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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

 Un peu d'respect !! [Www]

From a froggy with basic English .. ...  .......


In the USA one can make a comment, EVEN IN FRENCH, if one's basic english is deficient.[:)]

An example gleaned from the comments, by no means the only one in french.

...Vraiment n'importe quoi cette publication...Au lieu de fermer votre gueule et de reconnaître vos tords, vous continuez à manipuler l'opinion, juste pour faire du chiffre. Oui chez nous nous aimons le sexe, ou est le problème lorsque l'acte est pratiqué par deux personnes consentantes, qu'il y aie tromperie ou pas, ça ne nous regarde pas, cela reste du domaine du privé. De plus, oui, vivement qu'il revienne chez nous pour que l'amour que nous lui portons, lui permette d’alléger cet(possible et que nous comprenons) blessure que vous journaleuh n'avaient fait qu'accroître en remuant le couteau dans la plaie par vos titres et accusations plus abracadabrantesques les unes que les autres...

As for myself, due to deficiencies in basic french, one posts comments in french newspapers in english... [:D][:D][:D] rather pointless as the dirty language is immediately removed by the moderator.

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[quote user="You can call me Betty"]I think the British tend to the belief that respect is something you have to earn, through your behaviour and your actions.[/quote]

Hear hear (from a froglet with barely adequate English!) [:D]

When I hear and read that there might be some 45% of Socialists who consider a dirty old man like DSK as potential president, it makes me want to check whether I live in France or Italy!

Time to get my British passport out and work on my accent? [;-)]

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We British also believe in 'fair play' and there is something definitely dodgy going on in this case. If there is a 'French conspiracy' a foot here could somebody have changed their mind (looking at the future timings both in the US - court case and France - date to register to run in election) what with Le Penn and her current popularity and decided that DSK may help make a large 'dent' in her vote. I think if the Judge throws this out in the US then for many DSK will become a bit of 'folk legend' and may attract a lot of French voters. Seems to me that French politics is just as bent and corrupt as the rest of Europe.
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What joy it was for me when Edith Cresson became Prime Minister, and then she opened her mouth and stuck her big fat foot in it. Inoubliable that statement was! Add to that, her dentist, and she was best gone.

 Not that I am not capable of putting my big fat foot in my mouth; I often do, figuratively speaking bien sur, literally would not be a pretty sight!


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Well, you're right Christine.

And that recorded phone call, openly wondering how much money she could make with that alleged rape story......  

En français je dirais qu'elle est grillée, n'en déplaise à Mr Pachapapa and Mme Bettysomething ( don't remember ...)

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And that recorded phone call, openly wondering how much money she could make with that alleged rape story...... 

Just shows how well she fits in to the culture - [:)]

 Do you honestly think its OK for a man in his position of authority and trust to go round having casual sex with any one who happens to be to hand ?[Www] (and it seems the proof of a physical liaison stands) There is private life and private life and frankly I don't give a toffee about the French press respecting privacy, the IMF is funded by its members, that's my tax money going toward his salary, whether he comes from France or Timbuktu he should some sense, some respect and show discretion.

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Is there a transcript of the phone call? If money was mentioned, i'd like to know the exact context and how and by whom it was raised etc. Victims in the UK can apply to the Criminal injuries agency, of course being the US she'd stand to get a bit more if he was found guilty, discussing money may be a bit premature but it isn't evidence that she wasn't raped.

If she'd have made the phone call before the alleged rape that would have been interesting.
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[quote user="Russethouse"]

And that recorded phone call, openly wondering how much money she could make with that alleged rape story...... 

Just shows how well she fits in to the culture - [:)]

 Do you honestly think its OK for a man in his position of authority and trust to go round having casual sex with any one who happens to be to hand ?[Www] (and it seems the proof of a physical liaison stands) There is private life and private life and frankly I don't give a toffee about the French press respecting privacy, the IMF is funded by its members, that's my tax money going toward his salary, whether he comes from France or Timbuktu he should some sense, some respect and show discretion.



Could not agree more RH.

As for his salary, don't forget his expenses, $3000 a night hotel was it? and the 'room service,' which included more than food and champagne no doubt.

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[quote user="Russethouse"]

And that recorded phone call, openly wondering how much money she could make with that alleged rape story...... 

Just shows how well she fits in to the culture - [:)]

 Do you honestly think its OK for a man in his position of authority and trust to go round having casual sex with any one who happens to be to hand ?[Www] (and it seems the proof of a physical liaison stands) There is private life and private life and frankly I don't give a toffee about the French press respecting privacy, the IMF is funded by its members, that's my tax money going toward his salary, whether he comes from France or Timbuktu he should some sense, some respect and show discretion.


That was my view RH.  I can't believe that he still has support in France.  He's a married man who, at the very best, had casual sex with an immigrant maid.  At worst, he is a violent rapist.  If he can't keep his **** in his trousers, then he deserves all that has happened to him. 

French politics is at the same dire level as Italian politics.  First Chirac now DSK - sordid, immoral and fraudulent. 

Yuck, what a slime ball!

Mrs R51

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[quote user="Richard51"]  I can't believe that he still has support in France.  [/quote]

Why wouldn't he ??  If that alleged rape was a hoax, then, whether he cheats on his wife or not is not seen by many French people ( including me ) ,  as relevant to his ability as a political man .

Why can't you accept that some people may think differently from you , and yet be as good people as you believe you are ?

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

Well, you're right Christine.

And that recorded phone call, openly wondering how much money she could make with that alleged rape story......  

En français je dirais qu'elle est grillée, n'en déplaise à Mr Pachapapa and Mme Bettysomething ( don't remember ...)


But unlike monsewer DSK, mr pachapapa has self respect and is a man of his word, mr pachapapa has always paid whores around the world the amount agreed and indeed if performance warranted it an extra "petit bisou" as well.[:)]

And now "openly wondering " would appear to include a confidential call to a convicted criminal in an out of state penal institution.

What a preposterous idea!

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stiffed, stiff·ing, stiffs Slang

1. To tip (someone) inadequately or not at all, as for a service rendered: paid the dinner check but stiffed the waiter.


a. To cheat (someone) of something owed: My roommate stiffed me out of last month's rent.

b. To fail to give or supply (something expected or promised).


As in DSK stiffed the maid.

I presume a french "haute société" custom.

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So, when was this call made to the prisoner? A civil lawyer was on this case quite soon after it started and will have told her that she will get some money.

AND I know people who are going to jail and have been in jail.  IF I was raped would you tell me that it was my fault that I knew iffy people. I also know a french artisocratic family, and every sort of person really including cleaning staff. I know an eclectic group of people, from passing acquaintances, to good  friends, but maybe this women is unable to have such luck as me to know so many people

OK we get it you like DSK. You too have heard his history and the things that have come out in France since all this started. And if I hear private is private again, I will frankly scream.  My experience with french friends is that when one of them is unfaithful  then both men and women come to us, full of anger and hate, and all the emotions and we listen and console. My friend runs a centre de controle technique and a man came in with a camping car for testing and he started crying, wanting to sell the camper for next to nothing because he was cocu and he didn't want her to get anything. We are little people so things aren't in the papers, but everyone gets to know and people's affairs are not private, the whole village knows every detail.   I know the people who stay together in spite of the unfaithfulness, but the majority do not. So I take it that french people having feelings of betrayal and jealousy like everyone else.

These haute societe people may consider themselves sophisticated by having sex with anything that moves. Then there is viagra, means that many older men can be like the duracell bunnies these days, if they can find a willing or not so willing partner or simply pay. Maybe less well off people don't have the time and are too tired with having homes to run, families to keep; financialy worries, to be at it like rabbits all the time. Isn't as if AS is going to be asking him to mow the lawn or clean the upstairs windows when he gets home from work, is it? Sorry I have to chuckle, I don't do that, but I know women who do.


I am starting to believe that because they manque les couilles, this case will not get to court. It won't make anyone innocent, it will make 'justice' for any woman  in the future a mockery.

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I am guessing then, Frenchie, that if your partner screwed around, you would still trust him implicitly in every other aspect of his life?

IMHO, if a politician cannot be trusted to fulfil the solemn vows he made to his wife - why should the electorate trust him to be honest and responsible in his political dealings?

Mrs R51

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Looking at this from another angle .

Now that the maid is going to get a rough time in court and there is a distinct possibility a jury will not convict DSK . There is a good chance he will recover from this and some place in French politics will be found for him.

He is going to be one pi***d off guy over the way he has been treated by America if he goes into the box .

Is it too far fetched to think that somebody in Washington could have worked out that DSK might just end up in a position to harm US business interests in the future and has picked up a phone ? How many airliners do Boeing want to sell to Air France ?
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You mean like how much New Zealand lamb was available in France before the Rainbow Warrior? As in, I had never seen any and then suddenly I did.

I never underestimate the negociations that go on behind the scenes, even I'm not that daft.

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[quote user="Frenchie"]

[quote user="Richard51"]  I can't believe that he still has support in France.  [/quote]

Why wouldn't he ??  If that alleged rape was a hoax, then, whether he cheats on his wife or not is not seen by many French people ( including me ) ,  as relevant to his ability as a political man .

Why can't you accept that some people may think differently from you , and yet be as good people as you believe you are ?


That will be fine and a question for the French electorate if that moment arrives, however at the time he committed the crime/action he represented the IMF, the French way of doing things was not and should not have have been pertinent any more than any other. In other words he should have been beyond reproach.

I've already heard Micheal Portillo voice concerns regarding Christine Lagardes adhesion to the Euro ...... if French people seeking high international office cannot think globally rather than tow the French line we may have problems.....

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It is clear that this case is exposing a cultural gap between French and "Anglo-Saxon" attitudes to this matter. Perhaps I can summarise them (and caricature them) as follows:

France:                Droit de seigneur is an ancient and honourable practice.

Anglo-Saxon:      Of all the characteristics a man can possess, chastity is the most important.

My own view?    DSK is a moral reprobate. Despicable. The woman is a victim. But not just of DSK.

Apparently, an article in the New York Post (not, I believe, a newspaper of record) has claimed that the woman is a known prostitute. Whether this is true or not, she is going to come out of this rather badly. The "revelations" about her bank account and telephone calls suggest to me that she is being used. We all know about how DSK is alleged to have used her, I'm prepared to bet that she is also under the control of other unscrupulous men who are using her as a (metaphorical) cash cow and money launderer. I feel very sorry for her, and I fear that she will be trashed - by DSK interests, by New York/USA justice interests and by the low life that control her. I hope that someone with compassion can rescue her.

I did a bit of Googling to see if I could find out what prevailing American views might be. Frederick's opinion

[quote]Is it too far fetched to think that somebody in Washington could have worked out that DSK might just end up in a position to harm US business interests in the future and has picked up a phone ? How many airliners do Boeing want to sell to Air France ? [/quote]

seems to be reflected somewhat in this:

 "The USA has an even bigger problem if DSK comes through from behind and still manages to become President of France. The French socialists have never been the easiest group for America to get along with, but the USA now faces the possibility of a President who may bear a grudge leading a France which is now wallowing in anti-American sentiment. It is hard to see how the USA could have done more in a few hours to damage its relations with France."


What a mess. No one will come out of this with any credit.

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It is sad that perhaps such a mistake was made listening to this woman. But a man in his position should be ashamed to have even consensually have sex with an immigrant hotel housekeeper in a foreign country. Not a very wise man in my opinion. Very hard to have respect for any man that would behave like this but particularly a so called leader.
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