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Britain sleeping walking out of EU

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I presume you mean 2014. The very quick google search I have just done indicates a growth of about 1,6  ish % for 20 odd EU countries, but further down suggests that France will be less at perhaps 0.9%. Only guesses though.

Just gut feeling, but that seems high for France

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[quote user="andyh4"]Quillan "You pay VAT if you are in the EU or not the difference is you can claim it back if you are in the EU and VAT is applied by another EU country when we are talking business to business". Absolute tosh Q. Exports from the EU are VAT free provided proof of export is provided. No proof of export = the seller has to pay the VAT retrospectively (and try and claim it back from his customer). Within the EU, what you have written is broadly (and I stress broadly) correct. Believe me I have exported from across the EU to almost every country in the world (with the exception of embargo countries of course).[/quote]

I appologise your right about non EU countries, When I clicked on the link on the HMRC website I expected the information to be at the top of the page but it wasn't, it was further down, my error for not checking properly.


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[quote user="richard51"]
This thread very much criticises the "coming out" protagonists because of the lack of an understanding of what will happen if we do. May I add that perhaps we really don't know what will happen if we stay in !!


Your right and I said as much a few posts back. For both sides it is full of 'perhaps, possibly and may be' whilst nearer to the truth is at the moment nobody really knows, it is all pure conjecture.

I thought Hoddys post interesting and I think she is right about the current political situation both in the UK (also the same in other countries I think) and the EU. I have maintained for sometime that politicians have lost their way and are no longer connected with the people.

Perhaps the people are also at fault in a way in that many are so fed up that they do not even bother to register to vote and those that have do not always bother. If you take EU elections like many I used to treat them with disinterest and hardly bothered to vote, something I have changed now (voted in the last two elections and will vote in this one). As we are in the EU I think we should vote and think carefully about who vote for. One thing I was amazed to discover, it was on the Daily Politics show, is that UKIP MEP’s never vote even on serious issues which seems a waste in my mind. Like the EU or not and even if you have become an MEP you have an opportunity to change things.

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[quote user="richard51"]I presume you mean 2014. The very quick google search I have just done indicates a growth of about 1,6  ish % for 20 odd EU countries, but further down suggests that France will be less at perhaps 0.9%. Only guesses though.

Just gut feeling, but that seems high for France


You will not know the annual growth rate for 2013 until early 2014. All you can currently get for 2013 is month by month. The UK annual growth rate for 2012 was 0.3% (World Bank figures)

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Bit more info to digest.


Funny Q, you quote the results will not be available till 2014, then offer the UK figures for 2012 ?
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Interesting how some people who left the UK many many years ago to relocate to France still have strong opinions on what the UK should and should not do.

Perhaps, one of the problems with the UK is the benefits situation. Currently on UK TV there are programmes about the UK Border Agency detecting illegal immigrants trying to get in to the UK by getting in to lorries in Calais in order to enter the UK. They are detected in Calais by the UK agency, handed over to the French authorities who then release them so that they return to accumulate around the port to have another go. Surely, France should be removing them back to their own country but a lot easier if they get in to the UK.

Now why do they not want to stay in France - after all they are already there - the benefits are no good.

Perhaps if benefits were reduced then the UK would not be as attractive to others whether from within or without the UK.

Yes, any referendum should be voted on by informed opinion. Unfortunately, the hoi poloi (including DM readers and presumably those who look at the pictures in the Sun) now has the vote and not just the landed gentry.

I wonder if every member state is happy with issues such as Human Rights and the various decisions made by EU courts etc.
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[quote user="Quillan"]2012 annual figures are available in 2013 and 2013 annual figures will be available in early 2014. Just in case you are unaware there are still a few weeks left in 2013 or perhaps you are thinking monthly figures?[/quote]

Funnily enough I have very little interest in so called facts and figures. Because as a man said many years ago if you collate and interprete enough numbers and statistics you could very likely prove you are entitled to be the Emperor of China, or words to that effect. I just find it slightly irritating that you constantly try to show the UK in a bad light. By the way 'elp us out what day is Christmas?

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NickP that's exactly what I mean when I say that I don't understand economics. It's easy enough to follow your own political preferenes and find statistics to support them. I don't know that we would be worse off outside the EU on the other hand I'm not sure that I want to stay in it. Politicians tell such lies that I don't believe any of them.

I certainly don't have the impression that the UK or the EU are being run for the ordinary people, or at least that our spineless politicians dare tackle the excessive avarice of the more greedy capitalists.

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"the EU run for ordinary people"

its been a long time that the EU has been run by and for the benefit of a ruling elite. It seems very apparent that the UK in particular and to some extant France, also maintain a status-quo with a rich ruling elite. I'm not particularly left in politics, but living standards and salaries have been dropping in many western countries for yrs, the money being siphoned off via the finance sector into the hands of a tiny minority, production has largely moved overseas (with a few exceptions), job insecurity has probably never been so acutely felt since the 1930s. My Grandmother born in 1913 and passed away in 2012 often lamented that the UK and Europe were returning to a 1930s politics and economics...i do hope she was wrong because we all know what happened next!!!
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The EU is an unwieldy bureaucratic organisation with little or no political control by the people of the various EU countries. Its decisions appear to be increasingly out of touch with the lifestyle of its population.

It appears to be run on behalf of a small group of nations and their bureaucrats, not for ordinary people.
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"Living standards have been dropping for many years."

Yet the UK's growth last quarter was, according to every single report that I've read so I assume it's a fact, driven mainly by consumer spending. Spending by Joe Bloggs who already possesses far more than his dad or his granddad ever aspired to, and who apparently still has enough disposable cash to keep the national economy afloat..

It makes no sense to me.
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Quote Paul T:

Interesting how some people who left the UK many many years ago to relocate to France still have strong opinions on what the UK should and should not do.


That may be because despite their (my) demonstrated preference to live elsewhere they (I) still have emotional, family or financial (pension for example) links with the UK.
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