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French Presidential Election Result.

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Hey  C on TF1 right to the end NKM was arguing and interrupting; particularly with MLP; now MLP just said she would "vote blanc" with no consigne of her 6 million votes in the 1st round. Just coincidence that there were some TWO MILLION blank votes a mere SEVEN PER CENT of the vote.

Perhaps MLP was gunning for Sarko!

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I thought that he gave a very rousing speech, the victory seems to have boosted his presidentiality.

Its a shame that I could not share the euphoria of la foule, instead I found myself apprehensive.

Its strange how I have changed, I voted for Blair and was overjoyed to see what i thought was a normal guy and one with a young family at his side taking residence of no 10 downing street, I was so excited for the future only to be progressively let down.

This time round whilst I am in a starnge way glad of the change I find myself hoping perhaps that like Blair he wont acheive a fraction of what he intends.

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Well, Melenchon is already staking out a position which is as a sort of Guardian of the Left and claiming they won it; he seems to forget that Hollande only has a majority of 1.5% of the electorate.

By the way, who was the first Socialist?

Christopher Columbus, because he didnt know where he was going, didnt know where he was when he got there and did it with someone else's money!!

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[quote user="woolybanana"] because he didnt know where he was going, didnt know where he was when he got there and did it with someone else's money!!


[:D] the fantasists have had their day, parrallels with blair are frightening; what odds Hollande isn't remembered for the same as the last socialist goverment in UK  -  letting a nightmare in by the back door and leaving a note to say there isn't any money . . .

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I hope Hollande does good for the 'common man', it's a pity that Cameron is now so up himself. He had a disabled child, and appeared to understand the needs of those who really needed help from the Government, including the handicapped, elderly and homeless, but now with his posh friends he seems to have forgotten who he's supporting and who really needs help.

And why when the UK gets a Prime Minister does he start thinking he's got to be big on the international stage, before the home one is sorted? Look at Blair, all he seemed to want was brownie points abroad, so when he lost he's covered his back. Surely the needs of the country come before the needs of every other country? I know we need to work closely with other countries but there's a limit.

Anyway, I'll wait and see what Hollande is going to do, apart from what he said he's going to do. The village here all seemed to have voted for him anyway.

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Website here shows results by commune.  I am not convinced that I have posted a proper "link" but it should copy and paste!


Edit: see later posting, thanks Norman.

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[quote user="NormanH"]"he seems to forget that Hollande only has a majority of 1.5% of the electorate."

Hollande on 51,62%  with a turn out of 80,34% compares rather well  with Cameron with 36,1 of a 65% turnout...


Yes but according to the Electoral Commission there are about 3.8M people who meet the criteria to register to vote but simply didn't bother. If you add them in to the mix the percentage of votes the candidates got is even smaller.

That's the trouble with the way things are reported particularly in the UK. The in the recent local elections the Tories lost 405 seats and 20 something councils yet in 2007 they gained over 800 seats and 34 councils so they still have a lot more seats (and a few more councils) than they had in 2005. Not to mention that only 1 in 3 registered voters turned out to vote this time. Says a lot about UK politics I think, like not many people are interested anymore. Sorry about changing subject a bit.

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[quote user="just john "][quote user="woolybanana"] because he didnt know where he was going, didnt know where he was when he got there and did it with someone else's money!!


[:D] the fantasists have had their day, parrallels with blair are frightening; what odds Hollande isn't remembered for the same as the last socialist goverment in UK  -  letting a nightmare in by the back door and leaving a note to say there isn't any money . . .


This morning to put the cherry on the cake I am listening to the phone-in on RMC.

The airways seem to be populated by irate "en colère" UMPiste ladies baring their ideological souls, all for me quite hilarious. I luv it.

It would seem that UMPistes are having difficulty reconciling the majority vote for a man with NO MINISTERIAL experience, NO ****, NO*****, etc , etc. Whilst the "little man" with his bulging portfolio of talents, experience and debating skills on the international stage has been rejected out of hand.

Despite the dire warnings as to the foreseeable consequences.

Let me put it another way if they had replaced the little man with a "triumvirate" of the two pandas from Beauval and the office cat from Matignon the UMPistes would have won.[:D]

Nice result from Dordogne, looks like in the legies there will be a clean sweep in Dordogne & Vienne.!!

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[quote user="NormanH"]"he seems to forget that Hollande only has a majority of 1.5% of the electorate."

Hollande on 51,62%  with a turn out of 80,34% compares rather well  with Cameron with 36,1 of a 65% turnout...


I don't see what the numbers voting in the UK election and the numbers which Mr Hollande obtained have to do with each other, except to point out that they are both minority leaders who are leading countries bankrupted by years of overspending.

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Hollande's foreign policy in an Interview with Slade Magazine:


les Britanniques ont été

particulièrement timides sur les enjeux de la régulation financière, et attentifs aux seuls intérêts

de la City. D’où leurs réticences à la mise en place de la taxe sur les

transactions financières et à l’harmonisation fiscale en Europe. Et qui

s’ajoutent à une relative indifférence à l’égard du sort de la zone euro, car

la Grande-Bretagne est davantage protégée de la spéculation puisque la Banque

centrale peut intervenir directement pour le financement de la dette. L’Europe

n’est pas un tiroir caisse et encore moins un self service.

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="just john "][quote user="woolybanana"] because he didnt know where he was going, didnt know where he was when he got there and did it with someone else's money!!


[:D] the fantasists have had their day, parrallels with blair are frightening; what odds Hollande isn't remembered for the same as the last socialist goverment in UK  -  letting a nightmare in by the back door and leaving a note to say there isn't any money . . .


This morning to put the cherry on the cake I am listening to the phone-in on RMC.

The airways seem to be populated by irate "en colère" UMPiste ladies baring their ideological souls, all for me quite hilarious. I luv it.

It would seem that UMPistes are having difficulty reconciling the majority vote for a man with NO MINISTERIAL experience, NO ****, NO*****, etc , etc. Whilst the "little man" with his bulging portfolio of talents, experience and debating skills on the international stage has been rejected out of hand.

Despite the dire warnings as to the foreseeable consequences.

Let me put it another way if they had replaced the little man with a "triumvirate" of the two pandas from Beauval and the office cat from Matignon the UMPistes would have won.[:D]

Nice result from Dordogne, looks like in the legies there will be a clean sweep in Dordogne & Vienne.!!


A CSA poll released to day analyses with a fairly large sample the rationale behind many Hollande voters; confirming that MANY voted principally to get rid of the midget rather than a confirmed adhesion to François's policies.

Of course the implicit question is presumably the UMP rump were aware of this; certainly PPP & MLP were![:D]


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