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Monty Don's French Gardens


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[quote user="Cendrillon"]Quite right Chris and on a horrid wet / grey / drab day like the one we have had today one needs to focus on the happy memories and joy of living!


Horrid wet/grey/drab? If that's what it's like I might stay put where I am! It's been sunny and 19.2C in the shade today, the square was full of people sitting in the sunshine this afternoon when I wandered in to town. We're due back in SE England at midnight tomorrow and I can't say you're making it sound a good place to be, Cendrillon!  [:D]

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GG Extend your stay in the sun.

Last night the weather forecaster said we would probably have all four seasons in the space of  seven days. [8-)] I think we had Spring and Summer on Monday and Tuesday this week and Wednesday was good too and warm (note, nice weather for gardeners[;-)])  but it's all gone downhill since then.[:(]

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We've already extended our stay, Cendrillon, as my husband was ill, so

can't be done. I'll just have to join the ranks of those with bad

weather. Actually, the past two days have been lovely, but we had some very heavy rain for a few days - no snow though, which seems to be on the cards next week for our area.

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[quote user="Cendrillon"]Well GG you'll just have to dig out the thermals and grit your teeth. I am sorry your husband was ill, I do hope he's fully recovered now . At  least you got to enjoy some nice days at the end of your stay.


Thanks for your good wishes, Cendrillon.

Sorry, Chris, we had 19C and lovely sunshine  yesterday again. I was so pleased that it was sunny, as our younger son hasn't seen the place other than with grey skies or rain! We arrived home late last night; younger son flew out to Marseille and rented a car to come and collect us. He even got us business class to Heathrow, which was most unexpected - so with the lounge there and the comfy flight we felt very spoiled - and it was lovely to relax after husband's week in hospital and me toing and froing by bus to Nimes.

More investigations in UK from tomorrow; see what they offer - if there's a long wait for his op he might decide to have it in France, as long as the bureaucracy isn't as bad; his procedure couldn't start until his dossier was done and the clerks said the queue was too long and it was too close to lunchtime! Luckily the surgeon intervened and it could go ahead.

It was lovely to be home for Mothering Sunday - two sons, DIL and little granddaughter were here, and I wasn't involved in cooking - our sons bought the M&S offer for lunch and cooked it for us all. There was an enormous amount - they bought offer x 2 for 5 of us plus one tiny's little appetite! They all helped to dispel the grey and cold here for us.

Back on the gardening topic, it was good to see that some of the snowdrops are still flowering, daffodils are nodding in the wind, and some of the primroses in sheltered areas are flowering, plus the magnolia stellata's buds are very big now - maybe we'll have flowers on it before long.

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GG ..............

I have it on good authority that Monty is prepared to do Mr GG's op - he's prepared to sharpen up his secateurs for the event.

Seriously though, happy landings for 'G'.  Best up your way I'd say - not because of the care or anything else, just administratively and after-care wise much more straightforward.

Glad the trip back went well.


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