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Premature ageing

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My diving buddy is Claude, I am the only one that will dive with him as he is considered so erratic and dangerous by all the other ultra conservative divers, I actually understand Claude and can see where he is coming from, we make a good pairing and they have nicknamed us the dangerous brothers [:D]

Anyway Claude is one of the exceptions, we dont actually know quite how old he is but he is still working well beyond his retirement age, he has very good teeth but then he is a dentist, mind you I am a sort of builder and you should see the state of my flat, a bit like my cars when I was a meccano [:D] 

Claude was and still is a keen cyclist and thinks nothing of doing 100k's before breakfast, he can swim two lengths of our pool underwater wheareas the rest of us huff and puff doing one if we even manage it.

A slim good looking D.L.M. (dapper little man) who has one other unique claim to fame for a Frenchman, he recovered from a costly and painful divorce without topping his-self and is doing just fine as a single guy.

I too have met some remarkably fit and youthfull looking retired French folks, universally those that were teachers or fonctionnaires and had also crucially led a full and active life outside of their job and home life, some of them wre actually living in retirement communities (with wardens/guardians) so that they could drop everything and clear off travelling etc for extended periods without having to worry about the garden etc, being amongst them and their neighbours was like a breath of fresh air compared to the people around here despite many of them being twice the age.

I can actually see the rot set in when people are in their early 20's, they just seem to have no ambition at a time when I consider it to be very a very positive thing, the work that i do with the Lycéé professionale is to try and make them expand their vision and realise that there are opportunities out there if they are willing to work for them, sadly most of them are negatively influenced by their families and home environment.

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[quote user="Chancer"]

My diving buddy is Claude, I am the only one that will dive with him as he is considered so erratic and dangerous by all the other ultra conservative divers, I actually understand Claude and can see where he is coming from, we make a good pairing and they have nicknamed us the dangerous brothers [:D]

Anyway Claude is one of the exceptions, we dont actually know quite how old he is but he is still working well beyond his retirement age, he has very good teeth but then he is a dentist, mind you I am a sort of builder and you should see the state of my flat, a bit like my cars when I was a meccano [:D] 

Claude was and still is a keen cyclist and thinks nothing of doing 100k's before breakfast, he can swim two lengths of our pool underwater wheareas the rest of us huff and puff doing one if we even manage it.

A slim good looking D.L.M. (dapper little man) who has one other unique claim to fame for a Frenchman, he recovered from a costly and painful divorce without topping his-self and is doing just fine as a single guy.

I too have met some remarkably fit and youthfull looking retired French folks, universally those that were teachers or fonctionnaires and had also crucially led a full and active life outside of their job and home life, some of them wre actually living in retirement communities (with wardens/guardians) so that they could drop everything and clear off travelling etc for extended periods without having to worry about the garden etc, being amongst them and their neighbours was like a breath of fresh air compared to the people around here despite many of them being twice the age.

I can actually see the rot set in when people are in their early 20's, they just seem to have no ambition at a time when I consider it to be very a very positive thing, the work that i do with the Lycéé professionale is to try and make them expand their vision and realise that there are opportunities out there if they are willing to work for them, sadly most of them are negatively influenced by their families and home environment.


Chancer you are fitter and slimmer now so you can give Claude a run for his money ;-)

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TBH I don't really understand why anybody would worry about such matters, particularly blokes.

As long as you make best effort to keep yourself reasonably fit, mentally as well as physically, there is precious little else you can practically do about the ageing process (about the same as you can do about hair loss unless you're Elton John) so why not let nature take it's course and get on with enjoying life [;-)]

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[quote user="AnOther"]

TBH I don't really understand why anybody would worry about such matters, particularly blokes.

As long as you make best effort to keep yourself reasonably fit, mentally as well as physically, there is precious little else you can practically do about the ageing process (about the same as you can do about hair loss unless you're Elton John) so why not let nature take it's course and get on with enjoying life [;-)]


Sorry AnO, even Elton can't beat hairloss, probably the worst syrup since Brucie or Terry Wogan. [:D]

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