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unfortunately for some.the opening up of the work place within the eu will undoubtedly lead to a better choice for the employer.........french are not exactly renown for their work ethic,,,maybe a wakeup call..and not before time..
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It goes further than protecting jobs for the French.  I worked at a private ski school during my time in the Alps and my boss was born and bred in the area, had qualified as an instructor and set up her own private ski school which was in competiton to the ESF.  They were totally awful to her constantly,  the maire would not allow her to advertise by placing a wooden sandwich board in a frequently accesed area, they did everything they could to discourage her from being in competition to the very protected ESF. 

The ESF have had it too good for too long, many are awful with little children often seen dragging kids up button lifts and leaving them to scream.

I hope this goes through not just for Brits but for the sake of everyone who wants to earn a living and offer a service where it's necessary to deliver on your expensive promise to survive rather than do a cr*p job as no one has a choice of who to go to.



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I was talking to the patron of the company that does all the groundworks for ours and other communes today about concurrence déloyale.

It was amusing because he was talking about les bitumeurs Anglaises so we had a good old chat about their modus operandi and how the reseau had been broken in the South of France and that they were serving time, - http://www.leprogres.fr/fr/france-monde/article/2801777,192/Les-faux-bitumeurs-irlandais-au-tapis.html

Anyway afterwards I pressed him to explain exactly what he meant by concurrence déloyale, I put him on the rack a bit and wouldnt let him wriggle out of answering, eventually he admitted that it meant anyone who does business on his patch that hasnt joined him and his mates in the price fixing cartel.

He was a lovely guy and truly the first person I have met in 6 years that is a good listener but he has confirmed what I have always thought, the French, around here at least dont know the meaning of the word concurrence.

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[quote user="tj"]unfortunately for some.the opening up of the work place within the eu will undoubtedly lead to a better choice for the employer.........french are not exactly renown for their work ethic,,,maybe a wakeup call..and not before time..[/quote]

My old boss in england would disagree with you there... At the time I joined his company, one-third of the workforce were French, specifically because of their strong work ethic.

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I think in general when people are young, move to a different country, usually for love, they do their best and leave behind the work ethic of their old surroundings, its that or starve!

Ozzies, Kiwis and South Africans were the choice of many employers in my area yet there was no shortage of bludgers in each of the countries when I travelled.

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The notion that the nationals of one country are automatically better at something/work harder etc etc than another is frankly bigotry by another name.

However, there are certainly cultural and socialogical differences between nations that do engender different approaches to work.  The average French national here may well be used to long lunch hours and limited working weeks but that doesn't mean that they are all idle.  In fact there will be those who work harder because they are not spending hours longer at "work" than is good for them or their productivity.

What is clear is that as a nation France is prepared to bend the rules to protect their own, often way beyond what is reasonable or ethical, to the extent that it often becomes a racial issue as is clearly the case here.  I've heard a lot of Brits moaning about Europeans taking UK jobs and when the French do something overt to combat a similar perceived "problem" here then those same people have a good moan about it too.  It's pretty telling that the English language report here was from the Mail.[Www]

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I think I may have posted this before but this is how the organisation charged with attracting companies to set up their factories in France seeks to promote the amazing productivity of the French workforce: http://societe.fluctuat.net/blog/39403-les-francais-travailleurs-les-plus-productifs-du-monde.html

Now aside from the fact that their mission might as well be to sell frigos to Iceland are they on drugs or just having a larf?

For those who dont read French they are saying that the French that work, (not many of them left and most are employed by the government) work less hours and take longer holidays and yet get paid far more per hour worked than any other country, ergo they must be the most productive [:-))]

They missed a trick though if they had factored in the earlier retirement thay would have appeared even more productive!

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