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Calais ... again

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How you think that my post was abusive is beyond me, you must live a very sheltered life.

As has been correctly stated, many white English train in the NHS, but when are offered the chance of higher wages and better conditions elsewhere in the world choose to leave. And do you blame them, if the UK wont pay a proper wage, you know the old saying, ‘pay peanuts’.

So they trot off to better climes with richer pickings, and we have to put up with what's left in the UK. Another reason many leave (and I know one personally who did leave after many years in the service for this very reason) is they don't actually wish to work with so many immigrants, and really, who can blame them??

As you watch the UK news, you would no doubt have seen the 1000+ boat ‘people’ the Royal Navy took on board one of their ships yesterday alone, these sailors had to wear protective masks as it was said they did not know what diseases the boarders may have. And some want these people to be allowed to stay in Europe, ARE WE MAD!!!,

Only Friday, the Border agency found sixty plus illegals in the rear of four lorries driven by polish drivers at an east coast port. They took some of the illegals to Colchester hospital for treatment.

My wife has no immune system, suppose they had been taken to a hospital my wife was attending?? Why should our government allow this, why should my wife's very life be put at risk by allowing them in, and did they have to wait for hours in A&E, or did they get seen straight away??

All this time Dave is off at a G7 summit sucking up to Merkel & Hollande and the way he was with Obama, well, penetration may have taken place.

Latest is, Dave says he will sack Conservatives who do not want to stay in the EU, he really is a spineless leader for sure.

I am so glad I did not vote for him, I always have voted Conservative in the past, but I have never believed he would give a fair in/out referendum, so I choose UKIP this time round. There was no danger that Labour would have taken the seat in my area, as you could have put up a monkey to stand here and if it wore a blue rosette it would have won.

Unfortunately the party I would liked to have voted for did not have a candidate available here.
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Back to the Calais problem, BIL came through early on sat morning on return to UK. He said it was a case of foot down as the clandestins were everywhere in large groups and if they got run over, so be it as he and all his truckie mates from all over Europe not just the UK are same minded in that their lives and vehicles come first and these people,regardless of their circumstances have no business causing innocent drivers to be frightened for their lives nor even be there!
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Ebaysnut, I think it is offensive to accuse someone of lying. You may think that is OK but I don't. The problem of the illegal immigrants coming across the Mediterranean will still be a problem even if the UK leaves the EU. The only immigration that will be affected if there is a Brexit is the currently legal immigration from other EU countries.

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Your BiL has every sympathy from me. They are getting bolder (or just more reckless) and I can only feel it's a matter of time before someone is killed.

I was at Calais at the weekend and there are more clandestines  than ever, possibly a thousand or more. The tent city is huge and I hear there is in-fighting on tribal/racial/religious grounds.  I can imagine gangs forming and extorting money just to allow the chance of risking to get on a truck. But what to do? Can't keep them, can't send them back.

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[quote user="Val_2"]Back to the Calais problem, BIL came through early on sat morning on return to UK. He said it was a case of foot down as the clandestins were everywhere in large groups and if they got run over, so be it as he and all his truckie mates from all over Europe not just the UK are same minded in that their lives and vehicles come first and these people,regardless of their circumstances have no business causing innocent drivers to be frightened for their lives nor even be there![/quote]

Val, I rather think that it is time for the drivers to get together and do a joint porte plainte contre X². IF they do, it might get in the papers etc and on the news, especially if they tipped journalists off (maybe the Daily Mail and the others would have to follow) and it might get something done. Because it is they who are unable to go about their daily business and they are responsible for the 'loads' which they carry.

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Well the Uk can't do anything except try and work co-operatively with other EU countries in relation to border policing. Other than that, checking every single vehicle that comes off the Ferry. Leaving the EU will only make it worse as far as I can see.. even less chance of co operation .
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The only answer is to sink the boats they cross the Med in, or just leave them and let nature take it course. If armed guards turned them back from Europe , it should stop the next load from leaving, as it is, they see the boats are being ‘rescued’ on the news. so more and more will come. As most speak English, guess where they will head.

There was one young black male being interviewed on TV the night before last, he told of his sorry tale, of friends killed on the way, then he supposedly ‘broke down’, his acting was of a standard he could secure a role in east enders when he does arrive here.

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Australia has islands to which they take "boat people "

The rule is any person who arrives in or attempts to go to Australia without first having first gone through the proceedure to be let in will NEVER be permitted entry into the country and that message has been made loud and clear .

The only answer IMO is to set up an internment camp on an Italian or Greek island where ALL people who arrive without papars are placed while the applications for acceptance by EU are carried out .The fact that this may take years if ever granted at all to be well advertised

The present system of taking a thousand dollars a head to squeeze a couple of humdred into a boat telling them they will not be in it long as the English will be along to pick you up .Is crazy..

They have to know they are heading to a lock up with the prospect that they may be there for years when they are picked up to preven them leaving .... And those already in the EU such as the thousand or more in Calais rounded up and taken to the island .

America had Ellis island the Australians have theirs to hold and process people .... but will the socialist leaders of the EU have the balls to even consider such a proposal let alone to agree among themselves to carry it out ? I cant see it so in the meantime we await the million or more that will come our way this summer to build their shelters under flyovers and squat and defecate in the drains at the curb sides.throughout Europe

I suspect one day my grandchildren may ask me when it impacts on their lives why we let the current mass immigration situation happen ... ".We were weak."... will be the only answer I may be able to give them .

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I have no answer other than to say that there is a most interesting programme on Arte at the moment looking at the impact of immigration on a multitude of countries - including the UK - in the last 40 years.

Looking at the anger and despair of the resident population of any country that has/had accepted the arrival of immigrants during this time gives me little hope that a peaceful solution will be found to the present crisis, which is seemingly beginning to overwhelm such countries as Italy viz Sicily and now Greece viz Kos.


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Loving the way Frederick assumes that by dint of a bit of political foot stamping, Australia has deterred all illegal immigration. Do you really believe that, Frederick? Why do you think it's called "illegal" immigration? No amount of legislation will prevent people who want to get into another country from finding a way.

The USA did, indeed, have Ellis Island, now a museum, of course, and sod all use in preventing the influx of illegal migrants from Mexico, Cuba and all points south...

And I'll just say it again, for those who missed it. The percentage of these migrants going (and wanting to go) to Germany makes the UK look like it only got 1 star on Trip Advisor.
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Seems like my estimate of 'more than a thousand', although accurate was way short of the mark

In this BBC video report it would appear it's more like 3000

Again I notice that the occupants of this camp are exclusively young men.  What happens to the young/old/women?  Are they left to suffer in the countries that this lot have been so desperate to leave?

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Lindal1000 wrote,

I suspect that one day our grandchildren may ask us why we created an unstable situation in the middle east and then turned our back on the situation we had created.

I fully agree with your post above. However, when you say ‘we’ created, well it was not me. I did not vote for Tony Blair to lead our country. I did not believe his lies that Iraq had WMD, so the UK and the US could invade and slaughter the people there.

Just before the invasion, there was a rally and march in London against the war ( hardly a war, when the UK and US had the power they did and the Iraq had, well not much) over 1,000,000 people marched in protest against the invasion. Many more, like myself did not believe we should invade Iraq, but no, TB knew it all and took us into this. The ordinary people of the UK did not want this, blame the government, blame our soldiers for carrying out the orders they were given, but do not blame the UK people as a whole.

Then our government, who are suppose to protect us from foreign invasion allow millions to enter our country, (the very people our soldiers bombed and killed and tortured), both legally and illegally, remember David Blunkett was in charge of immigrant during his time in government, a time of huge numbers entering the UK, you really could not make it up, a blind man in charge of immigration???

I fully hold Tony Blair responsible for starting the whole thing off, but as always it will be the ‘little’ people who have to suffer,. and he will live guarded by his security for the rest of his life. If only IS had the balls to get him, but no, that will never happen, they will just murder easy targets like aid workers etc.

I also agree with Pierre ZFP and Val2 above the fact that is young men who are coming, men of fighting age, where indeed are the women and children and elderly, clearly, they put themselves before their family, so what chance will we have when they all arrive, as arrive they will.
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[quote user="lindal1000"]I suspect that one day our grandchildren may ask us why we created an unstable situation in the middle east and then turned our back on the situation we had created.[/quote]

Correct ... and the EU paid Gadafi to prevent people from crossing the Med as they are today . Mistake gettting rid of him now it appears .

As for choosing Germany over the UK as the most popular destination...I think the channel may have more to do with that.. Lets hope they will be happy in Germany but given the history that country has of political factions setting fire to multy occupation houses of Turks and the feeling towards the new arrivals it may all end very badly for some .
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I suspect lineal might have been trying to draw attention to the total lack of humanity being expressed by some of "our" generation on this thread, rather than suggesting that Gadaffi and Saddam were jolly nice chaps that we got all wrong. I'm glad that my own children and others of their generation will hopefully grow into less self-interested bigots than some of those closer to my own age group.
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Think of the middle east like this, there is a hornets nest at the bottom of your field, if you leave it alone, the hornets will live there getting on with their lives happily and not bothering anyone in your house.

Go to the hornets nest and try killing/gassing them, they get angry and move away from the nest, attacking everyone and everything, some moving towards your house, trying to set up new homes there. You then have to kill them all, costs a fortune and take huge amounts of time.

Would it not have been best to have left the hornets nest alone in the first place, and everyone, including the hornets could have just got on with their lives??

As for the ‘migrants’ preferring to go to Germany as opposed to the UK, boy what a difference 80 years makes for sure.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I am mildly surprised that this thread has not popped to the top again.

I was very lucky inasmuch that I was going to drive back to UK last weekend but changed my plans and flew instead

I'd probably still be trying to get back!  Worse if you were on Eurostar  and had to put back to Paris/Brussels/London

It is well and truly out of hand.  I spoke at the weekend with a friend who I haven't seen for ages and has just retired from Border Control.  He said it was easy to know which trucks had illegals in, they smelt of bonfires.  He also said that they just didn't have the manpower to look in but a fraction of vehicles so no effective control at all

BBC story HERE

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Whatever the rights and wrongs it's very unpleasant for those involved. I know it's only minor in the scale of things, but my 13 year old grand daughter is on her way back home now having spent the last 30 hours on a coach going on a school trip to nowhere. They are tired, hungry and very disappointed.
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Ah Hoddy, you have made me smile, as I was having this conversation with a friend just yesterday, as she was telling me that one of her grandchildren was whinging about something along those lines.

I remember clearly being young and the thing about those long trips was that they were great, with my mates and it didn't matter where we were, away from home and no 'bed time'. And we were always grateful as we knew that this was a treat, that it cost our parents. I sound old, but what did happen to the value of things and appreciation?

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I don't think the appreciation has gone anywhere Idun. Her older sister went two years ago and loved every minute of it; now this has added to the younger one's disappointment because she was looking forward to it so much.
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Betty have we hit the North South divide here. A good friend of ours was saying the other week that the difference they see when they visit London to see family is that when the south is doing poorly, that is as good as it gets for the North, when London is doing well, there is no comparison.

We have high unemployment in this region and now rumours are circulating that immigrants are being bused in at night and accommodated. This when in my opinion, the evil IDS,  is not making Job Centres help people into training or work, but simply trying to stop payments.

We do not want or need immigrants around here. We need the local population sorting out and NO FUNDING for those who cannot be axsed to sort their own countries out.

And yes, we were in France, but our situation was particular and we didn't cost the french a sou, or centime.

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It's hard for me to say, Idun. Although I still have family in the north, as it's where I'm from and grew up, I live in the SE of England.

For a fair few years now, my work has brought me into contact on a daily basis with migrants into the UK. From everywhere. As I've said before, most of them work their socks off, generally in jobs for which they're overqualified. They study English in their own time and at their own expense. They pay tax and NI and rent and council tax, and in some cases send a few quid home if they can do so.

I contrast them with the yobs that so terrorised one of my Russian students (a computer programmer,working from home, remotely, for Russian clients whilst her husband worked for a UK company) that she was afraid to go out alone. Kids, four of them, who abused and assaulted her at a bus stop and told her to "eff off home and stop taking our jobs" despite the fact that they weren't even old enough to have jobs.

And the nice people that took one of my Polish students out of a pub in Chertsey and kicked him about until they'd broken his arm badly enough for it to require a couple of pins.

Or the people that killed a Polish guy in north London, just for being Polish, it seems, and left his 22 year old niece, one of my students, to deal with the police, the coroner, the post mortem, the repatriation of his body....

All those people should have been very, very glad to leave the UK. However, unlike some of us, they seemed to manage to rise above their experiences and to retain the view that not all British people are heartless, violent, abusive barstewards..just as not all immigrants are (insert adjective of your choice)
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