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Logs for fire - have we been ripped off?...


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[quote user="Chancer"]If you know the volume of a level load in the truck its easy to work out.[/quote]

I should have edited my post to say that my wife was asking the question.

I am an accountant - rest assured I will work it out for my wife in a way that does not involve me unstacking an existing pile, loading a van, unloading a van and then restacking, just to save me a couple of quid.

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When I first arrived in France (5yrs ago) we paid our neighbour €35 a stère (Oak and Chestnut), which I thought reasonable. We currently have two poêles so get through around 10-12 stère each winter so it would be quite expensive buying that amount of wood. 

Nowerdays we do the community Affouage, i.e. we have a lottery and pull a number out of a hat to "win" a lot in the commune forest, we pay about €12 a stere. However...we have to cut the trees down, log, transport and split them ourselves. This is A LOT of hard work, especially if you leave it till the spring when all the brambles start to grow and make life hard to move around. It is hard work and needs to be done my someone who is a) fit and b) knows what they are doing as Chainsaws are not very forgiving if you get it wrong. If you have to pay someone a couple of hours to prepare and deliver you a stère of wood then I would not be surprised that €50-60 is a reasonable price to pay nowerdays. 

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Husband used to use our commune wood cut system. However,had we been very very well equipped like a professional it might have been worth it. As it was, then it was hazardous in the extreme in the forest on the steep mountain slopes above our village and he stopped doing it.
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