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DSK, can we believe this?

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"Yet pause, for a moment, to imagine what might have happened if her ( Tristane Banon) astonishing claims had been broadcast in Britain.

Suppose that a female journalist had made such a grave allegation against a top politician with every chance of becoming the next Prime Minister.

The following day, major news organisations would undoubtedly have begun investigations to determine his suitability for high office. In all likelihood, a transcript of her remarks would also have been passed to the police.

And what happened in France? To the shame of the Parisian Establishment and the supine French Press, precisely nothing"

Now in this instance, the woman is an adult , if she had wanted to make an allegation of rape then the police station was the place to do it, not on tv and she should not be allowed to ruin a man's career if she is not prepared to go the whole mile.

Would the British tv companies really allow a person to make such a claim? When someone named the person who had allegedly attacked Ulrika jonson, it created a furore and looked what happened to the alleged attackers career.

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[quote user="Gardener"]Now in this instance, the woman is an adult , if she had wanted to make an allegation of rape then the police station was the place to do it, not on tv and she should not be allowed to ruin a man's career if she is not prepared to go the whole mile.[/quote]

She was 21 years old at the time of the alleged assault in 2002.

Her family has (had?) close links with his family.

Her god-mother is one of his ex-wives.

She was a friend of one of his daughters.

Her mother, an elected regional councillor for the Socialist Party, dissuaded her from making a formal complaint after she had reported the matter to a solicitor, convincing her she would forever be resented as the girl who brought DSK down.

Why would she put herself through the vilification she has been subjected to this week?

Her mother said this week she brought the matter to the attention of several socialist politicians, who all seem to suffer from collective amnesia.


user="Gardener"]Would the British tv companies really allow a person to make such a

claim? [/quote]

The name of the alleged attacker was bleeped over by the producer when the TV program was broadcast, as required by French law.

The only people who heard the name where those in the television studio.

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It would appear the maid has never been to school . A Madrassa is the only place she attended and learned to quote a few passages from the Koran . The woman  has been described as illiterate .   It is going to be interesting to see how the powerful US lawyers handle her in the witness box .. Its going to be a terrifying experience for her.   http://www.starafrica.com/en/news/africa/article/strauss-kahn-accusers-journey-from-rura-167211.html
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Re Tristane Banon -Her mother brought details of an alleged assualt on her daughter to the attention of politicians but she herself had talked her daughter out of making a formal complaint.

The daughter, possibly due to the connections with his family etc that you have listed above, decided not to go to the police. That is her prerogative but she then can't use the French media to make allegations that she isn't prepared to back up. I think in that occasion they were right to bleep his name out.
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[quote user="Gardener"]Re Tristane Banon -Her mother brought details of an alleged assualt on her daughter to the attention of politicians but she herself had talked her daughter out of making a formal complaint. The daughter, possibly due to the connections with his family etc that you have listed above, decided not to go to the police. That is her prerogative but she then can't use the French media to make allegations that she isn't prepared to back up. I think in that occasion they were right to bleep his name out.[/quote]

Not really surprising that the mother counselled discretion; an official complaint against the "establishment" in france is frought with danger for all concerned ; vindictive revenge will be taken against the family. The potential complainant/plaintiff has only taken advantage of the current circumstances to obtain some small measure of retribution that would have otherwise been impossible or manifestly foolish.

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[quote user="Cat"]

[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="EmilyA"]Could somebody explain to me what the "Anglo-Saxon media" are? (Not just used on here it was also on the TV debate last night). Are there many Anglo-Saxons in America? Does it exclude Celts and Vikings? I think we should be told.[/quote] No I wont but if you read Winston's History of the English speaking peoples, then the penny will drop.[/quote]

Poor Emily, she posts what is clearly a tongue in cheek question, but he penny didn't drop, and the irony was lost.


Quite right!

 "He's a short, fat old man."...[:)]


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[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Gardener"] I think in that occasion they were right to bleep his name out.[/quote]
The question I asked 2 days ago was "Is there such a thing as investigative journalism in France?"


I would say yes and no.

I have seen some wonderful reporting progs on tv, in depth, excellent, however, they haven't often been about France. Very easy to do them about anywhere else. So that is the 'yes' bit.

Just after we got to France Mitterand came to power and I would watch french news. I didn't understand much french back then, but used to watch and pick up what I could, I got used to the journalists, sort of friendly faces really, and then I realised that some of the journalists were not on the news any more. I heard later that Mitterand wanted rid and so they were gone. I used to like Phillipe Alfonsi, but he reported on student manifs and suddenly he was gone too, came back later, but was 'away' for some time. Way back when, it was strange how often there would be technical blip, blackout for a few seconds on the news, wonder why?  So that is the 'no' bit.

I don't know why there isn't good reporting in general.

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[quote user="Clair"]

She was 21 years old at the time of the alleged assault in 2002.

Her family has (had?) close links with his family.

Her god-mother is one of his ex-wives.

She was a friend of one of his daughters.

Her mother, an elected regional councillor for the Socialist Party, dissuaded her from making a formal complaint after she had reported the matter to a solicitor, convincing her she would forever be resented as the girl who brought DSK down.

Why would she put herself through the vilification she has been subjected to this week?


Clair, these are questions, not criticism...

How does the public know this information? Presumably the mother or daughter have been recorded/seen on television giving out these facts? Or is this information based on what newspapers (UK/France/anywhere) are printing?

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[quote user="Mel"][quote user="Clair"]

She was 21 years old at the time of the alleged assault in 2002.

Her family has (had?) close links with his family.

Her god-mother is one of his ex-wives.

She was a friend of one of his daughters.

Her mother, an elected regional councillor for the Socialist Party, dissuaded her from making a formal complaint after she had reported the matter to a solicitor, convincing her she would forever be resented as the girl who brought DSK down.

Why would she put herself through the vilification she has been subjected to this week?


Clair, these are questions, not criticism...

How does the public know this information? Presumably the mother or daughter have been recorded/seen on television giving out these facts? Or is this information based on what newspapers (UK/France/anywhere) are printing?


The mother spoke to the press this week and tried to explain why she dissuaded her daughter from going to the police. She said it was her biggest regret, as she saw her daughter sink into a depression after the alleged assault.

Anne Mansouret regrette avoir dissuadé Tristane Banon de sa plainte contre DSK    (translation)

I can't imagine what it must have been like to have your friend's father making a sustained pass at you, or what it must have been like for her mother to have a family friend treat her 20 yo daughter as fair game...

EDIT: I have just read that Tristane Banon has decided not to make a formal complaint... yet.

Dominique Strauss-Kahn: why French women put up with it

(best line of this article: "it always remains,

like low-volume static, at the back of interactions between men in a

situation of power and the women who have to work with them

("Banon,saw her book

bowdlerised, had job offers suddenly retracted and nasty unfounded rumours

started on her alleged lifestyle. No wonder that she shies from lodging a

formal lawsuit against Strauss-Kahn.

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[quote user="idun"]

[quote user="Clair"][quote user="Gardener"] I think in that occasion they were right to bleep his name out.[/quote]
The question I asked 2 days ago was "Is there such a thing as investigative journalism in France?"


I would say yes and no.

I have seen some wonderful reporting progs on tv, in depth, excellent, however, they haven't often been about France. Very easy to do them about anywhere else. So that is the 'yes' bit.

Just after we got to France Mitterand came to power and I would watch french news. I didn't understand much french back then, but used to watch and pick up what I could, I got used to the journalists, sort of friendly faces really, and then I realised that some of the journalists were not on the news any more. I heard later that Mitterand wanted rid and so they were gone. I used to like Phillipe Alfonsi, but he reported on student manifs and suddenly he was gone too, came back later, but was 'away' for some time. Way back when, it was strange how often there would be technical blip, blackout for a few seconds on the news, wonder why?  So that is the 'no' bit.

I don't know why there isn't good reporting in general.


§And the "poisonous dwarf" zicked the Pepper Pot Geriatric from TF1 too§

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France Info reports this morning that the American System of Justice requires the defendant to prove his/her innocence and continues the report that this is completely and totally alien to the French System of Justice which requires the prosecution to prove the guilt of the accused beyond all reasonable doubt.


But indicative however of the blatant attempt to besmirch the American Judicial Process. It is not clear whether the exact words of the report in fact emanate directly from "horny toad", or whether they can be attributed to the Official French Radio transmission.

Needless to say that french listeners will, without question due to indoctrination in the state educational system, believe the Ministry of Misinformation.

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PP d'A was not a journalist I liked, ever. At first I found he mumbled and I needed 'clear' speech. Often used to wonder 'who he knew' or 'what he had on someone' to keep his job. Obviously  in the end that was not the case, if ever it was.

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It would be better if the judicial system in the USA was beyond reproach. Unfortunately I won't be able to watch Louis Theroux's programme on the subject of a remand jail in Miami tonight. It looks as though it will be very interesting viewing. 



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[quote user="idun"]

PP d'A was not a journalist I liked, ever. At first I found he mumbled and I needed 'clear' speech. Often used to wonder 'who he knew' or 'what he had on someone' to keep his job. Obviously  in the end that was not the case, if ever it was.


Yes! agreed, not my cup of tea either, but then I hate LF & CC as well and AC used to give me apoplexy on France 2. On personal grounds glad that the "venemous dwarf" zicked her; I dont listen to Europe 1[:D].  However I would always reiterate on ethical grounds my disapproval of the interference in matters relating to the Mass Media disseminatory function, by the current occupier of Chez Mme Pompadour

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

PP d'A was not a journalist I liked, ever. At first I found he mumbled and I needed 'clear' speech. Often used to wonder 'who he knew' or 'what he had on someone' to keep his job. Obviously  in the end that was not the case, if ever it was.


Yes! agreed, not my cup of tea either, but then I hate LF & CC as well and AC used to give me apoplexy on France 2. On personal grounds glad that the "venemous dwarf" zicked her; I dont listen to Europe 1[:D].  However I would always reiterate on ethical grounds my disapproval of the interference in matters relating to the Mass Media disseminatory function, by the current occupier of Chez Mme Pompadour


Take a few seconds to explain what LF, CC, Ac and PPd'a stand for.

There are a lot of forum members who don't have the faintest idea who you're talking about.

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Chez Mme le Pompadour is the Elysee Palace, that is where she lived and that is where the current President lives.


Venomous dwarf, is the current President, because he is IMO at least, venomous. Personally, I also believe that even if he were as tall as De Gaulle who was 6'5, he would still be a venomous dwarf. He is small of stature, but his character is small, mean and nasty.

Incidentally I have some male friends in France who are small of stature, but their characters are 'BIG'. I never see these friends as small.

I thought that zicked meant trolling, but I may be wrong about that.

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

PP d'A was not a journalist I liked, ever. At first I found he mumbled and I needed 'clear' speech. Often used to wonder 'who he knew' or 'what he had on someone' to keep his job. Obviously  in the end that was not the case, if ever it was.


Yes! agreed, not my cup of tea either, but then I hate LF & CC as well and AC used to give me apoplexy on France 2. On personal grounds glad that the "venemous dwarf" zicked her; I dont listen to Europe 1[:D].  However I would always reiterate on ethical grounds my disapproval of the interference in matters relating to the Mass Media disseminatory function, by the current occupier of Chez Mme Pompadour



LF Laurence Ferrari

CC Claire Chazal

AC Arlette Chabot

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[quote user="Gemonimo"][quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="idun"]

PP d'A was not a journalist I liked, ever. At first I found he mumbled and I needed 'clear' speech. Often used to wonder 'who he knew' or 'what he had on someone' to keep his job. Obviously  in the end that was not the case, if ever it was.


Yes! agreed, not my cup of tea either, but then I hate LF & CC as well and AC used to give me apoplexy on France 2. On personal grounds glad that the "venemous dwarf" zicked her; I dont listen to Europe 1[:D].  However I would always reiterate on ethical grounds my disapproval of the interference in matters relating to the Mass Media disseminatory function, by the current occupier of Chez Mme Pompadour



LF Laurence Ferrari

CC Claire Chazal

AC Arlette Chabot



and Patrick Poivre d' Avoir.


I don't know Laurence Ferrari at all, never minded Claire Chazal and did not like Arlette Chabot either.

I did like Bruno Masure and Claude Serillon a lot and was sorry when they stopped doing the news. re Claude Serillon :

Renvoyé du journal de 20 heures en juillet 1987 pour avoir "maltraité" le préfet de police de Paris dans l'affaire Oussékine, mais surtout à l'approche de la présidentielle, Claude Sérillon devra attendre 11 ans pour reprendre le même poste, en août 1998, en remplacement de Daniel Bilalian.

Incroyable innit, that they can get away with it. And that is whilst there is a half decent political party in power, watch out if Marine gets in.

I watch the Fr2 news on TV5 monde now, what is it with the little eyes with  Marie Drucker and Laurent Delahousse, are they trying to look sexy, or do they just need to go to Specsavers, I can't work it out.

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[:)][:)][:)] Ah yes! d'Avor.


I typed that four times that 'i' kept appearing, my fingers seem  to have developed a will of their own recently, and touch they keys they want to touch. So, I have trouble spelling to start with and now my fingers have 'their' way of spelling, getting quite disturbing.[:-))]

So what is zicked, I had thought it was trolling, but in that context doesn't look like it.

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Informative link from the Guardian, including..Philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, meanwhile, raged against a legal system that had treated DSK like "any other person". "Everybody," declared the philosopher, "is not everybody!"

Whilst the loquacious translation into english by the Guardian is impeccable.

The "chattering classes" of dordogneshire would taxonomise it as...." a man of calibre".[:P]

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