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DSK, can we believe this?

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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

[quote user="Gardener"][quote user="Frenchie"]Where did you read that " evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual  acts " ? can't find it .. [/quote]

2nd page of the NY times link that was posted near the end. "After the indictment was filed, Mr. Vance spoke briefly on the courthouse steps addressing hundreds of local and foreign reporters who had been camped out in front of the imposing stone edifice. He characterized the charges as “extremely serious” and said the “evidence supports the commission of nonconsensual forced sexual acts.”[/quote]

"After the indictment".  Was that not before Gardener, at the time of the accusations, and nothing to do with today?



I was just quoting from the article as others had before me. I haven't read anything that this evidence has now been rejected. In fact having heard her lawyer speak just now,I stand by what I said earlier.

If she embellished her visa application to get a better life for her and her child that doesn't make her a liar for evermore. If DSK's team can make some mileage out of it then good for him. But if he is innocent, it should be a walk in the park to prove it, with her alleged bad character, his alleging it was consensual, so why do they seem to be pushing to have the case thrown out?
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Sotto voce!

So the Prosecutor accuses Cyrus of having a mole in the office, his number 3 a lady is married to an attorney who works in the same practice as Brafman. There seems to be a leak in the confidential discussions intramuros.

And is the resignation of one of the DAs staff this week perhaps related to leaks or was it something to do with sounding off on current cases during a TV documentary.

Cyrus in post appearance viva voce statement indicates that the credibility issue affects only the terms of the bail and is NOT in any way to be considered as Brady Evidence.

Super undertones to the case.

One wonders whether a live statement from the NYC  DA has ever happened before...very unusual...perhaps unique.

Meanwhile, Lisa Friel, the chief of the Manhattan district attorney's sex crimes unit, has resigned the post she held for nearly a decade, ABC News has confirmed. Her resignation Wednesday, first reported by the New York Times, comes as one of the office's most high-profile sexual assault cases continues to unravel.



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[quote user="Christine Animal"]Was the name of the father known, or was her private life respected Clair?

I don't remember as it was not of concern to me.[/quote]

Not a single name stuck, but it was fair game on all the "potential fathers", all named, pictured and debated, regardless of their private life, never mind hers...

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[quote user="Frenchie"]NO, the name of the father is not known, and who cares, really ??[/quote]

Who cares, indeed, except for the blatant double standard demonstrated by the press...

Pages on "who's the daddy?", but no mention of a alleged sexual attack by a well-known "séducteur" on a young woman...

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Affaire DSK: la plaignante reconnaît avoir fait un «récit erroné»


18h50. La victime présumée a produit sous serment un «récit erroné» de l'agression sexuelle dont elle affirme avoir été l'objet, omettant de préciser qu'elle avait nettoyé une autre chambre avant de dénoncer les faits incriminés, selon le bureau du procureur.

«La plaignante a reconnu depuis que son récit était erroné et qu'après l'incident dans la suite 2806, elle avait nettoyé une chambre voisine puis était retournée dans la suite [de DSK] avant de rapporter l'incident à son supérieur», a expliqué le bureau du procureur Cyrus Vance dans une lettre aux avocats de l'ex-patron du FMI datée de jeudi.

Dans les semaines suivant les faits, la jeune femme, une Guinéenne de 32 ans, a raconté à «de multiples reprises» aux enquêteurs qu'après avoir été agressée, elle s'était réfugiée dans le couloir du 28e étage de l'hôtel où se trouvait la suite de Dominique Strauss-Kahn, précise le document.

Elle avait expliqué avoir ainsi attendu que son agresseur présumé sorte de sa chambre pour dénoncer les faits à un supérieur arrivé à l'étage peu après.

«La plaignante a réitéré cette version des faits sous serment devant le grand jury», a précisé le bureau du procureur.

-> Lettre à lire sur le site du New York Times.



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[quote user="Christine Animal"]

Affaire DSK: la plaignante reconnaît avoir fait un «récit erroné»


18h50. La victime présumée a produit sous serment un «récit erroné» de l'agression sexuelle dont elle affirme avoir été l'objet, omettant de préciser qu'elle avait nettoyé une autre chambre avant de dénoncer les faits incriminés, selon le bureau du procureur.

«La plaignante a reconnu depuis que son récit était erroné et qu'après l'incident dans la suite 2806, elle avait nettoyé une chambre voisine puis était retournée dans la suite [de DSK] avant de rapporter l'incident à son supérieur», a expliqué le bureau du procureur Cyrus Vance dans une lettre aux avocats de l'ex-patron du FMI datée de jeudi.

Dans les semaines suivant les faits, la jeune femme, une Guinéenne de 32 ans, a raconté à «de multiples reprises» aux enquêteurs qu'après avoir été agressée, elle s'était réfugiée dans le couloir du 28e étage de l'hôtel où se trouvait la suite de Dominique Strauss-Kahn, précise le document.

Elle avait expliqué avoir ainsi attendu que son agresseur présumé sorte de sa chambre pour dénoncer les faits à un supérieur arrivé à l'étage peu après.

«La plaignante a réitéré cette version des faits sous serment devant le grand jury», a précisé le bureau du procureur.

-> Lettre à lire sur le site du New York Times.




Interesting letter, confirms in fact disclosure of Brady material initially the interpretation by seasoned legal opinion of Cyrus Vance's post appearance statement suggested this was not the case.

The impression I get is that Lisa Friel was concealing evidence favourable to the defendant BUT the HBO documentary had previously shown non disclosure of disculpatory material prejudicing the conduct of a case. So Cyrus having forced Lisa to resign on the earlier case there wasn't much choice over the the later DSK case.

In my opinion not a good policy to have women as lead prosecutors on rape cases; they tend to lack objectivity and will cut corners and bend rules to get a conviction for their "sisters".

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I know that the world is a very bad place, but I suspect that too many people who say they are refugees are not. They lie, there again, people lie,  the rich, the poor, kids, adults, we all do in one way or another. It is how much we do and about what exactly that makes us good or bad people. 

And the other problem is that, as can happen with say powerful men with a weakness,  can also happen with those that lie about their status, both are open to blackmail.

It does not necessarily change what happened here. There was most certainly semen found in the room, so some sexual act was involved. Personally I doubt that we will ever know the truth.

Re DSK, the more I hear about him, the less I think of him, in fact the term I used earlier on on here, in fact the way ladies I know describe certain men suffices very nicely as to my opinion of him.

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Agreed nasty type. Only one I would trust is Marine.

The District Attorney had little choice if the info on the guinean had surfaced during the trial the jury would have thrown it out.

The info would have been revealed by the defence informed via the husband of Lisa Friel.

The damage in terms of credibility has taken place as early as possible, when it comes to trial the eventual jury will have had time to digest it and it will not appear to be so nefarious.

Edit N2F

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The DA said,

Outside of the courtroom Cyrus Vance, Jr. insisted prosecutors will continue their investigation into the case, adding “vindication of the rights of sex crimes victims is among the highest priorities of this office.” He said the highest duty of a prosecutor is to assure that safeguards of American law apply to all, insuring fairness and justice for all victims and defendants.

And what about the french speaking lying guinean "prozzy"!

Rape victims, you see, should not have to be Sunday school teachers or virgins. Often, the most imperfect women are the most vulnerable. I’ll never forget one case prosecuted by the Florida State Attorney in the early 70s: a prostitute reported she had agreed to have sex with a cop, but was then brutally gang raped by a few of his buddies, all fellow cops. Defying all odds, the cops were found guilty and justice prevailed for a prostitute.

Thanks Shelley Ross, I like your blog.


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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

I would trust Marine to do lots of things, but not one thing I would want her to do!

The LePen's are not my cup of tea.


I said, I would trust her not that I completely agreed with her politics.



[:D] And I thought that I had said that I would trust her too, didn't I?

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[quote user="pachapapa"]

The DA said,

Outside of the courtroom Cyrus Vance, Jr. insisted prosecutors will continue their investigation into the case, adding “vindication of the rights of sex crimes victims is among the highest priorities of this office.” He said the highest duty of a prosecutor is to assure that safeguards of American law apply to all, insuring fairness and justice for all victims and defendants.

And what about the french speaking lying guinean "prozzy"!

Rape victims, you see, should not have to be Sunday school teachers or virgins. Often, the most imperfect women are the most vulnerable. I’ll never forget one case prosecuted by the Florida State Attorney in the early 70s: a prostitute reported she had agreed to have sex with a cop, but was then brutally gang raped by a few of his buddies, all fellow cops. Defying all odds, the cops were found guilty and justice prevailed for a prostitute.

Thanks Shelley Ross, I like your blog.




Well I do not care what is said on here. How did she get her injuries, vaginal bruising, damaged shoulder, torn stockings, his semen on the carpet with her saliva. That she went and cleaned another room is no surprise to me at least. Women can be strange creatures, I am usually very cool at home, like cooking but other household tasks, well they get done eventually by one or other of us, but strangely when bad things happen I go into cleaning and tidying frenzy. It is a sign of bad things if I am doing that and I could well imagine after something really traumatic, I could start cleaning, especially if I thought that my job was at stake.

So her credibility, well was it ever good. I always thought that she was a very easy target for those who were backing him.

I don't give a damn about him and his smarmy wife's swingers life style. I never liked AS from day on on tv and I didn't know who she was then, just that she must have been piston'd to be on tv. One soon gets that sort of idea if watching french tv long enough.  If they think it is something done in haute societe in France, well, in low society we have other names for their behaviour, especially if it includes trying to have sex with the help.



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[quote user="idun"][quote user="pachapapa"]

 « Les Anglais tous homosexuels »


That's what Edith Cresson said wasn't it? Quelle betisse!


Smart! Thats the one, she who after servi*ing Mitterand had such trouble with her teeth she had to take her dentist to Brussels.[:)]

Nice piece by Andrea Peyser in the up-market New York Post today about DSK.

Read the comments by enraged froglets with basic english...hilarious.


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As I understand it the maid had broken a hotel rule entering an occupied room and was scared that would cost her her job.

It is reasonable that after what had happened her head would be all over the place so if she went and cleaned another room to be on her own for some minutes so what.

Many women after such an incident would seek a bit of time to calm down and adjust clothing . Should that be held against her ? .

As for the lies on her application to enter the USA . It is obvious there will be embellished stories when people are fleeing persecution who are seeking entry to a country should that mean they should be ruled out of a judicial system if they later be a victim of crime ?

So she knows a few criminals. In the community she lives among in the USA it does not surprise me . I know parts of London where a lot of streets will have residents that were known to the Police . Should that mean if you were friendly with your neighbour who may have a criminal record you should be deprived of justice through association if you had been known after a crime you were victim of to have talked to him ?

There is a smoke screen being put here for DSK to slip away behind .
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