you who speak French is this one by Serge Rianni 'Le Temps Qui Reste'

NormanH will know it if he hasn't foutu le camp de ce fil!



If you can't speak/understand  French would it be OK to post on a forum to ask if anybody knows of an English speaking singer to sing that one?[:)]

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Weedon! I would sing it for you but then,  that would mean....

Here are the lyrics

Le Temps Qui Reste

Combien de temps...
Combien de temps encore
Des années, des jours, des heures combien?
Quand j'y pense mon coeur bat si fort...
Mon pays c'est la vie.
Combien de temps encore...

Je l'aime tant, le temps qui reste...
Je veux rire, courir, pleurer, parler,
Et voir, et croire
Et boire, danser,
Crier, manger, nager, bondir, désobéir
J'ai pas fini, j'ai pas fini
Voler, chanter, parti, repartir
Souffrir, aimer
Je l'aime tant le temps qui reste

Je ne sais plus où je suis né, ni quand
Je sais qu'il n'y a pas longtemps...
Et que mon pays c'est la vie
Je sais aussi que mon père disait:
Le temps c'est comme ton pain...
Gardes en pour demain...

J'ai encore du pain,
Encore du temps, mais combien?
Je veux jouer encore...
Je veux rire des montagnes de rires,
Je veux pleurer des torrents de larmes,
Je veux boire des bateaux entiers de vin
De Bordeaux et d'Italie
Et danser, crier, voler, nager dans tous les océans
J'ai pas fini, j'ai pas fini
Je veux chanter
Je veux parler jusqu'à la fin de ma voix...
Je l'aime tant le temps qui reste...

Combien de temps...
Combien de temps encore?
Des années, des jours, des heures, combien?
Je veux des histoires, des voyages...
J'ai tant de gens à voir, tant d'images.
Des enfants, des femmes, des grands hommes,
Des petits hommes, des marrants, des tristes,
Des très intelligents et des cons,
C'est drôle, les cons, ça repose,
C'est comme le feuillage au milieu des roses...

Combien de temps...
Combien de temps encore?
Des années, des jours, des heures, combien?
Je m'en fous mon amour...
Quand l'orchestre s'arrêtera, je danserai encore...
Quand les avions ne voleront plus, je volerai tout seul...
Quand le temps s'arrêtera...
Je t'aimerai encore
Je ne sais pas où, je ne sais pas comment...
Mais je t'aimerai encore...

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All I want at mine is Chop Suey by System of a Down that'll do nicely. And then I want everyone to have a good time with a table full of good food and as much to drink as they want. And no flowers......... shouldn't I be writing this in my will?!
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[quote user="TWINKLE"][quote user="NormanH"][quote user="TWINKLE"]

[quote user="NormanH"]Ok.

Another good reason for me to stop posting again.

I try to give sensible and known information for people who live in France (The Forum is called 'Living France' ) and I am completely ignored by people who assume they will die in England.

Why are they posting here?


Are we having a tantrum NormanH?



I think this thread is a bit of a joke, whereas I was trying to give practical ( and largely unknown apparently ) information for people seriously living in France for the rest of their lives.

Sorry to have intruded.


Well it wasn't intended as a joke NormanH.  I'm extemely hurt by that remark.


I that case I apologise.

I had no intention of hurting you, but many of the replies do seem to be lightweight.

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[quote user="idun"]

NormanH, do you know of how you can pay in advance in France to get this sorted out, I'm sure that someone mentioned it to me years ago, and if we had planned on staying in France would have looked into something like that.[/quote]

I have a small  Insurance policy expressly intended to cover the Cremation expenses.

As I said I  am a member of the Association and carry the card with my carte Vitale and Mutuelle card.

The essentials to remember are:

You can't be cremated unless you have expressly asked to be

You should name a person responsible who has 24 hours from the time of death to declare that cremation is the chosen option.

Your Ashes are 'protected' and can't be kept at home for example: and the person who has the Urn has to declare what has been done with the Ashes to the Registrar of the place of Birth

Plus question de partager les cendres entre proches, de les conserver sur sa cheminée, ou de les enterrer dans son jardin.

Désormais, les cendres devront, au choix du défunt, être soit déposées dans un cimetière ou un site cinéraire

communal, soit répandues dans l'enceinte du cimetière ou dans un

«jardin du souvenir», ou encore en pleine nature. Dans ce cas, les

détenteurs de l'urne devront déclarer à la mairie du lieu de naissance

du défunt le sort qu'ils auront réservé à ses cendres

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You're right NormanH - I'm a lightweight on the forum.  I do a lot of heavy /serious during the day so on the forum I like a bit of fluffiness.

Just had a look and a cremation costs around 2,600 euros including coffin, urn and if you don't want to be 'scattered' this also includes a columbarium.  That's much cheaper than a burial isn't it?  No wonder people are opting for this these days.

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[quote user="woolybanana"]

In what way?[/quote]

I don't wish to be specific because it is my own business, but I was referring to this:-

The essentials to remember are:
You can't be cremated unless you have expressly asked to be
You should name a person responsible who has 24 hours from the time of death to declare that cremation is the chosen option.

Your Ashes are 'protected' and can't be kept at home for example: and the person who has the Urn has to declare what has been done with the Ashes to the Registrar of the place of Birth

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I admit that I am not a professional in the business, but this is the gist of what was out lined at the AGM of the association in the presence our local MP (who was questioned on the new law) and the Director of the crematorium.

Without revealing your business, can you say which of those statements is not usually true in practice?

I admit that the letter of the law is often not followed in rural France.

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I mean to live forever or die in the attempt.

My father has already purchased all the family a plot in the churchyard.

My hearty dislike is funeral directors - those insincere money grabbers.

I want the grave dug by one of my brothers and the coffin made from old pallets.

Anyone that turns up must be in fancy dress - plenty of beer and a band will be at the wake.

I also want to leave an endowment to supply a free barrel of Fullers ESB to be made available in my favourite pub on my birthday every year.

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Well I want to be cremated and then my ashes to go up in a b***dy big firework rocket.....that signals the start of a party [:D].  Absolutely no black allowed!!

Mrs R51

PS absolutely no money to be wasted on a fancy coffin, expensive hearses and all that rubbish - cardboard and a pick up will do nicely.  All monies saved to go towards the bar at the party.

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