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Live in France ?... No different from a Romanian coming to the UK

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I see it's bringing out some of the UK's literacy problems in the comments. Luckily, as the worst offender is an "expat", he won't count towards the figures..[:D] But nice to see we're continuing to export our balanced view of life to other EU countries...  ETA...I wonder of there's a Daily Express reader who actually knows the difference between Romanians and Roma?

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What a nasty "article".

As it happens, although I know several people who buy the Daily Mail, I don't actually know of anyone who buys the Daily Express. Does anyone have any idea of the demographic profile of a DE reader? Just about the only thing I know about the DE is that it is owned by a man who made his money from pornography.

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Why is the article itself nasty??

There was a report on french news last night about the Ville de Lyon spending a fortune on improving things for a rom village in Romania, Tica, not sure of the spelling. They reckoned that if they spent the money there, the roms would be less likely to move to France. Things had improved radically in Tica, but in the other rom villages people were living in squalor and a boat load of kids, all looked dirty (maybe for the cameras, but squalor looked real). And that I did not understand, living in such conditions. My grandmother (born 1879) was poor as a church mouse, very poor living conditions, and a boat load of kids too and from what I can gather sometimes not enough food on the table. But the house was in spite of being poorly furnished, always tidy and clean and the kids had washed faces and the clothes washed regularly, poss tub etc.

There are many peoples who are so poor over the world, but from the french reporting programs I have seen, usually do not live as I saw yesterday.

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I do know English people in France who claim housing benefit to live in seedy accommodation and have also met English beggars here, to answer a couple of points in the article.

This is by no means the majority of course.

I also know Romanians who work hard for low pay.

The stupidity as always in in generalising.

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[quote user="NormanH"]I do know English people in France who claim housing benefit to live in seedy accommodation and have also met English beggars here, to answer a couple of points in the article.

This is by no means the majority of course.

I also know Romanians who work hard for low pay.

The stupidity as always in in generalising.


Well said and I have met the same. I also have met some Brits here over the years who have been absolute scum, working on the black, ripping fellow Brits off especially pensioners. I know personally four Romanians all of which work 'on the cards' and have been accepted fully in to the local community, they are really nice people.

A lot can be said about the stiring up of peoples emotions in the UK by the newspapers and by the lies spread by that idiot Farrage. I often wonder though is is the more stupid, the likes of Farrage and the newspapers or those that take it all at face value.

Of course there are some bad Romanians but then who are the Brits to throw the first stone as it were. People in green houses comes to mind.

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I wonder how many people (in UK particularly) think that 'Roma' is just a shortened version of 'Romanian', as 'Brit' is short for 'British'.

I have worked with a fair number of Romanian Engineers (and Engineers of many other nationalities), they were excellent people, friendly, conscientious and good to work with. They were NOT Roma.

In fact, they seemed to have the same opinion of Roma people as (say) the French do.

Were / are they 'racist' - I can't say. They obviously knew far more about the Roma people than I do and I took their opinion on trust.

There are of course some 'bad' Romanians, as there are 'bad' people of every Nationality in the World - including French and British.

Q considers Nigel Farrage to be a lying idiot, that's his opinion and he is perfectly entitled to think it and say it. I, however, do not agree, as is my right also.
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[quote user="powerdesal"]Q considers Nigel Farrage to be a lying idiot, that's his opinion and he is perfectly entitled to think it and say it. I, however, do not agree, as is my right also.[/quote]

I don't agree either.  I might not like his party's official policies but the guy himself, I find personable, persuasive and to possess charm even.

He is a good communicator and he knows how to structure an argument around what he wants to get across, even if the argument itself is flawed.


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Q considers Nigel Farrage to be a lying idiot, that's his opinion and he is perfectly entitled to think it and say it. I, however, do not agree, as is my right also.

PD, I don't agree either.  I don't like the official policies of his party.  The man himself, however, I find personable, quick-witted and with some charm even.

He is a good communicator and knows how to structure an argument to get his message across, even if the message itself is flawed.

A dangerous opponent, I would have thought, for both of the major parties?

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My reason for calling him a lying idiot, well at least one of the two was when he made his well documented statement that there were 21M Romanians waiting to come to the UK in 2014. As was pointed out on the TV at the time that would leave nobody in Romania (the population of Romania is 21M). Now he either lied to get attention and put the fear of God in to people or he is an idiot for not checking before opening his mouth. Yes sure we all do this from time to time but he is a 'politician', even worse the leader of his party, so I leave it to you to decide which one he is, a liar or an idiot.

Yes he is a very good orator and has a type of magnetism that attracts people but then so did the, likes of Hitler although I am not implying he is the same in his policies. I like listening to him as well but I still think afterwards I wouldn't want him running any country.

He does keep making gaffs, the Andrew Marr show last weekend when he said the ECHR and the EU were one and the same, I don't think so, since when did Russia for example become a member of the EU yet they are a member of the ECHR and always have been since it came in to being, many years before common market/EU came in to existence.

He is not adverse to hiding his EU expenses etc from the tax man with his 'off shore' accounts either. Politicians should be 'whiter than white' and yes before anyone jumps on that I admit there seems to be very few across all parties.

There are many issues that need to be addressed withing UK politics many of which can be dealt with by using a bit of common sense and yes a fresh approach is needed, another party perhaps but I don't think UKIP fits the bill. Still we will see in a couple of years time I guess, I may be totally wrong or  might even be right.

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Quillon wrote::Yes he is a very good orator and has a type of magnetism that attracts people but then so did the, likes of Hitler although I am not implying he is the same in his policies. I like listening to him as well but I still think afterwards I wouldn't want him running any country.

Does he want to run a country ? I have my doubts.. Does he just want to turn a spotlight onto the workings of the EU. The good the bad and the daft stuff they come up with ? Well he certainly achieves that To the annoyance of some EU leaders .

Love him or loath him he livens the place up and if he wins a seat in Westminster . I look forward to him giving them the same treatment .
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[quote user="NickP"]Godwin's law should probably be added to now; to include UKIP and Nigel Farage, especially in any post offered by Quillan the financial and political guru from the south. [Www][/quote]

Perhaps you should. Hilter threw them out of Germany and wouldn't let anymore in, not to different to what Farrage proposes.  I believe those thrown out of Germany, around 30,000 of them went to Poland next. Hitler had somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 in total of them gassed, shot etc not that I am implying in any way that Farrage would go that far but he would certainly like to take the first step.

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[quote user="Frederick"]Love him or loath him he livens the place up and if he wins a seat in Westminster . I look forward to him giving them the same treatment .[/quote]

Add to that Boris running for MP and getting in as well. Oh what fun that would be.

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Now are not politics a case of someone having a view point and if others share those views they form a party and if enough people support the party at election time they get elected?

In a democracy is it not the right of people to be free to choose?

Or perhaps we need to turn the clock back so that only landowners can vote as the peasants do not know anything to enable them to vote.

It does seem that some members of this forum would prefer there not to be a democracy - throw Farage in to a bottomless pit along with the DM readers.

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[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="NickP"]Godwin's law should probably be added to now; to include UKIP and Nigel Farage, especially in any post offered by Quillan the financial and political guru from the south. [Www][/quote]

Perhaps you should. Hilter threw them out of Germany and wouldn't let anymore in, not to different to what Farrage proposes.  I believe those thrown out of Germany, around 30,000 of them went to Poland next. Hitler had somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 in total of them gassed, shot etc not that I am implying in any way that Farrage would go that far but he would certainly like to take the first step.

I think that your constant harping on about Hitler is showing your arguments to be very weak, Farage says he would like to control immigration, isn't that what the Canadians, the Australians etc. do. Come to that if you used a more modern analogy; maybe try Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians, having said that Farage hasn't bombed anybody or stolen their land yet, as far as I know?

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[quote user="NickP"]

[quote user="Quillan"][quote user="NickP"]Godwin's law should probably be added to now; to include UKIP and Nigel Farage, especially in any post offered by Quillan the financial and political guru from the south. [Www][/quote]

Perhaps you should. Hilter threw them out of Germany and wouldn't let anymore in, not to different to what Farrage proposes.  I believe those thrown out of Germany, around 30,000 of them went to Poland next. Hitler had somewhere between 250,000 and 500,000 in total of them gassed, shot etc not that I am implying in any way that Farrage would go that far but he would certainly like to take the first step.

I think that your constant harping on about Hitler is showing your arguments to be very weak, Farage says he would like to control immigration, isn't that what the Canadians, the Australians etc. do. Come to that if you used a more modern analogy; maybe try Israel and their treatment of the Palestinians, having said that Farage hasn't bombed anybody or stolen their land yet, as far as I know?


I am afraid it was YOU that opened the door on that one. [:P]

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I respectfully suggest that you go back and digest what has been written, not what you think you read. Although that is probably a waste of time as your defence is like that of a child in the playground, still reading through your ramblings; why am I surprised? By the way your spell checker doesn't work. [:D]

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Well Nick I think your comments speak for themselves. If you disagree with somebody then just insult them because you are totally unable to offer a defence of what I can only assume by your comments as some form of hero with whom you totally agree. Somehow I (wrongly) imagined that you would be the last person to behave in such a way but then one lives and learns. I don't really want to discuss this any further with you, I don't want to be dragged down to your level of intolerance although I am sure you will want, as always, to get the last word in not that I shall bother reading it.
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[quote user="Quillan"]Well Nick I think your comments speak for themselves. If you disagree with somebody then just insult them because you are totally unable to offer a defence of what I can only assume by your comments as some form of hero with whom you totally agree. Somehow I (wrongly) imagined that you would be the last person to behave in such a way but then one lives and learns. I don't really want to discuss this any further with you, I don't want to be dragged down to your level of intolerance although I am sure you will want, as always, to get the last word in not that I shall bother reading it.[/quote]


Oh dear oh dear, you would know all about insulting people.

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I do wish someone could explain why (or, indeed, how) all immigrants to the UK are simultaneously taking all our jobs AND being benefits cheats. I'd also really like to understand how it can be that the entire Romanian nation (setting aside the already-raised issue of the distinction between being Romanian and being Roma) can be classed as ne'er-do-wells and bad eggs, whilst it appears that there's a widely held belief that every Briton who vacates the shores of the UK is a solid citizen with not a bad bone in their body, who is, by their very existence, a benefit and an asset to any country they see fit to grace with their presence. I seem to recall that there are plenty of people living in parts of Spain with whom the UK police would be delighted to converse at some length, and there have been a few people with less than stellar pasts who have surfaced outre-manche over the years.

I don't suppose there will ever come a time when the realisation dawns among readers of some of the popular press that being British does not necessarily make one a superior human being. It doesn't even necessarily follow that other countries will welcome us with open arms and thank us for coming, any more than we (and I use "we" in a very broad sense which doesn't necessarily imply that I am in agreement) appear to welcome anyone coming to the UK.

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Have not we had this paranoia about Johny Foreigner for many decades now. In my lifetime it has been West Africans, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs and more recently Poles who have now moved away from the 'whipping post' to be replaced by the Romanians. I often wonder which came first the job or the immigrant because if what one reads to be correct there were hundreds of thousands of jobs that have been gobbled up by these immigrants thus depriving your white British person of work?

Of course some will say that it is the employer who is taking advantage by paying minimum wage (something we never got when I first started work), yes but then look at the work these people are doing, picking veg etc. Seasonal agriculture is probably the biggest employer of these people. Without many of these people our veg would not get picked etc and I wonder how these people who complain would feel if we started these immigrants on £30k a year and passed the cost on to the consumer? Many white British started work after leaving school on 'minimum wage' your wages improved as you gained experience, you became more competent in your work and you started to move up the ladder resulting in wage increases. Personally this thing about immigrants coming and stealing jobs just does not work for me.

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