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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Chancer"]

I certainly wouldn't say that all or even many females from French African countries offer themselves to men but some certainly do, several have to me since I have lived in France, one a cleaner at the eye hospital copied my home phone number from the records to contact me offering me her services à domicile, she knew that she could be sacked for just contacting me and begged me to say nothing.[/quote]

Offering something and accepting it are two different things, did you accept your cleaners offer?

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[quote user="Frenchie"][quote user="Chancer"]

From what I understand DSK enjoys the company of women and has a liberal marriage, it seems clear he is a man with a healthy sex drive, he is alleged to have propositioned female colleaugues over the years and has quite probably used prostitutes (the oldest profession in the world), none of this shocks me or makes me think that he is guilty of the alleged offence or incpapble/unsuitable of doing the job that he did.




OK fair comment that's the French attitude to these things but why has he, previously until such time as the DNA results came through, denied having any sexual contact with her with or without consent. He could have said at the very beginning that he had paid her for some form of sexual gratification and simply left it at that. I think that basically he lied to start with, the DNA results came through to prove that something went on and he thought "sh@t I better tell the truth now" surely this shows the man to be a liar and begs the question what else does he lie about or has lied about in the past. Is this French thing about privacy and personal life being separate saying effectively that he can lie and cheat in his private life but he will not do it in his public life, if so human nature, especially male human nature, proves this to be wrong?

p.s. before my male colleagues shout fowl about my comment about men telling more lies than women try googling "do men lie more than women" and you will discover men lie three times more than women

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

[quote user="Richard51"]And you think all the above is laudable, Chancer????   I can see why you love life in France [:@]

Mrs R51

Do you like Prince Charles ?


 The fact that you compare the two things just shows the width of the void between your view and mine.

 Can you name any one Prince Charles had an extra marital affair with that he did not go on to marry ? 

 Actually the way some of the French are reacting to this makes me think that some of them have forgotten they had a revolution !

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[quote user="Russethouse"][quote user="Frenchie"]

[quote user="Richard51"]And you think all the above is laudable, Chancer????   I can see why you love life in France [:@]

Mrs R51

Do you like Prince Charles ?


 The fact that you compare the two things just shows the width of the void between your view and mine.

 Can you name any one Prince Charles had an extra marital affair with that he did not go on to marry ? 

 Actually the way some of the French are reacting to this makes me think that some of them have forgotten they had a revolution !


Prince Charles lied to Lady Diana, he married her, yet , he loved another woman.

Lady Diana was used, and everybody knows the whole story and how it ended .

By your standards , I supposed he shouldn't  be trusted in public life, because of what he did., then.   [Www]

And I can't see the link with the revolution !  [:)]


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[quote user="Chancer"]

From what I understand DSK enjoys the company of women and has a liberal marriage, it seems clear he is a man with a healthy sex drive, he is alleged to have propositioned female colleaugues over the years and has quite probably used prostitutes (the oldest profession in the world), none of this shocks me or makes me think that he is guilty of the alleged offence or incpapble/unsuitable of doing the job that he did.[/quote]

A man with "a healthy sex drive" who "has quite probably used prostitutes"!!!!!!!

Well Chancer, I regard myself as a man with a "healthy sex drive" but I've never found a need to go and pay a prostitute! In fact I'll go as far as to say I feel quite sad for the bloke that has got to resort to paying for it rather than having the sexual act as a part of a loving relationship.  

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[quote user="Benjamin"]Propositioning (i e sexually harrassing) female colleagues is OK in your book Chancer?

Try to get yourself a bit more upto date.

[/quote]I have discussed this in the past with some of my women friends and the consensus was that they didn't mind being propositioned provided they felt free to turn down the proposition. Some even said they found it flattering. IMO there is a difference between propositioning and sexually harassing but that is up to the individuals concerned.
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[quote user="Benjamin"]Propositioning (i e sexually harrassing) female colleagues is OK in your book Chancer?

Try to get yourself a bit more upto date.


Dont try and put words in my mouth or make out my posting to be anything other than it was.

I said none of the above shocked me or made me think he was unfit to do his job, I am not shocked that he is alleged to have propositioned female colleagues.

In my book, propositioning a colleague dependant on how it is done is not sexual harrassment, asking someone to dinner for instance, saying "sleep with me and you will get your promotion" yes that would certainly be harrassment.

I am sure his wife is well aware of the type of propositions that are routinely offered to him and probably has a list of women with whom she would not wish her husband to associate with, it takes 2 to tango.

If it was a sexual liason for renumeration I am not in the least surprised that he has and continues to deny it, if he wanted a prostitute, given his position he would have spoken to the concierge, he may well have done so in the past, if the liason was for money does anyone believe that he would have actually made the offer to the maid? That would be sexual harrassment in the workplace of the worst possible kind.

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[quote user="Richard51"]And you think all the above is laudable, Chancer????   I can see why you love life in France [:@]

Mrs R51

I did not say it was laudible or offer any opinion other than it did not shock me or make me think he was incapable of doing his job.

Have I ever said I love life in France?

I do love life though [:D]

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Well; it was not my intention, indeed. Just remembered there was Betty in your username, thus the BS .

I have often been somewhat hurt by what I ve read in this thread, have even reported two postings.

For instance, when Pachapapa wrote , on page 108 , " read the comments by enraged froglets with basic English ... hilarious. " ; I FELT insulted, but in fact , now, I don't care, what matters is that I can express my feelings on here. And yes, it is far from easy for Christine and I, because we are in the minority , because this is an English forum.  



Well, perhaps it wasn't anyone's intention to insult or hurt you either. But I certainly wasn't one of those people. As I said, I'd made ONE fairly innocuous posting on here and it gave absolutely NO indication of my views about whether this person was "guilty" or not, merely that I do not feel moved to respect him, which is my prerogative. You remembered I'd posted, it would have been very easy to check my username, non? And quoting me what someone else said, which offended YOU, has absolutely nothing to do with me or anything I may have said, so dragging me into your problem was rather unfair as well as insulting.

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[quote user="Salty Sam"][quote user="Chancer"]

From what I understand DSK enjoys the company of women and has a liberal marriage, it seems clear he is a man with a healthy sex drive, he is alleged to have propositioned female colleaugues over the years and has quite probably used prostitutes (the oldest profession in the world), none of this shocks me or makes me think that he is guilty of the alleged offence or incpapble/unsuitable of doing the job that he did.[/quote]

A man with "a healthy sex drive" who "has quite probably used prostitutes"!!!!!!!

Well Chancer, I regard myself as a man with a "healthy sex drive" but I've never found a need to go and pay a prostitute! In fact I'll go as far as to say I feel quite sad for the bloke that has got to resort to paying for it rather than having the sexual act as a part of a loving relationship.  



There seems to be a misunderstanding about this.  Most of us or many of us prefer a loving relationship and would not act as mentioned above.

But, there are people who do and as long as it is between consenting adults, that's their affair not ours. 


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How typical of French men is the current prince of Monaco, I wonder? He does seem to have been somewhat free with his reproductive juices, to the extent of admitting to two by-blows with one or two apparently waiting in the wings.

The relationship with alley-cat seems appropriate, as during the French Revolution which, amongst the ruling caste, was decidedly wild, perhaps setting the tone for future leaders of the country, now extended to the whole ruling class.

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