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[quote user="Jonzjob"]Well? I'm not too sure that I would be in your good books then Dix-sept?? I am part way through cutting down about 60 trees [6] but they are laylandii and they are dying and they will not cause any errosion, so I may be OK [8-|]

Our one list got between 93 and 97% between them and there were just the right amount, so no real excitement there and no second vote either..
[/quote]While I am opposed to indiscriminate felling of trees I feel that an exception should be made in the case of leylandii which are IMO an abomination.
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[quote user="NormanH"]If it only were so simple...

Anyone who watches French TV news, if anybody does on this Forum, cannot fail to have seen the numerous reports about our difficult situation.


I watch France2 Journal de 20H most nights. And yes, what a mess! Was any of it unexpected though?  Cannot say that any of it shocked me. And Ayrault, well, time to go? and he is not the only one, the misogamic one with the specs, should probably do the honorable thing and go too.

Now all the political manoeuvring and not all the socialists want to get into bed with anyone from the 'right' and yet if they don't, won't it all end badly.

I don't think I shall be able to bear watching french tv news reports on Sunday evening, I'll wait and see what the damage is on Monday.

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From what I have read about the elections in Montpellier and Beziers, it seems to me that once again, the left (collectively) has forgotten who the opposition really is and has decided that it would much prefer to fight amongst itself and hence split the vote across various left-ish groupings, to the benefit of the right and in particular the FN. They also seem to be more concerned with in-fighting than acknowledging the real problems that their constituents face. As NH has posted, there are areas of real deprivation in Languedoc-Roussillon and yet the various candidates are more interested in personal squabbles and back-stabbing.

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So often the  supposed 'arguments' in fact cover up animosities and personal jealousy.

In Béziers one wing of the socialists argue for a 'Front Republican' calling for opponents of the FN to vote for the UMP in order to block the FN candidate.

This position in fact  hides the real motive, which is that this group lost the primary elections for the candidate who should represent the PS, and have ever since undermined the chap who won.

The other wing argues that the Socialists should continue to stand in order to give a voice in opposition to voters who other wise will be unrepresented for the next 6 years, but of course the motive behind that argument is that the 2 leaders of that group will still keep their seats even if  overall the party loses....as long as they continue to stand.  If they withdraw they personally will lose their places.

In other words neither side's arguments are pure..

As you say meanwhile they forget to fight the rather ugly policies of the FN

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Well there it is. The Candidate supported by the Front National has won with 47% of the vote (it doesn't need an absolute majority in the second round)

Robert Ménard sera le nouveau maire de Béziers. Sa liste soutenue par le

Front National serait, en effet, arrivée en tête au terme de ce second

tour de scrutin avec 46,99 % des voix. Il devance Elie Aboud avec 34,63 %

des voix et Jean-Michel Du Plaa (18,38 %).

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[quote user="Gardian"]A bit of a dog's breakfast of a result here.

All 30 candidates (2 listes) got betweenz 45% and 53% of the votes! so the top 10 were elected from the existing Marie's list, but not her. She was 10 votes short of what she needed.

So a 2nd round on Sunday for the remaining 5 places. Hope she doesn't throw a wobbler and bale out. There'll be some horse-trading going on behind the scenes. Sadly, this is a return of the clan warfare that has going on here for years and which she had seemingly eradicated - clearly not!![/quote]

She didn't bale out & got home comfortably today.

We've heard that there has been quite a bit of nastiness (and that's putting it mildly) behind the scenes. Only thing we can say is that Mme le Maire has remained dignified and has refused to be drawn on the antics of the 'other side'.

86% turnout of those inscrits (and the number inscrit is virtually 100%), so a pretty democratic situation. Good.
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[quote user="Rabbie"][quote user="Jonzjob"]Well? I'm not too sure that I would be in your good books then Dix-sept?? I am part way through cutting down about 60 trees [6] but they are laylandii and they are dying and they will not cause any errosion, so I may be OK [8-|]

Our one list got between 93 and 97% between them and there were just the right amount, so no real excitement there and no second vote either..
[/quote]While I am opposed to indiscriminate felling of trees I feel that an exception should be made in the case of leylandii which are IMO an abomination.[/quote]

I totally agree, there is no place in this world for ''Satans trees''
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Seems like a lot of pent-up resentment is vented at local election time. I'm sure that there's a lot of score-settling that goes on in many of the smaller (and no doubt larger) towns and villages. It must have been magnified in those places where there was no panachage..

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The cliché 'wheels within wheels' doesn't begin to describe it. Perhaps that's way the series 'Engranages' was so good.

The arguments between the factions on  the left here about whether to stand or make a 'Front Républican', or between the  'respectable' far-right  and the FN, were far more bitter than those  between left and right.

I have never had any experience of panachage since it has only ever been used recently in small communities, which makes sense as presumably voters  know the people on the lists.

We get the whole lot, and any mark on the paper invalidates it.

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I spoke to a bunch of people last week, some actually on one of the local lists, others just voters. Everyone knew everyone on both of the lists, their motivation for being there, their family situation, how long they'd lived in the village and for how many generations their family had been there.. and, of course, everyone had an opinion about their suitability for office.

One of the biggest complaints being voiced was that there are so many new families moving into the village who aren't "known"  in this way. I don't think you're allowed to have a private life, or indeed keep any skeletons in the cupboard - in our village at least. I wonder how long before you're expected to lodge a CV with the Mairie when you move in?

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I certainly find politics more personal than I remember from the UK, but that may be because here I am retired so have more time. It may also be because of café culture: seeing them over a coffee isn't quite the same thing as meeting in a pub.

  I frequently bump into the MP,  Maire, ad know quite a lot of the councillors from all camps, even if they might deny knowing me [6]

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BFM are reporting that Manuel Valls is off to see Monsieur Patapouf at the Elysee this morning.

If he becomes PM then it would be the first sensible thing that Patapouf has done in two years,   and he'd have my support (a rare thing).

I don't think there's much doubt that national politics (and dissatisfaction with the current bunch of muppets) has outshone most local issues,  although as other have said the Left has made something of a speciality of fighting each other rather than anyone or anything else relevant!

So good may come out of all this.

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I don't know why I don't, but I do not like the 'look' of Manuel Valls. It isn't as if he is a bad looking bloke, but there is something 'very angry and resentful' looking about those eyes, and personally, I trust my gut feeling about him.

I see him en costard on the tv and often wonder if he has been told to get out of his track suit bottoms, hoodie, baseball cap and baskets and for a 'respectable' look, which never works for me.

This worries me Martin 963. Still could he do any worse a job than the current guignol has been doing? I suppose that is the billion euro question!

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Well - you might be surprised to hear - I absolutely respect your "take" on Valls and you may well be right.

And if I gather correctly most of the hard-left associated with the government may well "get up and walk out" if he becomes PM.

He does seem to be fairly popular (and not just with his natural supporters) and might just be the "compromise" PM that brings (the majority of) the French population together,  which goodness knows is what's needed at the moment.

It seems that the wretched Patapouf asked Le Drian if he'd like to have a go,  to which the reply was "No,  try Valls,  he's your man".     You honestly couldn't make it up.....

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In Montpellier, the "official" PS candidate lost to the "dissident socialist" candidate: I think that this is in part the legacy of the PS split with Freche whose shadow still looms large over Montpellier, despite being dead three and a half years. The FN were never going to do well in Montpellier (as opposed to the hinterland) and got just under 10% of the vote.

Meanwhile, back in Beziers, cars and rubbish bins and an electrical transformer were set on fire, and the ERDF repairmen came under attack from stones, so left without repairing it, leaving the area in darkness.


Were they celebrating or protesting? Or was this just an ordinary Sunday evening?

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Actually from the bits of news I have seen, it has not been as catastrophic as I had dreaded. Not good, but certainly not as bad.

Re Valls, well who likes him?

Worst thing that happened years ago was that Jospin didn't become President, I had great hopes for Jospin which may have been misplaced, but we'll never know now will we. It isn't as if I had any real hopes for Hollande, but I detested Sarkozy, so he seemed the better option, but frankly he wasn't...... and I still detest Sarko.

French politics have always been strange and interesting and so it continues.[Www]

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I am sat here smiling quite happily, the loathsome little toad who was Maire in 'my' french village, has been ousted. He may still have a seat on the council, but the boss man, he is certainly not and I hope that this result really hurt and offended him. Cannot think of a better person for it to happen to.

And now I am going to call friends and get the gossip[:-))]

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[quote user="Pickles"]In Montpellier, the "official" PS candidate lost to the "dissident socialist" candidate: I think that this is in part the legacy of the PS split with Freche whose shadow still looms large over Montpellier, despite being dead three and a half years. The FN were never going to do well in Montpellier (as opposed to the hinterland) and got just under 10% of the vote.

Meanwhile, back in Beziers, cars and rubbish bins and an electrical transformer were set on fire, and the ERDF repairmen came under attack from stones, so left without repairing it, leaving the area in darkness.


Were they celebrating or protesting? Or was this just an ordinary Sunday evening?


Rather calmer than a normal Sunday...

In my quarter they are keeping their powder dry until the squads of CRS of were bussed in have had to go somwhere else..   These are not the CRS, but the Police Municiopale who the new Maire intendes to arm..


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[quote user="idun"]

Re Valls, well who likes him?



More or less anyone in the UMP when asked the question "Who is the least ghastly socialist?".

Alternatively, those who like Taubira seem not to like Valls,   and vice versa - at least in my limited experience.

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I had no idea that Valls was a spanish immigrant. I must say that I prefer Taubira to Valls, but only 'just'. There seems few in the current government I would put my trust in, and these feeling spill over into the opposition too.

As all our income comes from France, french politics will always remain of great interest to me[Www]

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[quote user="NormanH"]That is the casual racism of the right that prefers a  male Spanish immigrant to a woman of colour.


I think it's more to do with the fact that Taubira is somewhat to the left of Valls.

But you can dress it up however you like...

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