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Naughty older folk


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[quote user="sweet 17"][quote user="KathyF"]


 Ask me again when I'm 80! [:D][:D]


Hey, Kathy, watch what you say!  Are you implying that 80 is old?

My OH is 81 and he still regularly beats men in their 30s and 40s at table tennis.  People who play table tennis will know what a game of quick reactions it is.

There are young men in his club trying to get into the league teams who won't play with him because they lessen their chances of being picked to play competitively if they get beaten by an 80 year old.

I think some people are luckier than others in the rate at which they age. 

Me, I've had to get used to becoming invisible since my late 50s but I like it when people make the mistake of treating me as though I am doddery because I have ways of getting my own back![:D]


Perish the thought, Sweet. [:)] I have an 87yr-old mother-in-law who went swimming regularly until a bad fall last autumn and who is planning to get back to it again when the weather improves. It's just that 80 is a bit nearer what might be called old than 65. [;-)]

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I was just joking with you....being mock serious!

You're right about 80 being older than 65.  In fact, sometimes, when we are trying to make up our minds to do something or not, we tend to come down on the side of doing it and not putting it off.

As OH says, "I don't have so long to hang about dithering as other people!"

It doesn't depress us or anything like that, but it does concentrate the mind somewhat [:)]

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I remember the first time I used my bus pass, I was miffed that the driver didn't look surprised when I waved it at him. He obviously thought I was old. I think I'm just older.

A comment on the main theme of the thread: it seems that many older people are divorcing once work is behind them and children have left home. and this is often driven by the woman. Why? Maybe it's sort of Last Chance Saloon. Do it now, tomorrow may be too late. Or a refusal to conform to other people's presumption that they will "go gently into that good night."   Not to be flippant, it could be that some people have been planning it for years, and when the time is right, they break out of their marriage and their own acquired self and look for sex, fun, life, whatever you want to call it

Not for me. I like my life..  

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The memé pepé mamie papie thing really gets me as well, the problem is around here 90% of people over the age of 36 are indeed grandparents,.

Apart from a few rare exceptions every French woman of my age that I have met to date has appeared both physically and mentally to be at least 20 years older, my ex was 15 years younger than me but apart from physically in many many ways she was at least a generation older than me.

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[quote user="5-element"]

[quote user="NormanH"]I would have loved to see your face[:D]


- says someone who has met me!

Norman, I kept it very straight and pretended she was referring to somebody else...


and knows that you are the epitome of French chic and intelligence ; certainly not a 'GRANNY' figure [:D]

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