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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Christine Animal"][quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="Chancer"]

From what I understand DSK enjoys the company of women and has a liberal marriage, it seems clear he is a man with a healthy sex drive, he is alleged to have propositioned female colleaugues over the years and has quite probably used prostitutes (the oldest profession in the world), none of this shocks me or makes me think that he is guilty of the alleged offence or incpapble/unsuitable of doing the job that he did.[/quote]

A man with "a healthy sex drive" who "has quite probably used prostitutes"!!!!!!!

Well Chancer, I regard myself as a man with a "healthy sex drive" but I've never found a need to go and pay a prostitute! In fact I'll go as far as to say I feel quite sad for the bloke that has got to resort to paying for it rather than having the sexual act as a part of a loving relationship.  



There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 



Once again, I couldn't agree more, Christine ..

Hey, what are you doing tonight ?  [;-)]............. LOL !! ............ [:D]

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There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 

 If they are private individuals normally I would agree,(although invariably someone gets hurt)  but DSK was in  what is broadly termed 'public service' Further more it is surmised he had ambitions to be President of France - that should surely mean he should have curtailed  his more base desires and behaved with integrity and dignity?

Frenchie, re Prince Charles, he is not elected and although he receives an allowance from the tax payer he actually pays in tax a whole lot more than he  gets back. Even so, it seems he is pretty much a one woman guy, the pity of it is that the Queen Mother and Lady Fermoy meddled to put Diana in his way, and various parties persuaded him it was his duty to get married and produce heirs. The whole thing was a shambles. Regretful as that whole episode was, I have yet to hear rumour that he made inappropriate passes to female members of staff or journalists sent to interview him

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5-E   I think discussing rape can get very complicated. Being attacked by a stranger then  it is rape.

Someone is in bed and just about to have sex and then say no, well, then it can get complicated depending on the age of the people concerned and relationship between the couple.  Maybe for another discussion?


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]


There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 



Therein lies the difference of opinion.

Your option seems to be that if he wants to indulge in some grubby little sex act with ,at best , a consenting adult whom he has just met, then that is his private business and does not affect his public life and aspirations to be the President of France.

Many of us, on the other hand, expect our elected leaders to be beyond reproach and with high moral standards. Leading by example.

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[quote user="idun"]

5-E   I think discussing rape can get very complicated. Being attacked by a stranger then  it is rape.

Someone is in bed and just about to have sex and then say no, well, then it can get complicated depending on the age of the people concerned and relationship between the couple.  Maybe for another discussion?


[/quote]As a man then in my opinion it is still rape. Any non-consensual sex is rape.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="idun"]

5-E   I think discussing rape can get very complicated. Being attacked by a stranger then  it is rape.

Someone is in bed and just about to have sex and then say no, well, then it can get complicated depending on the age of the people concerned and relationship between the couple.  Maybe for another discussion?


[/quote]As a man then in my opinion it is still rape. Any non-consensual sex is rape.[/quote]

And in Sweden if your "FRENCHIE" falls off and you continue humping then it is rape.

Ask the Australian Chappie.[:P]

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I thought someone would have to pick that up.  By real rapist, I meant someone who has been in prison for it and starts again, as opposed to someone accused of it only without proof yet.

I should maybe have used convicted rapist or proved rapist, or something.  Someone who really is a rapist.



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[quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="Christine Animal"]


There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 



Many of us, on the other hand, expect our elected leaders to be beyond reproach and with high moral standards. Leading by example.

And do you think many of them are?


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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

I thought someone would have to pick that up.  By real rapist, I meant someone who has been in prison for it and starts again, as opposed to someone accused of it only without proof yet.

I should maybe have used convicted rapist or proved rapist, or something.  Someone who really is a rapist.




So I am just an amateur then...no convictions yet!

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[quote user="Christine Animal"] And do you think many of them are? [/quote]

I'm confident that none of them are grabbing a passing room service maid and thrusting her face into their naked crotch.

[quote user="Christine Animal"] I should maybe have used convicted rapist or proved rapist, or something.  Someone who really is a rapist.[/quote]

Convicted or proven rapist, I think. I grasped what you meant. And I have sympathy with you there - I wouldn't want my French analysed and judged like that.

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[quote user="Catalpa"][quote user="Christine Animal"] And do you think many of them are? [/quote]
I'm confident that none of them are grabbing a passing room service maid and thrusting her face into their naked crotch.



That was not what we were referring to Catalpa, but sex between consulting adults.

Of course what you are referring to is unacceptable from anyone.  That's proven!   [:D]


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[quote user="Christine Animal"][quote user="Boiling a frog"][quote user="Christine Animal"]


There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 



Many of us, on the other hand, expect our elected leaders to be beyond reproach and with high moral standards. Leading by example.


And do you think many of them are?



The public expect them to be,  that is the important thing and as far as I am concerned DSK has been found out

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="idun"]

5-E   I think discussing rape can get very complicated. Being attacked by a stranger then  it is rape.

Someone is in bed and just about to have sex and then say no, well, then it can get complicated depending on the age of the people concerned and relationship between the couple.  Maybe for another discussion?


[/quote]As a man then in my opinion it is still rape. Any non-consensual sex is rape.[/quote]

And in Sweden if your "FRENCHIE" falls off and you continue humping then it is rape.

Ask the Australian Chappie.[:P]

[/quote]Perhaps he should have bought one that fitted his anatomy and not one that boosted his ego[:D]. The girl in question did not appear to given consent to unprotected sex. After all she is the one who could get pregnant.

This just illustrates that there are degrees of rape. It isn't a simple one size fits all offence.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

Frenchie, re Prince Charles, he is not elected and although he receives an allowance from the tax payer he actually pays in tax a whole lot more than he  gets back. Even so, it seems he is pretty much a one woman guy, the pity of it is that the Queen Mother and Lady Fermoy meddled to put Diana in his way, and various parties persuaded him it was his duty to get married and produce heirs. The whole thing was a shambles. Regretful as that whole episode was, I have yet to hear rumour that he made inappropriate passes to female members of staff or journalists sent to interview him


Well, in my opinion, he is responsible for lady Diana's suffering, and ordeal, which ended as you know .


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[quote user="Frenchie"][quote user="Russethouse"]

Frenchie, re Prince Charles, he is not elected and although he receives an allowance from the tax payer he actually pays in tax a whole lot more than he  gets back. Even so, it seems he is pretty much a one woman guy, the pity of it is that the Queen Mother and Lady Fermoy meddled to put Diana in his way, and various parties persuaded him it was his duty to get married and produce heirs. The whole thing was a shambles. Regretful as that whole episode was, I have yet to hear rumour that he made inappropriate passes to female members of staff or journalists sent to interview him


Well, in my opinion, he is responsible for lady Diana's suffering, and ordeal, which ended as you know .


So where was this privacy law that you have mentioned, does it not protect everyone in France regardless of if their French or not. In my opinion French law did not protect her and as a result she was hounded by the press to her death.

And whilst we are on the subject of members of the English Royal family and France why did France allow the Windsors to live here knowing full well that the Duke and his wife were known sympathisers of Adolf Hitler and were the only members of the English royal family to actually visit him. I would have thought, given what happened to France under German occupation they were the last people France would want living here. The there is the French President and his 'love' child who was hidden away. But hey, every country is never perfect and has it's own skeletons in it's cupboard and there are plenty in both Frances and English cupboards to last us a lifetime but perhaps they are best left there.

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Well, in my opinion, he is responsible for lady Diana's suffering, and ordeal, which ended as you know .

The person responsible for her death was Henri Paul - any other theories are fanciful and have no basis in fact. Mohamed Al - Fayed could probably reasonably also take some of the blame as he, at long distance, attempted to control events, asking for car swaps etc. You should read the book by Trevor Rees Jones. (her body guard, who survived the crash)

 How long would this theory of 'she wouldn't have been there if it hadn't been for Prince Charles go on ?

How many people on this forum have had more than one marriage ? If they get run over by a bus 10 years after the divorce does anyone say 'oh, of course if her/his marriage to X had worked out they wouldn't have been in XXXXX, and would still be alive'  ? No, they don't because frankly its poppycock!

 Didn't notice the French press hanging back in covering Princess Diana's visit to Paris or after her death - where were those lofty privacy laws then ?

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