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so... why did you stay in France... revisited


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In private, I used to think of TeamedUp as SteamedUp as she always seemed to feel strongly about things and was never afraid of putting her point of view with vigour!

I was a new poster in those days and I always felt very honoured when she answered any post of mine.  Mind you, that's now water under the bridge and I am, if anything, quite comfortable with her these days!

Am I allowed to talk about Dick Smith?  Always found him insufferable and that monkey face of his used to give me the creeps but I know that's no way to talk about someone who is no longer here to defend himself...[:)] so I will desist.

Frenchie, I think the person from Normandy you mean is Geordie Girl.  Yes, a lovely personality with a very smiley avatar.  I, too, often wonder where she is and whether she stayed on in France.  I know she started some sort of B & B business and I just hope that the reason she's stopped posting is that she is too busy running her business.

Then, one of my favourites has GOT to be memb.  She posted lots of lovely recipes and I have been using her grandmother's scone recipe to this day (interspersed sometimes with idun's [:D]) 

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I do miss Saligo Bay and Tresco, plus (Just) Katie doesn't post enough any more.  But the person who has left a big hole in this forum for me, in terms of what he knew and how helpful he was is Deimos.  Sad loss, imo, as was Tony Fuller but he did say goodbye before he went.  But that's life, people come and go - some you miss, some you cheer loudly as they depart!
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[quote user="TWINKLE"]

 I will be hooking up with JK at the end of this month and will also be seeing Pads and Chateau Miaou - very nice ladies indeed. [/quote]

Really wish I could get there... fingers crossed I can make it next year!

[quote user="TWINKLE"]

Rose is

gorgeous too - fantastic sense of humour! [/quote]

I think you helped bring me out of my shell twinks xx

[quote user="TWINKLE"]

 have been brainwashed by Facebook I'm afraid.

I've only been on here for 10 minutes and I keep looking for the Like

button ;)[/quote]

Excellent Idea... maybe we could have one!

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[quote user="opas"]If you need something to cheer you up through the long , dark and cold winter to come then outie is prepared to rejoin and entertain you[/quote]Opas you're still here!  I think outie should come back - he never did find a home anywhere else for as long as he lasted on here, did he?  I always thought everyone took his daft comments far too seriously - but then again, I may have missed a lot of them because they were deleted before I got to read them!

I haven't been on here in a while myself and have been having a look around to see who is still here.  Its nice to see some old names but an awful lot do seem to have disappeared, or at least reinvented themselves which is a shame because my memory isn't good enough to recognise people from their writing style!

I've noticed that a lot of threads seem to be messed up - has there been a problem with the archives or something, that caused a lot of old posts to go missing?

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I just finished reading that other thread and I didn't find it that negative so maybe a lot of posts are missing from it?

To answer the question of why we're still here - we own a house in the UK and one here (both in rural areas) and wanted to sell them both and buy something different with the proceeds.  Unfortunately we wanted to do that at the time when housing markets seemed to freeze over in both countries!  We decided that of the two, we'd rather live in the one in France while waiting for things to get moving.  We could rent out the UK house, getting rid of its running costs and maybe even providing an income and over here the kids could become bilingual. 

Things are not moving yet, that I've noticed, so we're still here, muddling along - and we're at the point where our children are saying they don't want to move as they'd miss their friends.  We have thought that we could still move to somewhere local but with a bit more for them to do a bit closer, now they're getting older - but moving isn't so easy here so perhaps it might be put on hold now until they've left us (if they ever do) and its time to SKI!

Where would I move to?  I'd have a really good look around but I miss the seaside and I find the weather where we are a bit too extreme.  I find it too hot in summer and too cold in winter. 

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[quote user="woolybanana"]You wanna see the sea on the Vendée coast when it decides to reclaim it's heritage![/quote]

It's like that here in southern Morbihan; last winter whole chunks of the specially designated coastal pathways were washed away. No hope of replacing them ... without taking more of peoples' gardens ... which won't happen as it is considered 'natural' that the sea should behave in this way. Huge rocks are brought in to help keep the sea at bay ... but some of them get moved too.


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[quote user="suein56"]

It's like that here in southern Morbihan; last winter whole chunks of the specially designated coastal pathways were washed away. No hope of replacing them ... without taking more of peoples' gardens ... which won't happen as it is considered 'natural' that the sea should behave in this way. Huge rocks are brought in to help keep the sea at bay ... but some of them get moved too.



We were at La Pointe du Bile in mid-September 1993. The damage was unbelievable.

The end of August 1992 was also an incredible storm.

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